When it rains it pours. I'm sitting at home, first time on eccie in weeks, wishing I was at the social

I've changed my sig line that I'm not avail for the hobby until further notice.
After a few weeks of traveling and then having to be out for a few weeks due to a flare up of a chronic "non contagious" illness, I was def looking to get back in the hobby and having fun.... Alas, due to a "freak incident" non hobby related & non contagious, I found myself in the hospital for a bit and I'm finally home recovering.
Thank you to those who visited me in the hospital bringing me flowers, warm fuzzy blankets/slippers, magazines, lotions, phone chargers, candy, and lunches. It made me feel very loved
As a personal rule, I do not hobby when I NEED the income, so until I'm back at my "day job" and feel 100% again, I won't be taking appts. As always, those that have seen me before will get priority when I return.
Several ladies are dealing with much more severe health probs than myself, so I consider myself very lucky and hope that you gents do your best to support them in their time of need.
Now that I'm home, I hope to be on the boards reading all the great threads & insight. Wonder what happened to cause the hosp to block this board, but allow porn sites LOL Seriously, did someone order a provider to their hosp room?? LOL