This is getting off course here...I wasn't pissed because everyone cancelled, or wouldn't prebook. I was pissed because I posted "in the wrong section" that I needed to cancel, and eccie, in all their infinite wisdom, gave me a "warning" like i was 6 yrs old or something. to the prebooking's not finacially feasible, or even a little bit smart for me, or any of us girls to drive 3 hours, get a room, and HOPE some of y'all call at the last minute. I won't go anywhere without at least 3 prebooked appts. Hopefully, those 3 will show, and you last minute fellas can fill in the empty hours.
That room I booked was $106. I get 17.5 mpg....3 hours on the road...157, time away from home when I am probably missing appts....
See what I am saying here?
I KNOW shit happens! I KNOW life interferes. I KNOW y'all have to cancel, etc etc.
That wasn't the point of this whole thread! lol
I was mad because they "warned" me and it got my redheaded dander up!
Now can we PLEASE put this to bed??
love y'all...xoxoxo....sammmmmmmmmm mmmmmm