I have done a lot of growing up in the past week. And have learned a lot and have learned a valuable lesson.
I caused quite a bit of drama in the past week when me and Kiara Kutie had a disagreement, I lashed out in anger and said things that were not true and spread false and misleading information about her, because I was was hurt and confused about a stiuation. The issue between me and Kiara should have remained between us and not brought into a public forum.
I am sorry to the ones I spoke to about it and dragged into the middle of our spat. Kiara and I spoke at length last night and she has since made up all the promises that she broke with me. I told her I would issue a formal apology to her on this board. I also privately apologized to another provider who I dragged into this mess and have accepted the consequences of my actions.
She was within every right to call me and read me the riot act because I not only affected her business but also affected stuff in her personal life.
This is a business and I temporarily lost sight of that. To Kiara Kutie, I am sorry for my actions and the pain it caused you.
Kiara Kutie did say she is fine, safe and looking forward to getting back to work. She is back and better than ever. So gentleman, I know it will be hard to forget what i have said, but please do not write her off because of my actions. She is a real sweetheart, doing what she can to be a better provider.
I have accepted the consequences of my actions and I know there will probably be more after this post.
Mods I am sorry for the extra work I caused for you all. This is my last and final post for awhile on this board. I am taking a break to focus on my studies and as someone said to try and find a social life away from the board.
So for now this is

Have a great week everyone and I wish you all the best life has to offer.
P.S. try not to be to harsh, I have learned my lesson and I am beating myself up enough as it is.
Peace out