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Old 04-27-2010, 01:53 PM   #1
Khloe Karan
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Default Religon and the Hobby! (Is it being hypocritical?)

Ok I've often wondered, is it being hypocritical if you're in the hobby/like to hobby but at the same time run to Church on Sunday? I had gotten into a debate about this and wanted to know some of your thoughts. I say its hypocritical IF you point fingers and act all Holier-Than-Thou, but you personally know damn well you're doing the same thing. But IMO, I don't see anything wrong with it. I mean we all need Church in some point of our lives. What are your thoughts?
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Old 04-27-2010, 01:54 PM   #2
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Oops! Sorry for misspelling the word "Religion"
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Old 04-27-2010, 02:04 PM   #3
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Faith is a personal relationship, providing and being in the hobby is a personal choice.

As long as YOU don't have an issue with it, then what does it matter.............I'm just saying!
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Old 04-27-2010, 06:49 PM   #4
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I would say that just going to church while you are in the hobby is not hypocritical. One of tenants of most religions is the acknowledgment that we are not perfect beings.
Now, publicly condemning someone else for their infidelity while at the same time being unfaithful; that is hypocritical.
Take Elliot Spitzer. When he was a DA he made a big deal about braking up the High Dollar Escort rings. Rode that publicity to the Governor's Mansion. I guess when he was prosecuting those cases, he was filling up his little black book so he would have all the good phone numbers when he became Governor.
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Old 04-27-2010, 08:31 PM   #5
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It depends on what you believe in. Christianity is only one facet of myriad types of different beliefs out there.
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Old 04-27-2010, 10:30 PM   #6
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It's not hypocritical but mis-leading.

I think I'd venture to say that most hobbyist would find a woman's personal religious struggles with her job a turn-off.

I remember chatting it up with a super freak top notch provider with several reviews and she got into topics of God, and how she's trying to quit the game, and different bad spirits customers give off, etc.. and my dick went immediately limp. That's not why I called you. I can have that conversation with a female friend (but what black female would tell me about her fornicative struggles?) or anyone else in my normal walk of life.

I've overcome personal addictions in life and I'm 100% for people over-coming and getting past things they feel keep them down. But for some reason it's a turn-off to hear about how a provider is stopping or attempting to stop due to moral convictions and so forth. I don't have the time for it. Take care of your personal shit on your own and if you're no longer providing cut your phone off and people will get the picture.

I'm saying this with no intent to dis-respect. But how are we going to be finished GFE++ then lay in the bed having you tell me about how you know what you're doing is wrong? That's not part of the fantasy. We are aware of reality but want to keep it in the fantasy relm.
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Old 04-27-2010, 11:21 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by belisarius View Post
It depends on what you believe in. Christianity is only one facet of myriad types of different beliefs out there.
I agree. And if one is going to believe in some kind of otherworldly mumbo-jumbo, why not pick otherworldly mumbo-jumbo that doesn't condemn hobbying? I worship Aphrodite and regard providers as her priestesses.
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Old 04-28-2010, 07:29 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Khloe Karan View Post
is it being hypocritical if you're in the hobby/like to hobby but at the same time run to Church on Sunday?
No, it is NOT unless you are criticizing others for their "percieved" misdoings.

And, "run to Church?" on Sunday??? Alot of people feel that that wrongs can be somewhat forgiven by "going or attending" a church service on Sunday.

Originally Posted by Khloe Karan View Post
I mean we all need Church in some point of our lives.
Not sure about the "all", in your statement but, some folks do feel the need to have a relationship with a church and a higher-power.
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Old 04-28-2010, 12:01 PM   #9
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Modern day religion is a 2000+ year old scam. IMHO.

I follow Australian aboriginal religion which began about 6,000 years ago. (no I'm not serious)

I think every religion is pretty silly. But I'm glad so many are "God fearing" people however, otherwise nobody would have any incentive to be good right?
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Old 04-28-2010, 01:19 PM   #10
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I think that maybe it has to do with why you practice religion/"go to church". If you, and I mean "you" in the general sense, go to church selfishly seeking forgiveness of your sins knowing that you intend to leave and do them again then, yes, I would consider this hypocritical.
If, however, you are seeking to create/build a relationship with God aknowledging that you are imperfect but still willing to try to make yourself worthy of forgiveness through your devotion to him then I think you are trying for the right reason.

Mary Magdalene is described in the Bible as a sinful woman. Most believe this to mean she was a prostitute. Nothing indicates that she became sin free as soon as she began to follow Jesus but Jesus used her as an example as she washed his feet with her tears that those that love much will be forgiven much.

Strange that the Prophet hasn't weighed in.
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Old 04-28-2010, 02:37 PM   #11
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You call.......the Fucking prophet answers.

If you need a church(location) to have a relationship with a higher power, you should find that location and attend.........after all, the goal is to find peace with who you are. If you find that in christian fellowship with others........how can that be a bad thing(you notice the period instead of a question mark).

It would be easy to dissect the "run" in the question. But, I will refrain for the sake of the larger question.

The nature of a "hypocrite" is to act like something he/she is not.

The nature of this hobby leads to hypocrisy.....it is what it is.

I will now pass around the KFC bucket (give till it hurts) as we all sing "Rock of Ages".
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Old 04-28-2010, 07:17 PM   #12
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Default What The Bible Teaches

There are many "denominations" within Christianity, I do not know of any that condone Adultry or Fornication.

Good Grief, if you are a practicing Christian, you have to know that participating in the "hobby" would be classed as a "sin" in any Christian Denomination. But then, so are many of the things we do in everyday life.

Listenning to the dirty joke. Watching much of the programming on non network Television. Shooting the finger at someone in traffic. Using Profanity. Cheating on taxes. Being dishonest in business. Lying. The list of things we do in everyday life that can be classed as a "sin" is just about endless.

If you have conviction, (in your heart), that participating in the "Hobby" is a sinful practice, then you are committing sin. If you believe what two consenting Adults do together is nobodies business, then, in your own heart, you are not committing a "sin". But as with many things, what an individule thinks carries very little weight in the eyes of the Public.

It has always been my understanding that in the eyes of God, one "sin" is no greater than another, and no man, save Jesus Christ, is sinless. Most of us would be castigated my the vast majority of the Public if they knew that we participated in what amounts to an unlawful activity, which in the eyes of most is a "sin". But, as the old song "Harper Valley PTA" points out, those that are pointing the finger the most are usually the more sinfull of the lot. Does Elliot Sptizer come to mind. Or perhaps Jimmy Swaggart.

I see a Provider, (only one), for one reason. It is enjoyable. There is no love involved, no commitment. No reason other than at 63 years old, I want a little enjoyment that being with a beautiful, intelligent woman can provide. I have been a Widower for going on 13 years. If I am sinning, well, that just makes me a sinner.

But, am I a hypocrite? I suppose that is between me and the Lord.
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Old 04-28-2010, 09:54 PM   #13
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Lol @ passing the KFC bucket as we sing "Rock of Ages" (I prefer the Popeye's bucket lol) These are some really great answers! I was sooo curious to know one's thoughts. Its funny how its ok whenever some1 sins BCD (not meaning in a sexual way), but in public eye they're all "This little light if mine.", but when YOU do something that's sinful, they point their fingers and try to make you feel low. Like they'll say, "YOU DON'T NEED TO BE HAVING SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE!!" when they were doing it themselves. They SHOULD say "I rather for you to wait and be abstinent (sp?), but you are going to experiment and try things and find yourself." I swear ppl can really be wishy-washy at times. Its like the saying of "Don't call the kettle pot black"

I will try to use some of these answers in this part 2 debacle debate w/this person. Keep 'em coming guys!!
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Old 04-28-2010, 09:59 PM   #14
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Watch "Religulous"...a movie with Bill Maher..VERY enlightening...
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Old 04-28-2010, 10:09 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by ratboy jam View Post
Watch "Religulous"...a movie with Bill Maher..VERY enlightening...

We are just monkeys. Dance monkeys dance.

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