So there is this one provider who i've been dying to see. But she hasn't blessed us with her presence in almost a year. I sent her a PM through 411 but never got a response. Then this week I see she's planning on being in town so I send her an appointment request. We exchange emails and decide on a time for today. I call today to confirm and she's not even in town yet. We rescheduled but I'm not sure it will work out. You see, I haven't had much luck "performing" during my past encounters. Way to much anxiety i guess. I was hoping to try something different by having her come to my place. Heck I was just wanting to chat for the length of the session nothing else. What can I say, I'm a romantic.

Then maybe see her again before she left for something more intimate. But it doesn't look like that's going to work out. I'm beginning to believe that maybe this hobby is not for me. I'm not a regular poster on here, so I know I won't be missed. For the lovely ladies that I had the great fortune to meet, thanks for you company. Off to blow all the money I had planned to spend on. Best Buy here i come!