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Old 10-09-2012, 05:41 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Of course. ... it was the Republicans fault. Not the EPA's who wanted an additional impact study to be completed before approving the project. Obaminable himself said there had to be additional studies to determine the environmental impact.

So, who killed again?

I dont care which party did what, when it comes to representing the facts or include the entire picture to support those facts .. the republican house tried to float in the Keystone deal attached to another bill RIGHT before the other bill went to a vote .. the dem senate (and a few republicans too) werent on board with the deal on such short notice. The EPA is just another talking point that helps the house dodge the responsibility ...

look it up
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Old 10-09-2012, 07:38 PM   #92
Mr E
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Ok people I am tired of reading the off the wall stuff. I could set everything straight but that would take way too long and I suspect I would let slip a couple of secrets so I will keep it short. Well more than I will in this short version.

Gas prices in California are so high because they have a clean air mindset(nazis), I use that word to make the comments from a few posters more interesting) and it costs more to make the gas there. Remember that CA has pretty much set the standard for emissions of all gas powered objects for the rest of the country.

Now the next problem effecting them can, has had, and will have the same effect in other parts of the country. It damn will have a bigger effect in the future to parts of or to the entire nation in the future than what we see in CA at the moment.

What is it already you ask. Refinery production is the answer. The nation has only so much refinery production capability and it is declining. The only reason it has not gotten worse is that we as consumers have been cutting back on use. So when one refinery in CA goes off line for a few months the production was cut below keep even levels especially when a second refinery went off line for some strange reason. So all of a sudden all that oil sitting around in tanks waiting to be turned into gas and can't be then you suddenly have less gas to burn and people end up having to pay more for it. But keep in mind the second refinery was only off line for a couple of days and that is causing the panic pricing.

This is a nationwide problem just waiting to be a real tack in the ass. Oh of course big corporations could be limiting production output just to prop up prices. (shhh I did not say that) Now who is to blame for not having enough reserve refinery production capability. Government regulations, the not in my back yard people, corporations wanting the government(us as is in me and you) to pay for new refineries. Oh hell let me blame both political parties. Oh double hell, let me go all in and, lets blame the last few Presidents. (sesh)

Keep in mind that an airline holding company bought a refinery that was going to be closed down. Why? So they could cut out the middle men adding to the cost of jet fuel in the northeast. So now this once former gas refinery is now making jet fuel or will be shortly.

Oil supply is not the current problem, aside from the refinery issues. Oil tankers sitting at anchor for months, many months I say, with loads of oil have been bought and sold by speculators not only keeping the supply down but driving up prices by letting it sit at anchor for how long? Months. From one to two hands worth the last I heard But then there is not much room here in the US for all that oil sitting around in ships. But then some other countries do this trick also to drive supply down and price up. Or to just keep it from us to hurt us.

In the long part response this is where I would get into the deep dark secret stuff. Or did I hide it. Nope sorry to say

So to recap in short. Less ability to make gasoline no matter how much oil is waiting to be turned into gas means less gas to burn period. And as we know the less there is the more we pay.

Ok not convinced yet. Diesel fuel. 10 years ago it was always cheaper than gas. Now it has gone on a diet and it is now ultra low sulfur and costs more than before to make it. And for some strange reason it is now normal to cost more than gas. Refiners have figured out that diesel consumption is pretty much level so they started to make only enough to meet average demands. So when demand goes up so does the price but not the created supply. After Hurricane Katrina off road diesel fuel(dyed) was allowed for use in on road vehicles because the demand for diesel went up and the refineries in that area where shut down for a period of time. Which happened right after rationing started in certain areas. Since then the spread of the price difference between gas and diesel has grown over the years since then even though it does not cost more now than it did two years ago.
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