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Old 05-18-2012, 03:54 PM   #1
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Default Yikes - One Year in Jail as a Client

Just posted this blog, wondering whether people here agree, disagree, or have other insights. Thanks, James, editor, My Red Light Story.

New York has recently toughened up its anti-trafficking laws as reported in this New York Times article, "Prosecutors Focus on Pimps and Clients, Instead of Prostitutes." (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/03/ny...ostitutes.html) It states that sex trafficking charge now can result in a maximum sentence of twenty-five years, up from fifteen years. Meanwhile, and what got my attention, clients can receive a maximum sentence of one year in jail for seeing a prostitute, up from three months.

I have not studied the intricacies of the law nor what sentences are actually being passed out, but it does seem that once again society is conflating two completely separate prostitution scenarios and applying the same remedy against both. I agree that trafficking of people for sex is a terrible crime and needs to be dealt with harshly. Whether this law actually helps in this regard is beyond my area of expertise. But applying the same "going-nuclear" mechanisms against consensual sex work in which nobody is harmed seems completely absurd. In the case of trafficking, it's clear a crime is being committed. Woman are coerced to have sex, and are effectively being raped.

In the case of consensual sex work, woman are choosing on their own free will to sell sexual services. In some cases, maybe they have run out of options in how to survive in their lives, and see sex work as the only option. That's a sad state of affairs, but nevertheless the woman is still making a choice. There are also grey areas, exemplified in a statement a provider made to me in a recent conversation, "I'm burned out on being a provider, I'm ever less tolerant of the BS that I have to deal with, especially with flaky clients, yet there's no other work I can do that will pay me near as much. I can't even imagine starting on the ground floor in some job." That also makes me sad. However, I still don't see the true crime being committed against women (or men) who choose this path.

I suppose the rationalization is that if there is sufficiently harsh punishment for clients irrespective of whether they have sex with a coerced or willing provider, they will be less likely to see any provider, and that demand for trafficked providers will decrease. I'm not convinced. Similar harsh laws for other crimes, including drug use, have resulted in the U.S. having a higher percentage of people in jail than any other country in the world at 743 per 100,000 people. That's six times higher than Canada.

I don't have all the answers but surely they should include items such as better resources for trafficked or sexually coerced women to find help and shelter. A predisposition of treating sex workers less as criminals and more as victims would probably also help.

It is a shame that these two spheres of prostitution, coerced and consensual, overlap in the way they do. For example, both use Internet ads for sexual services, making it difficult for clients to distinguish between the two. In some more enlightened society that both accepts and protects sex workers, one can imagine, it would be much harder for trafficking to exist. It's similar to the arguments that drug crime would go away if drugs were legalized. But that's certainly not the society we live in. Instead, we have scumbags profiting from inhumane exploitation of people, and society retaliating with harsh measures that end up punishing the relatively innocent.
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Old 05-18-2012, 04:08 PM   #2
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We need to stop criminalizing "addiction" as a society(consenting adults albeit). The higher the stakes, the greater my addiction. LOL but I'm being honest! I don't want to be "cured" either. Just let me enjoii my addictive ways!
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Old 05-18-2012, 04:12 PM   #3
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I am only paying for companionship.
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Old 05-18-2012, 11:01 PM   #4
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You can thank liberal bitches like Nancy Pelosi and all her wonderful gal pals in the feminist movement. While their motives might be good-- i.e. helping exploited women escape their fate, the tactics are typical for our police-state society-- use a sledgehammer and blame it all on the white male for "creating" the situation. This is happening in Europe (especially Scandinavia). They are considering the providers/sex workers to actually be the victims of a crime instead of being criminals themselves. It is the moving pendulum. Years ago, all the police effort was on cracking down on the hookers to attack the supply side of the equation. Now, they are cracking down on the clients in hopes of driving down the demand, and oh by the way using the "weak" female victim argument. It is all bull shit. We need laws that clearly protect the exploited but allow consenting adults enjoy their fun, but it will never happen as long as their are hypocrit politicians looking for an easy target to make hay.
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Old 05-19-2012, 03:27 AM   #5
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the main purpose of the high rate is to discourage prostitution,,if arrested, you would probally pay a fine...first offence
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Old 05-19-2012, 07:26 AM   #6
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You're preaching to the choir on this subject.

Some countries are just too uptight about certain natural things.

There are some countries where selling sex has been legalized and it works fine, but it will probably take another century for the US to catch up.

. . . Or never if it was up to Rick Santorum!

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Old 05-19-2012, 07:29 AM   #7
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This story seems to focus on the ones it needs to PIMPS...This father and son team need to be in jail for what they have done...This does not sound like two consenting adults.....just my two cents
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Old 05-19-2012, 04:44 PM   #8
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It sounds like they are using the same philosophy used for the war on drugs. The war on drugs was located in Colombia thousand of milles away. Several BILIONS later the war on drug is now located at our border and the stuff is available everywhere. BRILLANT!!

Why didn't they learn from the Tobacco?? Consumption bent by more than half in 10 years without jailing one single person.

I can't wait to see what will be the result of the initiative against the hobbyists. I seriously need to consider including the private jail businesses to my watch list and investments...it seems like they might be the big winners in this.
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Old 05-19-2012, 04:49 PM   #9
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I pay just to have a shoulder to cry on. The other is just sympathy sex.
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Old 05-19-2012, 05:08 PM   #10
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She likes to talk in the nude and so do I, so what??
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