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Old 08-04-2011, 07:11 AM   #1
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Talking Grandfathering, Multi Hour Minimums & 15 Minute Appointments

Grandfathering: When I see this in an ad I feel like I being punished just because I'm not an existing client or member of the frequent flyer program being offered. I pass! The provider is doing something nice for her existing clients but whats she saying to any prospective new clients?

Multi Hour Minimums: When I see this I think what the hell? 2,3 & 4 hour minimums? And then their face isn't in the show case pictures? Why would some one want to spend that much money on a first meeting to find out if your a good fit? The reasoning is always that they want to get to know the client. Well how about spending a little time on the phone?

15 Minute Appointments: This one I don't understand! What's next a drive threw? I'll take a blonde, 5'6" C Cup BBBJ with three positions. "Would you like a hot apple pie with that?" Sure what the hell!

Let's here it!
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Old 08-04-2011, 08:02 AM   #2
Jackie S
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Default The 15 Minute Thing

This whole "gfe multi hour thing" is really a recent phenomina.
Back when I was much younger, (60's), all of this did not exist. You had whorehouses, street walkers, and the occasional call girl. Sessions rarely lasted more than 15-20 minutes, and msog were simply not on the menu.

When I was in the Army, we had 9th street in Junction City Kansas. This was production line prostitution, the main clientel was Ft Riley service men, hell, you said hi to the next guy as you were leaving.

In Germany, where you had huge whorehouses such as the Wall in old Nurnberg, you widow shopped, spent about 15 minutes doing your thing, and that was it. 40 Marks got you in and out.

I won't even go into what we did in Vietnam, too damned scary.

When I got out of the Army after 2 years, and before I got married, the old Lyons Avenue, Airline Drive, 75th street, and Clinton Drive Stroll were the hot bed for Hookers, but it was still the 15 minutes and you are done thing.

The Internet changed everything, more communication meant men exchanged ideas, and more men wanted more than simply a 15 minute nut. The Ladies all bought computers, and the rest is History.

I had no idea that it had progressed into what it is now. Way back when, in order to spend an hour with a Lady, you damned near had to call her your mistress. I did not screw around on my Wife from the time we married untill she passed away, so I was out of the loop for over 30 years. To put it mildly, I was shocked to find sites such as this, and the number of Ladies who had, in reality, become what we used to call a "call girl". They also now demand call girl prices, which way back when was the venue of a select few.

So, believe it or not, this whole "long time" thing is really quite recent.
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Old 08-04-2011, 08:24 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Grandfathering: When I see this in an ad I feel like I being punished just because I'm not an existing client or member of the frequent flyer program being offered. I pass! The provider is doing something nice for her existing clients but whats she saying to any prospective new clients?

Well can you really fault them here? You should see them early and often to take advantage. Its usually incentive to see them early if you are on the fences. Usually grandfathering for the most part is a privilege for us as hobbyist and a good business tactic for them if they can afford to provide that. If she sees fit to do it it aids my decision to see her other times......its not an overt concern but it matters somewhat. Although its strange.....it is a nice ego stroker though to know that I may be paying far less than what other have paid......but that may be part of her game anyway. But I also know guys like variety.....I just tend to see the same ladies so it works for me.

Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Hour Minimums: When I see this I think what the hell? 2,3 & 4 hour minimums? And then their face isn't in the show case pictures? Why would some one want to spend that much money on a first meeting to find out if your a good fit? The reasoning is always that they want to get to know the client. Well how about spending a little time on the phone?
I agree with you on the no face photo part. Unless she has good reviews that say she not butterface I won't venture.....but I do ask for pic and most ladies accommodate after screening.

As far as the time booked.....I can't have a satisfying experience in just one hour myself. Can take me almost 45 minutes to achieve. And I don't like to rush or abuse her time by going over even one minute. So booking 2 to 4 hours avoids that an I can relax a lil bit.

From ladies I have heard that doing 2 hour minimums help them to avoid certain types of clients they don't prefer, they get haggled less, potential suitors look at their rates as a deal as opposed to booking one hour, and they use a little time to talk to the client before session if needed to break the ice. If I see a lady that has rates for 300 for one hour and one who advertises 340 to 400 for 90 minutes or 2 hours it makes me think that she may accommodate time better for me and enjoys more time.

Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Minute Appointments: This one I don't understand! What's next a drive threw? I'll take a blonde, 5'6" C Cup BBBJ with three positions. "Would you like a hot apple pie with that?" Sure what the hell!
I agree with you here. I usually think high volume when I see 20 and 15 minutIe quickys offered. I don't really seek ladies who have 15 minute quicky rates especially blow and gos. Since most providers are late are running late to see me, I often think hmmm....maybe she squeezed just one more client in an figured I wouldn't mind waiting a lil while longer on a multi hour outcall.

The half hours are very popular. And I have grown to accpet ladies doing them....but I have a general rule if any of her rates are cheaper than my outcall hotel stay I generally won't see her.
Some ladies say also that most of the guys who like 30 minutes or less usually for the most part push for more time anyway and go over the clock.
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Old 08-04-2011, 09:57 AM   #4
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Grandfathering rates-- I hate when girls advertise it. To me, that is just low class. Just publish regular rates and leave it at that. If a provider wants to give a "discount" rate to returning clients, she should keep it out of her ads. She needs to keep that low key. It also allows her to determine which clients rate a discount without every Tom, Dick and Harry asking for the discount. Also, if a provider offers specials, fine, but don't be like K-Mart with a Blue Light Special every other day. It only confuses us guys. What's the regular rate? What's the special?

Multi-Hour Minimum-- I hate this as well. It just oozes a snobbish attitude and most likely GPS on the part of the provider. The client should determine the length of the appointment. I can understand a 1 hour minimum but anything over that is extreme. To me when I see something like a 2 hour minimum, I equate it with a provider's desire to do 1/2 the work and get paid double the money. If I want to pay for an hour's worth "getting to know you time", that should be my choice. As stated, if a provider wants to get to know a client, do it before the date. We do have e-mail and phones for this.

15 minute appointments-- what is this, the FedEx of sex? Why not a 5 minute rate? I know I can bust a nut in 5 minutes-- unzip, suck, cum, zip and go. Brings new meaning to the term high volume.
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Old 08-04-2011, 11:27 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Cpalmson View Post
mail and phones for this.
Why not a 5 minute rate? I know I can bust a nut in 5 minutes-- unzip, suck, cum, zip and go. Brings new meaning to the term high volume.
You got it all figured out, you should become pimp.
5 minutes for 50, 10 per hour, 8 hours per day = 4000
250 days makes a million per year per girl
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Old 08-04-2011, 12:23 PM   #6
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones
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Thank goodness it's not a one-size-fits-all hobby and we have choices. You guys who seem to think you know how to run every provider's business better than they do just crack me up!
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Old 08-04-2011, 12:44 PM   #7
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the best thing to do when you don't like a girls fee schedule is the same as when you don't like when a store has one.

speak to management (the provider) about your concerns, or shop somewhere else.
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Old 08-04-2011, 03:25 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Waldo P. Emerson-Jones View Post
Thank goodness it's not a one-size-fits-all hobby and we have choices. You guys who seem to think you know how to run every provider's business better than they do just crack me up!
Nobody is telling anyone how to run their business. We are just pointing out somethings we don't like within the hobby. This is after all a service industry. Consumer feedback is often highly desired. If we don't point out some of the things we don't like, it is possible some girls are unaware of these issues which in the long run might cost them clients who would normally be inclines to see them. But hey, like you said. It is a world of choices.
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Old 08-04-2011, 03:54 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Waldo P. Emerson-Jones View Post
Thank goodness it's not a one-size-fits-all hobby and we have choices. You guys who seem to think you know how to run every provider's business better than they do just crack me up!
I agree with you Waldo.

How does one without a vagina become such an expert?
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Old 08-04-2011, 04:07 PM   #10
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Default lol

Originally Posted by monkmonk View Post
I agree with you Waldo.

How does one without a vagina become such an expert?

I don't know.. maybe you ought to check yours and let us know. lol
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Old 08-04-2011, 04:29 PM   #11
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones
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Originally Posted by Cpalmson View Post
Multi-Hour Minimum-- I hate this as well. It just oozes a snobbish attitude and most likely GPS on the part of the provider. The client should determine the length of the appointment. I can understand a 1 hour minimum but anything over that is extreme. To me when I see something like a 2 hour minimum, I equate it with a provider's desire to do 1/2 the work and get paid double the money. If I want to pay for an hour's worth "getting to know you time", that should be my choice. As stated, if a provider wants to get to know a client, do it before the date. We do have e-mail and phones for this.
Originally Posted by Cpalmson View Post
Nobody is telling anyone how to run their business.
My apologies. I took you to mean what you wrote. I now see that I was mistaken in assuming that you have command of the English language.
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Old 08-04-2011, 07:44 PM   #12
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Me-ow guys!

feedback is appreciated when it comes to what you do and don't like when it comes to BCD.
Many ladies are open to feedback on things related to TCB.
I am not one of those.
I don't mind reading posts at all, but if someone were to PM me telling me what length of appointments I should be setting, or that my rate structure didn't make sense to him, or in any other way trying to tell me how to run the business aspect of my playtime.. If I wanted a manager, I'd hire one.
+1 to ignore list.
I'm almost 30, and set in my ways. I'm stubborn. What can I say? I'm a natural redhead! ^_^

What is listed on my site is the extent of what I offer to new BFs.
I just do not do 30 min or shorter, and I personally feel over 2 hours is a long time to spend with someone I'm meeting for the first time.
I do always leave plenty of time in between dates just in case the chemistry is great and the time slips by us.
Overnight with someone I've never met? Nope.

Am I missing out on $$$? Probably. Don't really care.
I do what I do as much for the thrill and experience as the extra $.
I make plenty to cover bills, etc with my "normal" job. So I can afford to miss out on those who want BnG's, 30 mins, or overnights.
There are plenty of sexy fun ladies who can more than make up for it.

As for grandfathering rates? I do, but they know it, so it's just an unspoken thing.
I do mention a military discount on my site. And a P411 discount on my page there.
Does that bother you too?
You could always MTFU or WTSOYV and enlist and subscribe to p411. Then you'd be eligible for both.

Also, Hooah Jackie! Thank YOU for paving the way for us newer soldiers
too funny monkmonk!
oh snap! burkalini
+1 Waldo
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Old 08-04-2011, 08:24 PM   #13
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Cool Vet Discount?

Do Vets get discounts or only active duty? Last time I checked I was ACTIVE for DUTY! LOL!!!!
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Old 08-04-2011, 08:29 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Waldo P. Emerson-Jones View Post
My apologies. I took you to mean what you wrote. I now see that I was mistaken in assuming that you have command of the English language.
When I said the client should determine the length of the appointment, I meant that he will choose a provider that offers the length of appointment he desires. In effect, he'll most likely just ignore a provider who has a minimum that he doesn't want to commit $$$ to. I know that if I see a provider who has a 2 hour minimum for over $600, I'll pass. I won't bother to contact her. To me, her "requirement" is something I'm not willing to deal with. It is my choice. I would never contact her and try to haggle price or time because then I'd be telling her how to run her business. Make sense?

Originally Posted by lilred_robin View Post

As for grandfathering rates? I do, but they know it, so it's just an unspoken thing.
I do mention a military discount on my site. And a P411 discount on my page there.
Does that bother you too?
You could always MTFU or WTSOYV and enlist and subscribe to p411. Then you'd be eligible for both.
Robin, you handle rates and discounts perfectly. It is what I would expect. I just don't like seeing a provider put in her ad or on her website something like this:

"New Rates for first time clients is $XXX. Returning gentleman will continue to pay my old rates".

To me, this is to Orwellian-- i.e. "All clients are the same, but some clients get treated better."

As for specials, I know of cases where a provider will offer so many specials that the guys can't keep track of what they are suppose to pay. Which in the end, leads to confusion and can create instant friction upon meeting when the guy brings less of a donation than what the girl is expecting. There are many guys who see this practice from several perspective. Some see it as bait 'n switch. Others see it as a sign of trying to build volume.
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Old 08-04-2011, 10:43 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne View Post
the best thing to do when you don't like a girls fee schedule is the same as when you don't like when a store has one.

speak to management (the provider) about your concerns, or shop somewhere else.
Yeah, right! Most ladies react sooo well when someone tells them what they "should" be doing! Robin touched on it above.

The proper response would be to not see her. When her business slows down she will make the necessary changes to her business or lose it.
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