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Old 11-05-2012, 05:49 PM   #1
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Default Why Romney Would be the Worst Thing To Happen To America

From http://www.politicususa.com

Mitt Romney is a Caricature of All That is Wrong with the Republican Party

By: Sarah JonesNovember 5th, 2012

Change means different things to different people. It’s a common enough campaign promise; in fact, Mitt Romney is running on “change” this cycle. Romney promises to deliver change on Day One, some of which is going to happen just because he was elected, according to him. In an email to supporters, he wrote, “This election is a turning point for America. It is a time for greatness, for big change, and for action — not more idle words. I’m not just talking about change, I actually have a plan to make it happen. From day one of my presidency, I will restore common sense to Washington, by cutting wasteful spending and putting us on a path toward a balanced budget.”

Romney’s “change” is actually not change but rather going back to Bush policies, by doubling down on Bush’s tax cuts and deregulation while amping up defense spending way past what the Pentagon said they needed. Romney says he’s running on “change” but he won’t give us any specifics of what that means or looks like, other than promising that he will deliver the 12 million jobs experts say will come our way if we keep doing what Obama is doing now.

Romney also wants to take us back to the social policies of the 1950s, you know, back in the good old days when women knew their place and people were “wholesome” (aka: trapped in bad marriages and housewives were drugged to dull the pain).

That’s Romney’s idea of “change”. I have no idea how he thinks he could change wasteful spending on Day One, but that is probably just campaign rhetoric best ignored, unless you feel like trying to hold him to the same standards Republicans have applied to Obama. I don’t suggest it. We fall down way before we get that high.

Obama’s ideas of change are changes that benefit the people (I detailed examples here), protecting them from corporate interests and helping them get a fair shot if they work hard. The man isn’t perfect and we are so far from digging our way out of 40 years of Republican “values”. I fear it will take another 40 to fix the systemic damage.

We are not where we need to be yet. We may never be where we should be. In a democracy, the fight for the people to maintain their power is never-ending. The elite will always try to steal power back, using religion and propaganda to do it as they have through history. The question isn’t are we where we should be, but are we going in the right direction.

Under Obama, we have made huge strides for the people. That is the right direction, and no, this isn’t even a question of ideology anymore. It’s a question of corporate elites versus the people. Mitt Romney represents the worst of the Republican Party and none of the necessary balance conservatism can lend to progress (real conservatism, not social Darwninism and subsidies for big oil masked as conservatism).

Republicans have forced Democrats to bear responsibility for the conservatives’ burden of fiscal prudence and balanced budgets since Clinton’s days, as they chased women’s reproductive health over a cliff. They abandoned civic duty and intellectualism to the Democrats, greedily siding with corporations and using churches to sell harmful policies to the masses. Republicans are the frothing, irrational radicals of hate now, infamous for not believing in science or polls or reality. Most of the real conservatives are in the Democratic Party now.

The Republican Party has become a sad caricature of itself, and Mitt Romney is the perfect albeit unintentional parody of that caricature. Obama is a great choice as a candidate on his own, but next to Mitt Romney, he is the only choice.
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Old 11-05-2012, 09:27 PM   #2
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What a twinkie eating ding dong this slot is.

Poor little hose bag thinks that big government is the power
of the people. Where is Chairman Mao when you need him.

Hey, she's just another card carrying liberal though, just like all the rest.

ha ha ha ha
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Old 11-05-2012, 10:17 PM   #3
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no worse than Bush because he is Bush
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Old 11-05-2012, 11:03 PM   #4
Mr MojoRisin
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I've been lurking in this thing the "Sandbox" and have read many Threads and Post. One thing I've noticed is the blatant ignorance and flat rudeness of almost everyone. First of all America is primarilly based on Capitalism. Capitalism is really a total waste when a country can't even maintain a healthy employment rate and not to mention a national deficit thats so incredibly high that it's higher than about five countries put together. The biggy to me is for America to be in debt to a country like China such a disgrace. I pretty much expect an Obama win Tuesday. Not because he will pull this country out of the malaise but because people don't know the difference between promises and progress. The Media and the pundits all confuse us with their so called expert opinions and polls, which remind me of Horoscopes, not one is exactly alike. Romney can't win because he doesn't represent the fair majority of the people in the working class. If Romney did win his administration would be certainly different than Obama's, but no more effective. An Obama re-election, I see disaster. continued problems in the Middle East, Unemployment will remain what it is and the deficit will remain what it is. The only real difference in Obama's second term will be Obamacare will be implimented. This country really can't move foreward with the type of leadership we've had for the past several years because the country is to diverse. People don't get along, people don't respect eachother, they resent eachother. You here talk of race wars and mayhem after the election. A country can't move foreward under that. A country can't make progress under that. It can only stagnate and die.

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Old 11-05-2012, 11:05 PM   #5
Yssup Rider
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You sure are laughing a lot bulljay.

The joke's on you though. Your bitterness will be just what we need in our transition to a true Democracy, where even dipshits and idiots are given a fair shake. You should embrace the next four (12) years, bitch.

America is back!

PS -- rudeness in the Sandbox? FUCK YOU JIM!
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Old 11-05-2012, 11:13 PM   #6
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True democracy is un-American, Assup. The Founders specifically DID NOT want a democracy! True democracy is socialism, which I guess that makes you a socialist.
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Old 11-06-2012, 01:26 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
You sure are laughing a lot bulljay.

The joke's on you though. Your bitterness will be just what we need in our transition to a true Democracy, where even dipshits and idiots are given a fair shake. You should embrace the next four (12) years, bitch.

America is back!

PS -- rudeness in the Sandbox? FUCK YOU JIM!
I'm a Constitutionalist, and America is a Republic not a Democracy.

We only have a democratic electorial system, and I don't care if
a Pedophelic Neo-Nazi Bed Wetter gets elected to be our president
they are still subject to the constitution, LEX-REX The Law Is
King. That is the way it is suppose to be in our country. The
government and the military are sworn to uphold our constitution
above all else. Our founding fathers wouldn't even let the government
come into being until they had an agreed upon constitution in place.

That is why we are so lucky to have the constitution that we do have.

So many worship at the alter of democracy without understanding
what it is really all about.

Take radical Islam for an example.

Take radical Islam and add democracy to it and you get a republic
with sharia law as it's constitution, have fun with that.
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