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Old 02-15-2011, 05:18 AM   #16
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I think it is the same in every organization, some pull the weight, and some are along for the ride!!
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Old 02-15-2011, 05:52 AM   #17
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Old 02-15-2011, 07:34 AM   #18
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Every generation thinks its better than the last..... guess what? Your not!!
And every generation forgets what it is like to be 25 or 26 getting into the work force. Some are always on time, then there are people like me, no matter how hard I try, I am always late!! I joke I'll be late to my own funeral. But chances are I will be.
There are 20 year olds that do a job better than a 45 year old and make it on time, so on so forth. Then there are ones that are just starting out, a little naive and tardy.
Bottom line....remember when you were first starting out, I am sure your fellow co workers that are your age now, were talking sh*t about you and how "your generation" can't do this, and "your generation" thinks this. We always think the grass is greener on the other side and our sh*t doesn't stink...but guess what the grass isn't any different and the sh*t still smells like just that!!!
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Old 02-15-2011, 08:18 AM   #19
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rolling over in his grave...
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Old 02-15-2011, 08:31 AM   #20
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There are more distractions in today's world. And have become tired of you can not a open shit-er. If you need to take a dump, or just wipe your ass to make sure that fart was just air. Every bath room you go to is full of young men sitting on the john. Texting in the men's room. I have asked the women at work. And its only a few. But where I work they fire 2 or young men every night for texting in the bathroom. And yet its a line just to get in the mens room. Never in my life had I ever had seen a line just to get in a mens room. Brooke is right, its not all the under 30. Just 90%.

The us military requires no cameras or cell phone where I work. Yet every other night one guy will get fired from the work floor. Two or three every night from the bathroom. This even with the inspectors walk by at the same time every night. I have learned to wipe my ass at the time they check the bathrooms. But if they are 5 min early or you are 5 min late. There is no room to wipe your ass. It fills right back up with TEXTING IN THE MENS ROOM. My is frustrated. And just wants to be dry and clean.

edit: with the 30 something guys its only about 30%..,, Older just want to use the bathroom as a bath room. Not as a phone booth. or is that text booth
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Old 02-15-2011, 08:48 AM   #21
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Tape an "out of order" sign on the best stall
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Old 02-15-2011, 08:58 AM   #22
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They where thinking of a over 40 only mens room. fucking lawyers killed that. And my boss's boss that is Female starts her once a month meeting with how many young men where fired the last month for texting at work. In a place where the customer has the right to walk threw and fire anyone.
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Old 02-15-2011, 09:02 AM   #23
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Interesting topic. The problem is not new, but I do believe gets worse all the time. From an organizational viewpoint, the opportunity cost of hiring, training and then potentially losing an employee with skills but lacking work ethic is big. Lack of work ethic and tardiness are even bigger problems pending certain work environments based upon the company requirement to conduct business.

I wish I had an answer that could be applied across the board for all the offenders. I believe setting the tone early, mentoring as much as possible and cutting bait sooner than later are all actions that help the situation. Whenever, I encounter this situation, taking the Dutch Uncle approach (I am only 45), I position the conversation with the individual as “for what is it is worth, whether it is here at this company and or anywhere else you need to do “X” to perform better – etc”. The idea is letting them know that your 2 cents is for their own good as well as the organizations. Some people get it and then again, some do not!
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Old 02-15-2011, 09:36 AM   #24
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probably more government agencys ,more sensitivity training, diversity and consensus commities,some more commities, some "thinking outside the box",first you need to understand the backrounds and specific emotional needs of your new employees.After all, 99% of all business owners are just greedy capitalists that got "lucky" in life and had everything given to them,they need to be taken down a "few pegs", see what its like to live like the "peasants".Work, should not be actually WORK, I have needs that need to be met. Where the hells a "COMMUNITY ORGANIZER" when you need them...ohhh wait..
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Old 02-15-2011, 12:58 PM   #25
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In my line of work when an employee misses a day, someone else has to fill in for them, and there should be a reasonable explanation for why they are not there. I can say with 100% honesty the last day of work I missed UNSCHEDULED was 3 years ago, I had to have a little procedure called an Emergency Appendectomy. I hardly expect that dedication from everyone and fully understand that emergencies come up and Murphy is always looking to get involved but when I have a 29 year old with no wife/children, a dependable car, no illness, no nuclear family issues, and he manages to rack up 5 absences and 8 tardies (20 min or more) in 90 days, I'm gonna can his ass. When I have to do this 3 or 4 times a year over the past few years and they're all under 30 it tells me something is wrong with what they are learning/assuming about the workplace, and if they don't catch up to the curve they are gonna have a long & unrewarding career of repeating " do you want fries with that"! The whole concept of personal responsibility is knowing that distractions exist BUT having the common sense and willpower to ignore them when you should. It means remembering to set your alarm each day or your gonna be late for work. It's pretty damn easy to shut off a cell phone and when rules specifically prohibit their use it should be a no brainer. When attendance policies are outlined at your orientation, don't act surprised when your ass gets booted for violating them. All easy decisions to make if you have enough PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to make them.
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Old 02-15-2011, 03:57 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by BrookeButtons View Post
Some are always on time, then there are people like me, no matter how hard I try, I am always late!!
I have heard other people say this before also. I tell them to try harder because it is not a legitimate excuse. These are just people who have absolutely no ability to manage their time which usually translates into them not being able to manage much of anything in their life.
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