1) Providers are better bed mates.
2) Clear your phone daily or have a second hobby phone.
3) If I worked hard for my family and money, I would **** around too (Oops I already do that)

4) It must always be about sex...never love.
5) Provide your lover with a phone that you can erase everything remotely, like Microsoft My Phone on any carrier
6) Always deal in cash, leave no digital footprints.
7) If caught, deny deny deny until presented with hard evidence. Then continue to deny until presented with irrefutable evidence.
8) If caught, confess everything upfront (or at least enough that it seems like everything) so that people won't go digging.

9) Explain to SO that yes, you F*ck'd her(or them)..."But I Make Love to Only You"
10) Have enough cash to not give a sh!+ about the outcome.
11) If you are truly great at what you do, people will forgive you and forget your transgressions
12) Don't be naive and think that she doesn't know.

13) The best wives always stay.
Over the past 20 years, has anyone else learned anything from sex scandals that would be good counsel to old and the new...especially in this digital, socially-connected age?