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Old 10-03-2013, 05:20 PM   #1
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Default Congressman Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) acts like a stupid twat...

This shithead decided to humiliate a park ranger by telling her she should apologize for turning people away from the park - in other words, for doing her job:


As Andrew Sullivan pointed out, the park ranger is probably not getting her pay, while the Congressman is getting his pay - and his health benefits.


If he votes to defund the federal government, he must live with the consequences of that decision - for good and for bad.

But showing up a low-level employee in front of cameras? That just show he is a grandstanding twat.
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Old 10-03-2013, 05:27 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
This shithead decided to humiliate a park ranger by telling her she should apologize for turning people away from the park - in other words, for doing her job:


As Andrew Sullivan pointed out, the park ranger is probably not getting her pay, while the Congressman is getting his pay - and his health benefits.


If he votes to defund the federal government, he must live with the consequences of that decision - for good and for bad.

But showing up a low-level employee in front of cameras? That just show he is a grandstanding twat.
Fucking Bully...probably somebody EXTXOILMAN voted for and will again. Hypocrite.
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Old 10-03-2013, 05:35 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
This shithead decided to humiliate a park ranger by telling her she should apologize for turning people away from the park - in other words, for doing her job:

Breathe ExNYer. You are over-reacting to the over-reacting to the over-reacting.

I'm sure you've said "Just doing your job doesn't make it right" before. Its time for everyone to calm down.
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Old 10-03-2013, 05:36 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Fucking Bully....... Hypocrite.
Coming from you, hilarious and priceless.
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Old 10-03-2013, 05:41 PM   #5
i'va biggen
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They always blame the blameless. Got his ass handed to him by a bystander.
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Old 10-03-2013, 05:57 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Breathe ExNYer. You are over-reacting to the over-reacting to the over-reacting.

I'm sure you've said "Just doing your job doesn't make it right" before. Its time for everyone to calm down.
No, not really.

This isn't just anybody. He is a US Congressman, not a tourist or a protestor.

He is - indirectly - the boss of that woman and she is dealing with the consequences of his and his colleagues' actions. She can't ignore him the way she can ignore some Tea Party protestor. Not if she values her job.

It's like voting to defund the border patrol and then demanding a border patrol agent apologize to the American people for failing to prevent illegal aliens from entering the country.
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Old 10-03-2013, 06:05 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Coming from you, hilarious and priceless.
This forum should be called shits and grins...

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Old 10-03-2013, 06:08 PM   #8
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Kayla? Nothing?
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Old 10-03-2013, 06:24 PM   #9
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She is out shopping for beanie weenies to stock her bunker.
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Old 10-03-2013, 06:31 PM   #10
JD Barleycorn
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XNYrKr, exactly when and where did any Congressman VOTE to defund the government. They haven't, that is hyperbole. They voted to fund the government but want a couple consessions from the democrats. It is the democratic party that is unwilling to even talk that has reduced the size of government.

As for the Park Ranger, she is not getting paid right now but the World War II Memorial is an open piece of property. It is taking more effort to shut it down then it does to keep it open. Go look at the memoria. It would be like trying close Dealey Plaza or Times Square. This closure came from orders from the White House. Your Boy-President is becoming the deranged tryant that we have been warning about. Who but a tyrant of old would do something like this. (think a king having all the horses hobbled so that he has the fastest horse)

Now tell us how a twat acts.
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Old 10-03-2013, 06:33 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
This shithead decided to humiliate a park ranger by telling her she should apologize for turning people away from the park - in other words, for doing her job:


As Andrew Sullivan pointed out, the park ranger is probably not getting her pay, while the Congressman is getting his pay - and his health benefits.


If he votes to defund the federal government, he must live with the consequences of that decision - for good and for bad.

But showing up a low-level employee in front of cameras? That just show he is a grandstanding twat.

+ 10

not to mention the congressman should have known it was a law that closed the memorial, so she was not only doing her job, but obeying the law

a prick is a prick is a prick, refreshing a veteran told Mr Prick to go fuck off,
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Old 10-03-2013, 06:39 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Breathe ExNYer. You are over-reacting to the over-reacting to the over-reacting.

I'm sure you've said "Just doing your job doesn't make it right" before. Its time for everyone to calm down.
Said a Teawipe Republican't, the masters who have perfected overreaching and over reacting. LOL!

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
XNYrKr, exactly when and where did any Congressman VOTE to defund the government. They haven't, that is hyperbole. They voted to fund the government but want a couple consessions from the democrats. It is the democratic party that is unwilling to even talk that has reduced the size of government.

As for the Park Ranger, she is not getting paid right now but the World War II Memorial is an open piece of property. It is taking more effort to shut it down then it does to keep it open. Go look at the memoria. It would be like trying close Dealey Plaza or Times Square. This closure came from orders from the White House. Your Boy-President is becoming the deranged tryant that we have been warning about. Who but a tyrant of old would do something like this. (think a king having all the horses hobbled so that he has the fastest horse)

Now tell us how a twat acts.
Only Mopboy Q Corneyhole, sanitation engineer extraordinaire (and Teawipe jugger-NOT), has the temerity to stand his ground and defend someone acting like an asshole to one of the "little people." Thousands of people who make $45K or less, who are not well educated, and certainly not well informed, ARE the demographic who is responsible for the Teawipe Parrotriots' popularity. Perhaps the Congressman from Texas ought to remember that. But, on the bright side, maybe Sara Barracuda will give him a little head out of envy and respect.
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Old 10-03-2013, 06:40 PM   #13
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He should not have blamed the lady for following orders she was given. It is possible to disagree with her actions without blaming her for the decision. She admitted she did not like what she had to do.

The blame for this can be laid directly on Obama. His administration is making the decision to spend more money to close the park than it would take to leave it open. It is obvious why we are so deep in debt. He is more than willing to waste money for political objectives that do not benefit the nation.
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Old 10-03-2013, 06:44 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
She is out shopping for beanie weenies to stock her bunker.
To pack her cooch more than likely...
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Old 10-03-2013, 07:26 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
XNYrKr, exactly when and where did any Congressman VOTE to defund the government. They haven't, that is hyperbole. They voted to fund the government but want a couple consessions from the democrats. It is the democratic party that is unwilling to even talk that has reduced the size of government.
That is horseshit spin. It doesn't matter who voted which way. At the end of the day, Congress could not come to an agreement with the WH and there are now not enough funds to operate the government. So, it shuts down - just as expected. Now, they and we must live with the consequences.

Neugebauer knew that. And if he didn't he is an incompetent idiot.

How does ANY of that justify abusing the park ranger?

If he want to act outraged, let him pick on someone his own size. Why didn't he confront a Democratic Congressman in front of the cameras? Perhaps, because he was afraid of getting into a confrontation with someone who might fight back?

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
As for the Park Ranger, she is not getting paid right now but the World War II Memorial is an open piece of property. It is taking more effort to shut it down then it does to keep it open. Go look at the memorial. It would be like trying close Dealey Plaza or Times Square. This closure came from orders from the White House. Your Boy-President is becoming the deranged tryant that we have been warning about. Who but a tyrant of old would do something like this. (think a king having all the horses hobbled so that he has the fastest horse)
Again, what does ANY of that have to do with Neugebauer abusing the park ranger? Can you read? Even if what you wrote is true (doubtful), how does that justify Neugebauer confronting a park ranger - instead of someone from the White House or a Democrat from Congress?

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Now tell us how a twat acts.
Like Neugebauer. Or like Whirlagay.
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