Originally Posted by Valerie
Gosh I am loving the ignore option!
I can see that all my stalkers/haters are trying to follow me around the board, and I have no idea what they are writing, nor do I care....
I'm flattered that you guys take the time every single day/night to stalk me, but perhaps you guys/gals could find something better to do with your time??Because whatever it is you're trying to accomplish  (as I said earlier I can't see what you write) obviously isn't working for ya..... at least contribute some positive energy to the boards...come on, can't be that difficult for ya can it? 
I don't know if you have me on "Ignore" too, Val (I AM from Houston and we have disagreed about etiquette, albeit devoid of any name calling), but just in case, you just keep doing what you're doing and IGNORE these people,. Don't give them a second thought.
You see I also despise those terribly cruel Houston posters, and their followers from other cities. Like you, I do not care for people who demean others, stoop to childish name calling, and spread stories about others' physical or social "flaws." I'm with you, Val....all the way.
That's why I wouldn't read your blog, even though they keep telling me to.
Why would they want me to do that, I asked myself. There can be only one answer. They are probably posting all over your blog and mistreating and belittling you just as they did here. AND, I for one am not about to read any more of that bashing.
I'm sure your blog is all about pleasant things, chronicles of the good times, and free of the mean, childish personal attacks that you had the guts to stand up to from those Houston "assholes" and the "cunts" that follow them.
You're beautiful, a wonderful mother, great friend to many, hard working, literate, worldly....the list goes on and on. They cannot possibly effect your business - I'm sure that too is flourishing as always. Who cares about a few idiots? Good riddance.
We both know they don't bother you in the least - nor should they. You go, girl!
And for all you Houston "assholes" and their "
Staff edit, CC" (I'm grateful you'd never use such terms of endearment, Val - ME? I just can't help it sometimes) who don't yet have me on IGNORE -
Certain words simply wont be allowed here; thats one of them, CC