Insurance companies are more likely to pay for cosmetic surgery in cases of disfiguring accidents or babies with correctable birth defects like cleft palets.
Circumcision too (yep, classed under cosmetic surgery but only covered by about 1/2 of major med and I think 20 states dropped it from Medicaid)

No seriously though - if you have a legitimate problem with breast tissue - as in they're tubal instead of round you can talk to your ins company. If your breast tissue is malformed you may be able to get part of the surgery covered, as when they do the implants, they will correct the breast tissue.
That being said, there are multiple places that finance such surgeries and are not hard to get approved through. Apply for financing (you'll need proof of income, so I hope you filed taxes

!), get approved, ask THEM for recommendations of doctors. Do the research on the Top 3 they give you, pick one, get new boobies