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Old 02-14-2011, 04:17 PM   #1
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Default Pubic hair removal-The naked truth

Hi Ladies, Hi Gents!
I found an article on the fashion of pubic hair removal and would like to share it here for discussion, it does not portray my actual opinion, but i think its a good foundation for a discussion on this fashion of hair removal:

here is the link to the original article which i quote below:

Pubic hair removal: The naked truth

Pubic hair elimination. It's a small but itchy area of contention. Last month's Elle magazine and this month's Vogue contained long, unruly articles, by Avril Mair and Rachel Johnson respectively, combing through the various strands of argument for and against total pubic purging. The hot topic for winter 2011 is clear: to bare, or not to bare one's labia?

In a sympathetic mirroring of the melting Arctic glaciers, the hair around our vaginas is fast disappearing, propelled by a force even greater than climate change: pornification. First it was a light quim-trim. Then a narrow snatch-strip. Then the full-on Brazilian, plucked pudenda, Christmas goose look. Now, technological advances mean that women will soon be able to permanently annihilate their entire chocha bush and surrounding strands, for ever. Yes ladies: laser flange is here.

Women can now expose their pipi to the breeze from now until the day they die. Great.

Why would they want to? If porn told you to jump off a cliff, would you do that too? Porn has introduced a new aesthetic – perhaps as a joke or momentary experiment – and women have responded with unquestioning servility and breezy abandon. At least now we can confront the naked truth about women's submissiveness in all its stark, raw, bald reality.

Men in porn are often also fully waxed. You can see the spring branches of their willies and their little bobbling balls, outlined in their scrota like farm eggs in a chammy cloth. But men in the non-porn world are not dedicating themselves to full deforestation, writing about it in major publications as though it's a serious consideration, or putting pressure on other men to do it. Men are not as cowed, self-hating, obedient or biddable as women in this regard. They are not going to make the effort to do anything to please a woman, at the cost of their own comfort. That is something I have always respected about men. They are busy pursuing their own happiness, leaving women to fight through the thicket of their own Stockholm syndrome, perpetually pruning their pubic hair in a desperate bid to gain approval.

Will a woman really do everything she can to meet every passing fad, even if it's uncomfortable, time-consuming, irritating, expensive, troubling, humiliating? And look at the reward: intercourse with a porn-adoring male who actually loathes women's real, naked, hairy bodies?

Are women so ashamed of their bodies' natural beauty, so unaccepting of things as they are that they will do anything at all, even if it's degrading, to get some willy time? A man who withholds his attention and affection according to the follicle count of a lady's crotch doesn't deserve intimacy with a real-life woman. A man who likes a woman without pubic hair despises adult women so much that he wants us to resemble children. He should stay at home instead in front of a computer, masturbating alone to the hair-free images he reveres.

I worry about these men too, of course, those poor poonani-policing body fascists. They are now in danger of returning to a Victorian naivety. They may well believe that, like the hairless, passive and benign feminine allegories of grand masters' paintings, women naturally do not have any body hair. Upon seeing some real hair on a real woman for the first time they may well vomit or faint, or both. That is something I'd like to see: a man so dizzied by the shortfall between reality and his own ignorance that his brain can't take it and he loses consciousness.

As for the women, don't you have anything more interesting to do than dutifully coif your cassoulet? I got "cassoulet" from The Joy of Sex, by the way. It means "general musky pussy area". Check out the original 70s hand-drawn illustrations. The couple are as hairy as anything, but they look like they're having a lot of fun, fur and all.
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Old 02-14-2011, 04:55 PM   #2
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I think its everyone's personal preference, I choose to have have it clean/having a landing strip simply because I'm a big fan of going commando under dresses/skirts and I like silky feeling. My husband is french so he actually prefers it natural, but I guess I am not int the feeling of little hairs poking at me.

I don't shave or wax, I actually just use a very gentle hair removal lotion meant for the bikini area that takes it off with no pain or itchies.
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Old 02-14-2011, 07:48 PM   #3
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I will gladly lick you two beautiful ladies hair off if you so desire. Just put a tad bit of milk and honey around your privates and I'll gladly cough up fur balls for your silky smoothe pleasure. You'll have the slickest epidermis in the world! In the world, I say, the whole wide WORLD!

On a side note, I like me some hair. Not a bush mind you but some hair. Hell yea.
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Old 02-14-2011, 08:17 PM   #4
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I'll stick to waxing! ...but damn it bloody hurts!
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Old 02-15-2011, 07:33 AM   #5
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I do not agree with the notion that shaving/waxing or trimming your privates is a way to be submissive to male`S desire. I think its a cultural thing. I like it trimmed. I usually have guys who have hairs so i don`t need them to shave it all off but i like the trimmed look. Now, if you are a guy with a little hair, then i like it to get rid off.

I shave and lasered. Going to laser again soon. Usuall keep a landing strip :-). I think this so called feminist article lacks the notion that in the 80ies also pornstars did not shave really. I think its a fashion and culture thing. I knew guys who like the 80ies look on a female. It just doesn`t suit me at all and i like it shaved :-).
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Old 02-16-2011, 10:37 AM   #6
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[quote=WTF;1028316]I will gladly lick you two beautiful ladies hair off if you so desire. Just put a tad bit of milk and honey around your privates and I'll gladly cough up fur balls for your silky smoothe pleasure. You'll have the slickest epidermis in the world! In the world, I say, the whole wide WORLD!

What a guy!!
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Old 02-16-2011, 11:01 AM   #7
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I am too old to go about shaving / waxing my twat. Use to do that years ago for the man in my life and hated it. Always itchy, and bumps would get infected, and I would get small razor cuts down there. Then I tried waxing, and hello no, never again, it's too damn painful and yes very expensive! If a guy likes the prepubescent look on a woman then more power to him. But I simply will not do it anymore. Only time I even shave at all now, is if I am in a bathing suit, and I want to keep hairs from straggling out of it. LOL
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Old 02-16-2011, 11:18 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Bebe Le Strange View Post
I am too old to go about shaving / waxing my twat. ..... I tried waxing, and hello no, never again, .... Only time I even shave at all now, is if I am in a bathing suit, and I want to keep hairs from straggling out of it. LOL
Ya gotta a love a person who tells it to you straight with no sugar coating. You go girl!!!
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Old 02-16-2011, 11:28 AM   #9
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Personally, I prefer a lady who is natural. My S/O provides and is all natural. I just can't get with the stubble. On my part, I always make sure that my face has a fresh shave, before dining so that she feels no stubble.

I however do wax, because I just love oral on the boys and my hair lessens the sensation.
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Old 02-16-2011, 07:37 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Bebe Le Strange View Post
I am too old to go about shaving / waxing my twat. Use to do that years ago for the man in my life and hated it. Always itchy, and bumps would get infected, and I would get small razor cuts down there. Then I tried waxing, and hello no, never again, it's too damn painful and yes very expensive! If a guy likes the prepubescent look on a woman then more power to him. But I simply will not do it anymore. Only time I even shave at all now, is if I am in a bathing suit, and I want to keep hairs from straggling out of it. LOL
I love the shaved looks but i get lasered :-) I get the bumps too from shaving, its annoying :-)
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Old 02-16-2011, 07:39 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Valerie View Post
I'll stick to waxing! ...but damn it bloody hurts!
oh dear i had my armpits waxed once at an asian store. I thought i will die. It hurt so much !!!!! Unbelievable. ANd i was bleeding afterwards :-)....ANd the asian lady was all smiling at me all the time. I will never forget that. aaaaaah. Trauma!!!!!
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Old 02-16-2011, 08:01 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by ninasastri View Post
oh dear i had my armpits waxed once at an asian store. I thought i will die. It hurt so much !!!!! Unbelievable. ANd i was bleeding afterwards :-)....ANd the asian lady was all smiling at me all the time. I will never forget that. aaaaaah. Trauma!!!!!
Well if you think that was bad....how about I had a little too much wine at home one night and decided it was a good idea for me to wax myself! Got out my wax machine and went to town on my bathroom floor!....Lmao
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Old 02-16-2011, 08:15 PM   #13
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The author seems to dislike the bald look primarily because it was popularized by porn. Evil, wicked porn. Why are anti-porn folks always so caught up (har har) in pubic hair? Where are the angry screeds against fake nails or ugly-but-endowed men? By golly, I also think porn sends the wrong message to impressionable young women and men -- that you can effectively pleasure yourself with three-inch claws or that you don't have to look good above the waist or below the knees.

My personal grooming choices are not political or social statements; they're aesthetic preferences, nothing more. The intense concern over hair is so absurd to me. It's hair. Hair trends come, hair trends go. Big freakin' deal. Wait 20 years, the cultural preference will doubtlessly change.
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Old 02-16-2011, 08:19 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest View Post
The author seems to dislike the bald look primarily because it was popularized by porn. Evil, wicked porn. Why are anti-porn folks always so caught up (har har) in pubic hair? Where are the angry screeds against fake nails or ugly-but-endowed men? By golly, I also think porn sends the wrong message to impressionable young women and men -- that you can effectively pleasure yourself with three-inch claws or that you don't have to look good above the waist or below the knees.

My personal grooming choices are not political or social statements; they're aesthetic preferences, nothing more. The intense concern over hair is so absurd to me. It's hair. Hair trends come, hair trends go. Big freakin' deal. Wait 20 years, the cultural preference will doubtlessly change.
I could not agree more :-) Same opinion here. Plus in the 80ies pornstars HAD hair :-) (lol).
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