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Old 11-06-2012, 09:40 PM   #16
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Don't let the negative energy from others bring you down. You are a long, lean, beautiful woman!
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Old 11-06-2012, 09:43 PM   #17
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Summer, life is a gift...but it doesn't always come wrapped in pretty pink bows and has no guarantees. The choices you make are ALL YOURS...right or wrong...as long as you take responsibility for your actions...and, not place unwarranted blame, on innocent people...you can stand proud!

There will always be very SAD and MALICIOUS people, who enjoy spreading dissention and start conflicts...for their own amusement, because their lives are so dull and miserable.

The true test of one's character...is to rise above the insanity and bullshit...and come out the winner! Winners NEVER QUIT!! So, whenever these hypocrits try to SLANDER YOU...just dig in and stand strong!! No one here is perfect...NO ONE!!
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Old 11-06-2012, 09:54 PM   #18
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Hey Summer... Remain resilient and to hell with all the rude comments and ignorant people that are attempting to smear your name and bring you down. And to those of you who don't enjoy Summer's company, move on, it's that simple! But don't belittle a person, you know why? Because words hurt and I feel Summer's already been thru enough hurt by now! Unless you're offering kind words and encouragement, leave this young lady alone...
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Old 11-06-2012, 09:56 PM   #19
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Fuck it..just be a quitter. Its easy
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Old 11-06-2012, 09:57 PM   #20
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Aww you guys really have me speechless with a huge smile.... I had no idea I had so much support. I guess you could say I felt like I didn't really "fit in." I'm an odd ball, I know it lol but I really feel accepted. It's an amazing feeling. Thank you so much everyone for everything. As it was stated you provide support in the time the person needs support, and you guys went above an beyond. I have love for you all!
<3 SB
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Old 11-06-2012, 10:53 PM   #21
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You are an OLD BALL...that's exactly why you fit in!! (lol) Babygirl...you're mature for your age, but give yourself a break...you're only 19yrs old!

When I was 19, I was a virgin...HOLY MOLY!! (lol) I didn't even know anything about sex, let alone...having to worry if I'm too skinny, or if I'm handling my business correctly! It's a LEARNING PROCESS, and even though there are hobbyists who think they're experts, at PROVIDING 101...they have absolutely, NO CLUE, about this business!

It's NOTHING like any other type of business. Yes, customer service is important...but, when your mind and body is being scrutinized 24/7, and you're under a microspcope for every mistake you make...it takes a toll on even the strongest of providers.

You're gonna make thousands of mistakes in your lifetime...so what? You can't please everyone...all of the time!!
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Old 11-06-2012, 11:30 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by VIP Latina Barbie View Post
Stay strong, Summer. I think you are drop-dead-gorgeous. Ignore the drama and go to the symphony, or watch a documentary. There are so many awesome things to do which do not include reading this board. Every time you read it, you are wasting valuable time that you have to do the fun things which bring a smile to your face. I was glancing at the co-ed to see what is up, and this broke my heart. You have to be strong. I have become very strong this year and at any point when someone name-calls me, I will ignore the person and smile as though it doesn't matter or as if it is very irrelevant in my life! Remember, Good Karma!

Chin up! xo


Jesus Christ!!! I can't fucking stand this shit!!! How dare people make you feel so badly!!! VLB is right!!! Trust me babe, ive been there!!! So has she!!! Ckearly the bullying just doesn't stop!!! I'm behind you 100% !!! This makes me so sick to the stomach!!! Can I call you babe? I think I still have your number. I just want to atleast try to support you and help sway you into not giving in!!! I promise!!!, I am walking talking proof that the bullying will stop, and you can succeed emotionally and will have a vast sense of support in due time!!! VLB went thru a lot last year!! Yet she stood her grounds, defended herself, and ignored the bullshit that defending wouldn't seem to matter, and she's here today thriving!! Loving and living!!! Babe, please don't let these horrible bullies in mentally and emotionally!!! They are trash!!! In fact, I'm assuming, by the sites policy, can't you OUT these fuck wads??? Lmk what I can do to help, you have my word ill help put this shit to rest. Watch me. And I'm pretty sure many of us ladies who care, including VLB, will help make sure that you can provide happily and successfully.

Damn effin bullies who have no lives!!! Karma will get you real soon. One can only hope!!!
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Old 11-07-2012, 12:09 AM   #23
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You are simply adorable...
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Old 11-07-2012, 12:24 AM   #24
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Wink Good!

Originally Posted by ~SummerBaylee~ View Post
Aww you guys really have me speechless with a huge smile.... I had no idea I had so much support. I guess you could say I felt like I didn't really "fit in." I'm an odd ball, I know it lol but I really feel accepted. It's an amazing feeling. Thank you so much everyone for everything. As it was stated you provide support in the time the person needs support, and you guys went above an beyond. I have love for you all!
<3 SB
You have a unique look (especially eyeballing the local scene, lol). We're not personally acquainted, but I've always found your contributions on this board - both here and in the powder room - sharp, insightful, and funny , and I can't help but imagine the woman generating them the same. Speaking from personal experience, it's usually guys that have the inability to put on weight resulting in a similar long-limbed, spare, angular articulation of their natural anatomy, so...a little understanding wouldn't be much amiss, Men (hint, hint)...I think, in females, we call them Kate Moss and Candice Swanpoel, lol. Most of the women I know would kill for that type of natural sparity - and that especially in an aesthetically driven arena (think Egon Schiele and his dancers ).

You represent in your physique one end of the spectrum, nearing its' extreme - as such, you're always going to beg comment, solicited or not; generous or...<cough, cough> otherwise, lol. In the hobby so much of our self-image can't help but become tied to our physical evaluation by the seemingly unending scrutiny of a totally random cross-section of the male population...what's important is that we each ultimately embrace and cultivate ourselves, our looks included, regardless of outside influence to the contrary. Even more importantly, trumping the superficial (no matter how deeply felt), owning ourselves completely and without exception - consciously defining precisely what that shape represents to us and stands for when caught in the passing reflection of a car window or restroom mirror...YOU know who you are; THEY don't (hmmm, methinks I'se smells une "teachable moment". So, see it as a challenge to everyday demonstrate by your words and actions, your overall comportment, just what THAT body, YOUR body, and the soul that owns it is about

Fuck the quit this talk, head up/back straight!! Lol. Next time somebody acts up, channel the inner courtesy I am confident you have within your gorgeous posession, and reintroduce them to the door through which they brought their unwanted bullshit...Take it easy and hope to run into you one of these days.

Sans humility (so not regal and whatnot, ya know...lol),

The White Queen
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Old 11-07-2012, 12:33 AM   #25
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I can't add anything that hasn't already been said by others here.

You know I've told you that if it wasn't for your youth (not hating on it, personal preference thing as I said to you) that you'd be a favorite of mine.

You are Smoking Hot and I love that "Just Fucking With You" personality.

With the above advice that you took to heart, you'll do good.

*Pb wonders why she can't be closer to his age so he could take her for a much deserved vacation that we both need*
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Old 11-07-2012, 01:11 AM   #26
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^white Queen Hit the nail on the head!
It takes a strong lady with thick skin to survive in this Bizz! I know myself. Bitching and complaining about it is NOT going to help. Just going to make it worse. If you are who you are and you don't care what people think then go about your Strong Beautiful Seductive self. People have said shit about me being deformed and having a hair lip and cleft lip when I almost died from a dog attck at age 4... I Know what I went through as a child and it's sad that ADULTS ARE NO BETTER. I know myself inside and out and I show it "I'm Pretty Bad ASS, And I am Sexy and Beautiful no matter WHAT". No Matter how old you get ppl are still going to voice their comments. Just show you are better, STRONGER, and dust your shoulders off love. If you say you don't have the time, well DO NOT GIVE THEM TIME!!!!!! Relax baby Girl! Your Fine!!!!
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Old 11-07-2012, 01:26 AM   #27
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Summer you are fairly new to this. I've been watching this stuff for 10 years. Every single great girl on here including 3 or 4 who are on this thread and considered some of the best in SA have been cruelly bashed at one point. Remember this is the internet and this board is open to ANYONE including small minded gossipy losers who think they have something important to say. You can always tell them because they take this shit WAY too seriously. They think they can save a girl or change her or the way she thinks.

Actually they are thwarted in their pursuit of the satisfaction of their sexual addiction not realizing it will never be satisfied. So in their unrealistic expectations of materializing their porno fantasies they expect you to fill that huge hole in their life and assuage their depression. When they can't "buy" their way out of their emotional illness who do you think they are going to blame? That's right sweetheart---you.
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Old 11-07-2012, 02:36 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by MsPrittiKitti View Post
How does one do that? ...."wait. If youre gonna tell me anything about myself, STOP. *plugs ears & walk away* ..... (not trying to be mean, but its almost impossible. )

Anyway....SB, when "this" is no longer fun, a break is very much needed.
Sometimes we give so much of ourselves, to this lifestyle, it feels like a slap in the face....when people dont play "nice". Im sorry that harsh things were said, or that the pic was posted. It wasnt nice.

If you need to take a break, quit, come back, retire or whatever....DO IT!!! Through it all, you may learn that YOU have to take care of YOU, before you can even try to take care of a gent & meet their needs. They (hobbyist) will always be here. LOL and many of the same ladies as well. Myself, probably included.

Take care of yourself pretty girl!!! Stay strong!! ♥

I have to agree, when horrible things are stated about me, 'tis very very hard to just let it roll off like water on a ducks back... as a woman, you cant help but feel the emotional urge to protect and defend yourself....whether it generates a progressive result or negative result, you still want to verbally protect yourself and your professional rep here...
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Old 11-07-2012, 03:01 AM   #29
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Pay attention now, Miss Baylee.

{Both middle fingers up}

Now repeat after me,.
"Eat fish heads, Dickhole"

Now don't you feel better? I know I do.

Thancks for the pep talk!




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Old 11-07-2012, 03:28 AM   #30
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Don't quit. Success is the greatest revenge.
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