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Old 03-09-2012, 06:01 PM   #1
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The war on conservative women by Michelle Malkin

I’m sorry Rush Limbaugh called 30-year-old Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke a “slut.” She’s really just another professional femme-a-gogue helping to manufacture a false narrative about the GOP “war on women.” I’m sorry the civility police now have an opening to demonize the entire right based on one radio comment —because it’s the progressive left in this country that has viciously and systematically slimed female conservatives for their beliefs.

We have the well-worn battle scars to prove it. And no, we don’t need coddling phone calls from the pandering president of the United States to convince us to stand up and fight.

At his first press conference of the year on Tuesday, the Nation’s Concern Troll explained that he phoned Fluke to send a message to his daughters and all women that they shouldn’t be “attacked or called horrible names because they are being good citizens.” After inserting himself into the fray and dragging Sasha and Malia into the debate, Obama then told a reporter he “didn’t want to get into the business of arbitrating” language and civility. Too late, pal.

The fact is, “slut” is one of the nicer things I’ve been called over 20 years of public life. In college during the late 1980s, it was “race traitor,” “coconut” (brown on the outside white on the inside) and “white man’s puppet.” After my first book, “Invasion,” came out in 2001, it was “immigrant-hater,” the “Radical Right’s Asian Pitbull,” “Tokyo Rose” and “Aunt Tomasina.” In my third book, 2005′s “Unhinged,” I published entire chapters of hate mail rife with degrading, unprintable sexual epithets and mockery of my Filipino heritage.

If I had a dollar for every time libs have called me a “Manila whore” and “Subic Bay bar girl,” I’d be able to pay for a ticket to a Hollywood-for-Obama fundraiser. To the HuffPo left, whore is my middle name.

Self-serving opponents argue that such attacks do not represent “respectable,” “mainstream” liberal opinion about their conservative female counterparts. But it was feminist godmother Gloria Steinem who called Texas Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison a “female impersonator.” It was NOW leader Patricia Ireland who commanded her flock to only vote for “authentic” female political candidates. It was Al Gore consultant Naomi Wolf who accused the late Jeane Kirkpatrick of being “uninflected by the experiences of the female body.”

It was Matt Taibbi, now of Rolling Stone magazine, who mocked my early championing of the tea party movement by jibing: “Now when I read her stuff, I imagine her narrating her text, book-on-tape style, with a big, hairy set of (redacted) in her mouth. It vastly improves her prose.”

It was Keith Olbermann, then at MSNBC and now at Al Gore’s Current TV, who wrote on Twitter that columnist S.E. Cupp was “a perfect demonstration of the necessity of the work Planned Parenthood does” and who called me a “mashed up bag of meat with lipstick on it.” He stands by those remarks. Olbermann has been a special guest at the White House.

Some of us have not forgotten when liberal Wisconsin radio host John “Sly” Sylvester outrageously accused GOP Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch of performing “fellatio on all the talk-show hosts in Milwaukee” and sneered that she had “pulled a train” (a crude phrase for gang sex). (Earlier, he called former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice a “black trophy” and “Aunt Jemima.”)

Or when MSNBC misogynist Ed Schultz called talk show host Laura Ingraham a “talk slut” for criticizing Obama’s petty beer summit. Or when Playboy published a list of the top 10 conservative women who deserved to be “hate-f**ked.” The article, which was promoted by Anne Schroeder Mullins at Politico.com, included Ingraham, “The View’s” Elisabeth Hasselbeck, former Bush spokeswoman Dana Perino, GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann and others. Yours truly topped the list with the following description: a “highly f**kable Filipina” and “a regular on Fox News, where her tight body and get-off-my-lawn stare just scream, ‘Do me!’”

And then there’s the left’s war on Sarah Palin, which would require an entire national forest of trees to publish.

A reporter asked Obama to comment on examples of liberal hate speech at Tuesday’s press conference. He whiffed, of course. This is, after all, the brave leader who sat on his hands while his street thugs attacked tea party mothers and grandmothers as “Koch whores” during the fight over union reform in Wisconsin. (As I reported last week, his re-election campaign is now targeting the Koch brothers’ private foundation donors in a parallel effort to chill conservative speech and activism.) He’s leading by example.

So no, we won’t get any phone calls from Mr. Civility. Acknowledging the war on conservative women would obliterate The Narrative. Enjoy the silence.


Related: Nick Gillespie – It’s Like Totally Different When a Liberal Blowhard Guy Calls a Conservative Woman a Twat!

And all you need to know in one handy primer: The progressive “climate of hate:” An illustrated primer, 2000-2010
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Old 03-09-2012, 06:37 PM   #2
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If i imagine your posts as a script for Stephen Colbert, you're actually quite funny!
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Old 03-09-2012, 08:27 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
If i imagine your posts as a script for Stephen Colbert, you're actually quite funny!
I dare y'all to just read the thread.

Douche you can go "MUNCH" ass like normal.
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Old 03-10-2012, 05:59 AM   #4
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It's gotta be difficult being a Democrat these days, your hypocracy is overwhelming and defines you're politics...here is another easy shot from my friends at "Powerline Blog. "

"Bill Maher is just one of many. Democrats, in general, are cruder and more vitriolic than Republicans. It is highly unlikely that you have heard of him–Louis CK was scheduled to host the 68th Annual Radio & Television Congressional Correspondents Dinner on June 8. Those correspondents, of course, are some of the very people who had been excoriating Limbaugh for calling Ms. Fluke a “slut.” CNN’s Jay McMichael headed the committee that was in charge of the program:

“We’re very excited about having Louis C.K. at the dinner,” said Jay McMichael of CNN, who chairs the RTCA’s executive committee. “This is an evening you’ll want to experience. We’re shaking things up, showcasing the unexpected, and delivering lots of laughs.”

Lots of laughs, indeed: Mr. C.K., it turns out, is foul-mouthed even for a Democrat. Ms. van Susteren collected some of his comments about Sarah Palin. Feel free to skip ahead if you have a weak stomach or are easily offended:

Louis C.K. says of Palin: “her f*** retard making c***” and “the baby that just came out of her f**** disgusting c***.”

To Palin: just “stick your t** in its mouth and shut up.”

And here is more: ”…her f***** retard making c****”.

Need more to convince you? Here is what he says on twitter:

“I want to rub my father’s c*** all over Sarah Palin’s fat t***”

By the way, there is more, lots more.

That, however, is plenty. Even for a liberal, Mr. C.K. is disgusting.

Fortunstely, itd reported that the Congressional Correspondents (Democrats all, no doubt) have decided to forgo the pleasure of hearing Sarah Palin’s c*** and t*** ridiculed, along with her young son–how funny is that!–and have discreetly canceled Mr. C.K.’s appearance."
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Old 03-10-2012, 06:19 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
If i imagine your posts as a script for Stephen Colbert, you're actually quite funny!
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Douche you can go "MUNCH" ass like normal.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Democrats, in general, are cruder and more vitriolic than Republicans.
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Old 03-10-2012, 11:06 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
It's gotta be difficult being a Democrat these days, your hypocracy is overwhelming and defines you're politics...here is another easy shot from my friends at "Powerline Blog. "

"Bill Maher is just one of many. Democrats, in general, are cruder and more vitriolic than Republicans. It is highly unlikely that you have heard of him–Louis CK was scheduled to host the 68th Annual Radio & Television Congressional Correspondents Dinner on June 8. Those correspondents, of course, are some of the very people who had been excoriating Limbaugh for calling Ms. Fluke a “slut.” CNN’s Jay McMichael headed the committee that was in charge of the program:

“We’re very excited about having Louis C.K. at the dinner,” said Jay McMichael of CNN, who chairs the RTCA’s executive committee. “This is an evening you’ll want to experience. We’re shaking things up, showcasing the unexpected, and delivering lots of laughs.”

Lots of laughs, indeed: Mr. C.K., it turns out, is foul-mouthed even for a Democrat. Ms. van Susteren collected some of his comments about Sarah Palin. Feel free to skip ahead if you have a weak stomach or are easily offended:

Louis C.K. says of Palin: “her f*** retard making c***” and “the baby that just came out of her f**** disgusting c***.”

To Palin: just “stick your t** in its mouth and shut up.”

And here is more: ”…her f***** retard making c****”.

Need more to convince you? Here is what he says on twitter:

“I want to rub my father’s c*** all over Sarah Palin’s fat t***”

By the way, there is more, lots more.

That, however, is plenty. Even for a liberal, Mr. C.K. is disgusting.

Fortunstely, itd reported that the Congressional Correspondents (Democrats all, no doubt) have decided to forgo the pleasure of hearing Sarah Palin’s c*** and t*** ridiculed, along with her young son–how funny is that!–and have discreetly canceled Mr. C.K.’s appearance."
Oh, Whirlygig, I suspect it's a lot more difficult being a republican these days than a democrat. Your candidates are all clowns and you know it. Feature this: Obama, his on-the-ground political machine, an economy that is improving every day....and about a billion dollars.....are all waiting for your goofball nominee right now..... whoever it may be, right after they get through arguing about who is more conservative and about depriving women in the US of contraception at your convention. Good luck.
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Old 03-11-2012, 05:52 AM   #7
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Now we know that Timpage and Doove are both mentally ill. Maybe that Obamacare can help them. Imagine that it will take a billion dollars of political money and another billion of free advertising to reelect Obama. His record is that bad (their words admit to that though they wil deny it) and it may still not be enough.
The democrats are the source of so much angry, sexist, disgusting, vitriol and our friends Timpage and Doove are okay with that. They will claim that the right is JUST AS responsible though they can't produce the evidence. So they have perceptual problems or are just mentally unbalanced. I'll let them explain.

I don't understand how unemployment being about 15%, gas prices passing $4 a gallon (if you live in the right part of the country), housing starts are flat, constuction jobs are flat, and they claim that is an improving economy. If that is the case they should drop to their knees and kiss the ass of George Bush for his 7% unemployment, an average of $2.50 a gallon gas, and growth. Hell, Bush is an economical genius comparing his results to Obamas results. When you have a Master's in Business from Wharton instead of being a community organizer from corrupt Chicago.
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Old 03-11-2012, 07:16 AM   #8
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Obama will need every nickel of the $1B you claim his campaign has amassed, if not alot more. But it will be more wasteful spending by the incompetent Obama, much like his wasted $1 Trillion stimulus and other costly big government ideas.
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Old 03-11-2012, 12:44 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post

At his first press conference of the year on Tuesday, the Nation’s Concern TROLL
Hey, Theres NO affirmative action for trolls, therefore NO OBAMBA!! I resent that!
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Old 03-11-2012, 03:21 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by JONBALLS View Post
Hey, Theres NO affirmative action for trolls, therefore NO OBAMBA!! I resent that!
Heh, more like The nations concern HO!
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