I've seen them several times over the years. And yeah, great concert. One thing I never thought about was the lack of chicks at a Rush show...until someone brought that up a tour or 2 ago. Sounded like a running joke.
So I went last night, at the AAC. There were more women than I'd ever seen. Maybe being indoors, as opposed to playing Starplex like they have for several years, had something to do with it.
I was pointing that out to the friends I went with. A lot were probably trashy hot in their day (with that day being 30 years ago), but now look kinda rough. There were a few who were "Rush hot" and a small number who were hot in anyone's book. Meerschaum, maybe one of them was your dancer friend.
I just want some girl to come on here and say she went, and not against her will. LOL.