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Old 02-05-2011, 05:16 PM   #16
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OK y'all, going to be gone for a couple of days, Super Bowl and other shit tomorrow, a few hours with the ATF on Monday, so please if you choose to participate here, keep it civil.
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Old 02-05-2011, 05:26 PM   #17
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You enjoy and don't worry none......

I got your back on this one!
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Old 02-05-2011, 10:17 PM   #18
Rand Al'Thor
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Originally Posted by Alisha1972 View Post
They don't, darling. That's just it. And I'm sure that was Kat's point.

This is exactly why I don't get riled up over posts about what we "should" charge, why a 19 year old stripper is better than me, etc.

Reality is, at the end of the day, those posters are not my clients. Never have been, and never will be. So why do I care what they say?

Kat is dead on. Serious hobbyists don't/rarely post. They don't have a reason to whine and complain. After all....they're getting laid [IMG]file:///C:/Users/Entropy/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.png[/IMG]

I've been more of a lurker myself in the last year. Just look at my post count...lol. That might change. I'm starting to feel the need to converse with like-minded individuals.

Alisha ...xoxo
To say serious hobbyists don't or rarely post is correct. Just as much as saying irreverent hobbysists don't or rarely post, strip club hobbyists don't or rarely post, or SW hobbyists don't or rarely post.

Fact of the matter is that a great majority (and I don't pretend to know what kind of numbers, but we'll use the example eglrdr used of 90 or 95%) don't post. While providers will see that their "serious hobbyist" clients mostly come from lurkers, they are not seeing the lurkers who don't patronize them - and they may outnumber "serious hobbyists". I would be willing to bet that the percentage that one would consider serious among the lurkers may be comparable to ones you would consider "serious" among the active posters. It's hard to deny prolific guys like City Jazz or Metal Smith as anything other than serious whatever your reasonable definition might be. I would consider them fairly active posters.

So if I had to take a guess, I would say that the percentage of "serious hobbyists", strip club patrons, SW cruisers, sugar daddies, and who only read for curiosity rather than really hobby in any form might not be so different among active posters and lurkers. Yes, this is conjecture...but any other shot at such ratio would be a guess as well without some objective study done.

As for the original question of who speaks for whom on the forum, I think those who might have a problem with the Whispers/strip club mongering talk have a tendency to think that the problem is bigger than it really is. Whispers posts a lot, but as he likes to point out, it's not as much as people (with problems with him) tend to think, and not all of his posts are about said subject. Rarely have I seen the active posters claim to be speaking on behalf of others, while the dissenters have come here and started threads that they speak for all the lurkers. So if a lurker comes on and claims that they speak for the majority lurkers, is that any more valid?

I will disagree with Whispers on the point that number of views actually reflects the opinions of the lurkers. I think it reflects their interest - many might agree with him, and many might be looking into the drama threads for the same reason Jerry Springer had good ratings - but not necessarily their agreement or dissent. What I will agree with him about is the value of those view count to the owners. Page loads and ad views generate revenue for the ownership, whatever threads that generate traffic to the site is good for the site.

One of the problems I have been seeing lately are the dissenters. They have a low post count, but come on primarily to bitch about one or two posters' actions. If you rarely post, but have a problem with the way the board is going, then post things that you think are positive. What are you really doing when you come on here to only deliver slightly veiled insults that end up in a dogpile of back and forth insults? Because of your dislike of the topics/opinions of a few active posters, your contribution to the board has become negativity. You're not helping your cause. If you really have a problem with Whispers' posting, drown him out with what you do want to talk about. Hell, put him on ignore and start your own threads. If you want to be purely a lurker, then you've resigned yourself to read the boards as presented by the active posters, that is fact in any community.

Sorry that this post came after a quote of your post, Alisha. Most of this wasn’t directed at you. I do like your attitude on how you deal with those that do not concern you, more mature than others.
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Old 02-05-2011, 11:05 PM   #19
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"One of the problems I have been seeing lately are the dissenters. They have a low post count, but come on primarily to bitch about one or two posters' actions. If you rarely post, but have a problem with the way the board is going, then post things that you think are positive. What are you really doing when you come on here to only deliver slightly veiled insults that end up in a dogpile of back and forth insults? Because of your dislike of the topics/opinions of a few active posters, your contribution to the board has become negativity. You're not helping your cause. If you really have a problem with Whispers' posting, drown him out with what you do want to talk about. Hell, put him on ignore and start your own threads. If you want to be purely a lurker, then you've resigned yourself to read the boards as presented by the active posters, that is fact in any community."

Good points!
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Old 02-06-2011, 05:27 AM   #20
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I like How Whispers in the same Paragraph of one of his Diatribes..Claims to have the Voice of Lurkers and the Silent Majority..then He says he Speaks for himself a couple of Sentences down...hmmm looks like he just wants to instigate and promote DRAMA for the sake of Drama..I call BS..
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Old 02-06-2011, 08:52 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Texasquest View Post
I like How Whispers in the same Paragraph of one of his Diatribes..Claims to have the Voice of Lurkers and the Silent Majority..then He says he Speaks for himself a couple of Sentences down...hmmm looks like he just wants to instigate and promote DRAMA for the sake of Drama..I call BS..

Where do I claim to be the voice of anyone?

Spin all you want... Your spewing the same shit no one else has ever been able to back up.....

And while you are at it... Can you point to any posts in Austin where you are providing any hobby related information? or are you here simply at the request of some wuss to engage me?

I'll oblige... Just want to know if you have any other purpose here? At least I am an active member of this community contributing in a variety of manners...

You serve exactly what purpose?
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Old 02-06-2011, 09:04 AM   #22
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From your post on this very Thread !!!!!
Because of what the Lurkers choose to read when they log in.....

Actually...... That has been my contention as well over the last several years......

So if Lurkers do not participate, then what are they on the boards for?

They come for the Ads, Reviews and information.....

I field more PMs and Emails every week from lurkers than from participants. It's been that way for years.

Lurkers contribute to if not drive view counts on countless threads.. I get PM comments from people that are members and never post regularly....... .As well as suggestions....

Since they don't participate they obviously have not missed much of the "Look At me" or "I made $3000 last week but I can't pay my rent today" threads that we've made a good dent in getting rid of......

They also did not participate in all the flirt stuff..... So they must not miss that....yad yada yada
Maybe you might want to read your own Vitrious Diatribe ocassionaly.
and as far as your Questions....I have No new reviews on this site but had plenty on ASPD from Austin Area...that and last time i looked it was open to everyone...sometimes someone from the OUTSIDE has a clearer picture of whats going on...

and uhh Sorry to Disappoint ya but No one has asked me to engage you...Their you go again with your Grandious perception of yourself...Get over it Your only a legend in your own mind !!! I come here cause i want to...I find the "ENTERTAINMENT" here refreshing at times...LOL (INsert Smiley Face here)
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Old 02-06-2011, 12:53 PM   #23
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Do me a favor and Highlght where I say I AM THE VOICE OF LURKERS AND THE SILENT MAJORITY......

I keep missing what your trying to spin little girl.....
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Old 02-07-2011, 02:45 PM   #24
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My name is Loki, and I am a lurker. I dont know about any of the other lurkers, but the reason I don't post is because it is my choice. I do not like to always throw my personal life out there for everyone to see. I appreciate people like Whispers and other frequent posters, because they help me make my informed decisions on who I decide to spend my hard earned money on. I do not understand how and why all the name calling and twisting of words continues.

This is supposed to be a hobby. Hobbies are supposed to be fun. Why does't everyone just start trying to have fun, instead of taking jabs every chance they get.

Now I am going back to my "lurker" status.
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Old 02-07-2011, 03:49 PM   #25
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I'd have to say I'm a lurker as well. I rarely post commentary but I do enjoy reading and appreciate those who do take the time to post comments, debates, and arguments. I find some of these debates enjoyable, but once the mud slinging passes 3 pages, I quit reading and lose interest.

However, if anyone would start posting cliff notes for the long winded debates, I would gladly read those!
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