I travel the same road home every day
its a four lane that merges right to left into a two lane
almost daily, some asshole tries to run up the right side of everyone and then tries to weasel his way in front of the line by cutting off people inthe left lane at the last minute
causing the whole goddamn line to have to SLAM on their breaks and dissrupt the nice flow
most everyone with common sense and travels this road more than once KNOWS the real "polite" thing to do is anticipate the merge WWAAAYYY sooner and just get your ass in line as to NOT fucking dissrupt the nice flow the republicans are in
I always watch my mirors in anticipation of this so that I can be the one to run that person into the ditch when he runs outta road cause I dont move for LAW BREAKING assholes that thinck their smart.
Now, this always causes the oncoming driver to wet his pants and lean on the horn like a girl....mmmeeeep ! mmmeeeeeep!
then they try and tailgate me untill I brake check the SHIT out of them and then the girl starts getting his panties really in a bunch now with more mmmeeeeeppp! mmeeeeeepp!
Its FUCKING HILARIOUS here in LIBERAL VILLE upset NY!!!HEhehehehehe..
and why do I say it ALWAYS a liberal??
probably because the LOUDEST whiners are most ALWAYS some little prius, or hybrib, small piece of crap car

plus you know liberals dont thinck LAWS apply to them, even though passing vehicles on the RIGHT SIDE is NOT LEGAL in NYS..
They just thinck their entitled to run up the side of everyone and people are Supposed to be "POLITE" and let the inconsiderate annoying bastard into line..
So annyways, thats how I spot libs on the road..