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Old 05-31-2012, 03:45 PM   #1
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Default John Wiley Price. Are his days numbered before being arrested?

Here is the link to the 55 page affidavit filed today that lays out in detail the money laundering schemes and illegal activities Commissioner John Wiley Price has apparently been involved in for quite a long time.


Unlike Al Limpscomb, there appears to be quite the paper trail of wrong doings and this time the Feds are not relying on witness statements of bribery to make their case they are relying on his own statements and bank accounts.

Being able to track all this down has obviously taken some serious time and effort and I for one hope that any funds confiscated that were from the results of avoiding taxes for Dallas County result in the County getting those taxes and any of the cars he has that should have been sold at auction to the benefit of the county are also sold to benefit the tax base.

But, as I read on a social network site:
"JWP could kill and eat one of his supporters on live TV and he would still get over 50% of the vote down there, it's the whole us vs. them mentality and in the eyes of South Dallas, JWP is one of them"

Shocking but very true.

JWP stopped doing the right thing for the Southern sector and the people living there who were looking for the proper direction and leadership many years ago and the area has not changed for the better in how many years now? I moved to Dallas in 1991 and that part of town was in bad shape and is at least as bad if not worse while JWP has simply increased his own personal wealth.
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Old 05-31-2012, 05:50 PM   #2
Juan Pablo de Marco
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i wrote a paper, for a political science class back in college, on the efforts of Roy Williams and Marvin Crenshaw that ultimately ended the at-large voting system in place at the time. the lawsuit resulted in the implementation of the present 14-1 voting system.

this should have led to a greater and more effective representation of the southern dallas sector, that had been pretty much shit on by the Dallas Citizens' Council and their complete control of the city of dallas' govt. which still is in play to this day. and it's understandable to some degree that the citizens of south dallas that have been treated as second class citizens for so long by the white-dominated city govt, would look to guys like JWP as someone that would help them get a slice of the pie as it were. JWP has effectively marketed himself as a guy who is fighting 'the man' while aligning himself at times with 'the man' for his own gain.

JWP and other greedy self-serving vultures that claimed to be working for the south dallas sector have done little to help the area they represent. with the proper representation that area could be so much better today. but sadly the greed, power plays, and utter corruption have led to more of the same.
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Old 05-31-2012, 06:07 PM   #3
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Well said... JPdM. Excellent.....
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Old 05-31-2012, 06:21 PM   #4
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Default Some things never change...

Cant say that I was suprised that JWP and Bernice-Johnson were both re-elected...But was somewhat surprised at the margin they both won by....Some candidtates seem to have support of certain people....no matter how they act OR perform/or DONT perform their duties...
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Old 06-01-2012, 07:11 AM   #5
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Sadly, some people remain loyal to a fault even when the evidence stares them in the face.

Is it really that hard to do the right thing for the people who vote you in? In local politics, I think you can and almost should be expected to "do the right thing" to help the people who voted you in. On the national level, I think the right thing needs to take on a bigger picture view. Sadly, those guys, all the way up through the president, make decions based solely on their own personal agendas, which often are just re-election and not what is best for the nation.

When the governor of Louisiana, Edwin Edwards was being investigated one time for one of his many 'errors in judgment,' I heard he was quoted as saying, "Yes, I took the bribe. It was good for the state of Louisiana, so I took it and helped out the state." (Obviously a lot of paraphrasing there.)

Today's politicians never look at what is best for the state, the nation. They only care about themselves.

I know, probably sounds ridiculous to try to take a moral high road on a silly little whore board, but we are just sitting in a sandbox. (And sand and sex never mix well.)
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Old 06-05-2012, 09:22 AM   #6
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"All politics is local." ~Tip O'Neil, U.S. Speaker of the House (1977-1987)
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Old 06-06-2012, 01:48 PM   #7
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John Wiley Price is a loud mouth biggot. He will in fact use the "race" issue to try and stonewall the investigation and we might even see a few national black leaders come to town to try and prevent a black man from being taken to trial under the law. From what I have read and seen of this investigation, Mr. Price will soon enough be having to stand on his own and be prosecuted and may even face prison time.
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Old 06-08-2012, 11:07 PM   #8
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Default 230K in Cash in JWP's home Safe...

...I sure his atty will be able to explain this away...already saying half of it belongs to one of the others named in affidavit...So that only leaves 115K...doesnt EVERYONE have that kind of chump change laying around the house?

:Sneaktongu e:
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Old 06-09-2012, 07:59 AM   #9
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It is not illegal to have money, even large sums of money in cash at your house. But you have to prove that the money was obtained through legal means and that you paid income tax on the money. The FBI I am sure will have the IRS involved, the IRS can dig more than any group and Mr Price might see jail time for income tax evasion as well as mail fraud, when the government wants you bad enough, they will get you.
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