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Old 02-18-2011, 09:30 AM   #16
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Yeah, got a bit tense the other day when my tax attorney told me to "get comfortable" while she went to get last year's tax return.
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Old 02-18-2011, 09:46 AM   #17
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My little UTR Asian indy starts undressing me with enthusiasm and passion, as soon after the door is closed behind me.

Much later she likes to dress me. I could do it easier and faster, but it would not be as much fun.

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Old 02-18-2011, 10:07 AM   #18
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Do a search on Journey. She is just L2 I believe, but she always helps you out of your clothes and makes you feel very welcome.
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Old 02-18-2011, 10:18 AM   #19
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WOW I agree with the OP Mutual Undressing is so HOT.It just adds to the Illusion of a true GFE..Think about the days of back seat rendevous with the Gf at the time..Lots of Kissing ,hugging,groping,and Removal of each others clothes..Guys how many of you remember trying to get the damn bra unsnapped the first time? BTW i became quite adept at it in time !!! Ahh the good old days
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Old 02-18-2011, 10:46 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by lil_michelle View Post
hmmm...ok so what if the providers have a form you could fill out ahead of time? Something for you to list your preferences and what you wish you experience to be like?? would that be too weird?

That way, everyone knows ahead of time who likes what... if that is already in place then dont laugh at me! lol
Michelle, there is a great website that the ladies use for screening their gentlemen called preferred411. It has a section that we fella's can fill out that tells a little about us and our likes and dislikes. I think it is a great way for the ladies to learn about us.

Many men don't fill out the section and many ladies don't take the time to read it, but it is there for both parties if they choose to use it.
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Old 02-18-2011, 11:00 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by monkmonk View Post
I would show up naked if I could.

LOL MM, I did once, NOT on a first visit, and it was a garage entrance.

But immediately after the "OMG, you're nuts" (to which I replied "what about them) .... it was ON!!!

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Old 02-18-2011, 11:46 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by tracibrooks View Post
While I totally and completely understand what y'all are saying, I think you overlook the variety factor. What you guys are saying you LOVE, another guy might find invasive or "weird." Good as some of us are at reading you, we are not mind readers. Communication is key!

Let me give you an example:
I read a thread months ago about guys saying basically that we ladies are too quick to jump out of our clothes. The guys were saying they wanted the chance to undress us. I took it to heart, and started incorporating it in some sessions. What do I see? Mixed reactions. Some are delighted, but I also quite often saw a look of suspicion or disappointment that I wasn't "naked and ready" in their eyes. What the effin hell?! I couldn't win!

So please keep in mind that what you seek may be something I would enjoy doing VERY MUCH! But previous negative reactions by others may prevent me from doing such a thing of my own volition. I reiterate: Communication Is Key!!
Hmm ... Please keep in mind I am still kinda new to ECCIE, and still picking up things some by reading and just getting a sense, some by Q&A and I for one just heard of P411 upon arriving here. OK deep breath and take this for what it is, Communication While I'd have to agree it is very important on both sides you don't know how many times I have read an ad that says 'I don't talk about anything over the phone' AND Most women tend to expect a guy to know what he is doing and do it. I have even asked RL women I have dated for tips, hints, how she likes it etc. and was told that is a real turn off and or if I have to tell you it kills the mood or what's the point. I have even noticed some of the ads and web sites here say don't talk about this or that as well. I kinda understand while I am stripping she is going to 'hide my gift' and what ever last minute things that could not have been done before she opened the door. I for one think it is sexy as hell not only for her to undress me but to also help her out of some of her clothes too. I may not ask for it for some of the above and or also thinking I don't want to cream my pants before they are even off. I have been thinking about sex not just sinse I was 13 but for a few days, deciding on whom I wanted to spend my time and money with, waiting on her to screen, working out our schedules, driving over while still trying to think enough with the big head to drive safe. Then even if she is a no rush type of provider we both only have so much time. I for one have written a few reviews on TER before I found this site most were bad but honest so being with out too many reviews my screening takes a bit longer. I also like to see a new girl pretty often. Then again I am reminded of the old saying you get what you pay for and have yet to have a '10' or a 'I saw the face of God' type of session.
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Old 02-18-2011, 11:54 AM   #23
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Just like the majority has said, I love it. It does make me believe I am with a love who wants me. I guess I have been lucky though because there are several providers who will take it upon themselves to make me comfortable.
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Old 02-18-2011, 12:53 PM   #24
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I like to undressed in a slow seductive manner. My best experience was when I was blindfolded as I entered the incall, slowly undressed by the provider, leading me into the festivities. This lady has since retired.

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Old 02-18-2011, 12:56 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by lil_michelle View Post
hmmm...ok so what if the providers have a form you could fill out ahead of time? Something for you to list your preferences and what you wish you experience to be like?? would that be too weird?

That way, everyone knows ahead of time who likes what... if that is already in place then dont laugh at me! lol
That's exactly why I ask providers to read my P411 profile. Before I book, I ask them to read and comment on the kind of session she thinks we'll have. Some do, most don't. If a provider replies, "so, when do you want to see me?", I drop her off the list.

Fwiw .. I appreciate the need for some formalities ... mostly on the part of the other person. I selected this provider because I think we will have a warm and wonderful time, together. I have been fantasizing about the session for some period of time .. maybe a week ... certainly for the past few days and intensely on my drive over to the incall. In other words ... when I get to the door ... I'm primed and ready for the games to begin!!!

If the lady wanted to greet me in lingerie, on her knees ... reaching out for my junk ... I could live with that. However, I appreciate that most providers would prefer a more tactful and graceful beginning ... and I'll comply. After all, I'm her client but also her guest and good manners would be appropriate.

Just not necessary on my behalf is all I'm saying. Just love a lady who can't keep her hands off my junk. And I have to tell you, I deeply appreciate and respect the providers who accommodate me and make it seem like they're having a great time in the process. They are warm and wonderful people with a generous nature.
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Old 02-18-2011, 04:03 PM   #26
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I tend to play it by ear...Most allow me to remove their clothing as I work my way around, others just remove them on their own. I have to agree with Traci, as I do, 99% of the time, communication is the key.
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Old 02-18-2011, 04:23 PM   #27
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hell, I don't know if you are supposed to get nekkid as soon as you hit the door, or if you wait till they say get comfortable or take the cue from when they start to disrobe. What if they said get comfortable, left the room came back, your standing there in all you god given glory and she came back in and said oohh, your ready now. Then what the hell. I usually get undressed when they say get comfortable, go mill around in the kitchen, look through the fridge maybe check out the mail on the table. JUst kidding. I am like Poppy and Sir lancer, most of my expierence has been to roll with the flow.
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Old 02-18-2011, 04:54 PM   #28
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while communication IS a key to a deliteful encounter between two people [whether hetero-, homo-, and asexual], the first time meeting can be fraught with lack of communication, as fishguy13 wrote. it's hard to communicate when there are those "barriers."

and if one attempts to do for one person what they've learned what another person likes, assumptions can disrupt the encounter, much as you've found out traci.

so, communicating, understand, learning, and applying are all key.

in all my hobbying years, one of the things that i never did like at the beginning of an encounter was "why dont you get comfortable?" [probably cos it was associated w/ some less than deliteful encounters in my early days].

a couple of yrs into this, i met a woman who would not even let me undress myself, even helped me dress before i left [say, m5552009, could have been the same women as your friend]. ever since then, if at all possible, i let the woman know before hand that i prefer the mutual disrobing.

to me, it adds more stimulation and sensations that help heighten the encounter and help form a slight connection between us. it's similar to aksing if the woman wears a particular outfit or style of clothes. the former is tactile stimulation, the latter is visual stimulation.

recently, i visited makenzee and maddalyn haze. soon after we entered the playroom, maddalyn immediately starting disrobing by herself. makenzee, who has learned my prefs, told maddalyn "hey, put them back on! we disrobe each other!" i didnt even have to say a thing. we then got on the play surface and disrobed one another, having fun along the way.

that's one of the benefits of visiting a perceptive/observant woman again and again - she can learn what you like.

and i like stimulation throughout the encounter.

lana, i hope your learning this technique benefits you and your playmates!

traci, i think we'll both win when i finally get to visit w/ you!
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Old 02-18-2011, 05:25 PM   #29
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Umm new friends? no, I let them guide(if they are not shy) so I get an idea of what they really like. Regulars, yes most of the time and I don't think. I get the door, we make out and I reach for their pants. It actually turns me on
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Old 02-18-2011, 05:47 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by txcwby6 View Post
Yeah, got a bit tense the other day when my tax attorney told me to "get comfortable" while she went to get last year's tax return.
did she ask to see your 1099-Miscs or 8606s??
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