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Old 04-06-2009, 09:59 PM   #1
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Default What do you guys think of the "flyer" style of ads?

I have been really bored in my down time between visits to Dallas, and I do my best to keep my hands busy on my lap.. oops, I mean laptop! I like to play with other girls. As in, play designer for the day. Recently you might have noticed a few pieces of my work floating around various boards. The image "Flyer" type of ad. Do you fellas like them over the typical text based ads? Do they tend to take too long to load? Etc...

Mind you, I am self taught digital designer, and I know there are many things I could be doing differently. I am welcoming any and all criticisms. Please do not comment on the ladies themselves, they are all wonderful friends of mine, please only the artwork of the entire flyers.

Here are links to some of my stuff...

Euphemia flyer

Fawn banner

Fawn flyer

Jasinda banner

Jasinda avatar

Jasinda banner 2

Jasinda flyer

Jasinda red banner

Jasinda red flyer

Kayla banner

Kayla flyer

Ladies, I know I am not the best out there, but I promise to do my best if you want me to. Shoot me an email, and I will tell you everything I need from you and bounce some ideas off ya. I am not charging for these things, I am doing them out of learning exp and fun for myself. Plus, I JUST learned how to make animated avatars.. and am totally excited for you to bring me a challenge.
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Old 04-06-2009, 10:18 PM   #2
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hope things are going well with you. i still remember my visit to see you and kayla's pinch hitter [cindy??] for one of those trademarked massage-cum-special-ending offerings [i brought mimosas and you two didnt leave any for kayla]. in any case, it was fun being w/ you two back then.

anyhoo, back to now....

all of them are very nice and well done.

what a banner ad like that tells me is the woman a) is interested in doing something a bit different w/ her marketing/advertising, b) is willing to put something out front in hopes of getting it back [money-wise; no puns intended], c) is secure enough to give me an idea of what she looks like [visuals always help], and d) is committed to her business. and from your list, i can surmise that they are not all about business even tho they are in business [for instance, fawn and i have discussed this several times].

and, your artwork shows panache, class, style - somethine that reflects back on them.

however [u knew it was coming], what i find less than useful about it is that i cannot copy any of the text in there for my little black book/catalog, like name, stats, email addr, ph#, etc. you would make me type those things instead of one hand on the mouse and the other ....

in the long run, it will only make sense/pay off if their business either stays steady or increases due to the ads. but that's kind of difficult to gauge when the heat of the moment is rising. but, after the fact, the woman could ask to see whether or not the ads influenced the guys/gals into visiting.

take care and keep your hands busy
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Old 04-06-2009, 10:21 PM   #3
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Ze it appears you are a very talented lady both artistically and uh otherwise. hehe Nice Job!!
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Old 04-06-2009, 10:34 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by pmdelites View Post

however [u knew it was coming], what i find less than useful about it is that i cannot copy any of the text in there for my little black book/catalog, like name, stats, email addr, ph#, etc. you would make me type those things instead of one hand on the mouse and the other

Yes, this is one of the only downfalls I have encountered with these types.. the other main issue being some men choose to view boards with images turned off, can't see the ad if not allowing images.

A solution would be having redundant information available in sig lines... Not all forums allow all types of info there. (I am willing to help ladies with this part too, cleaning up links in sigs and centering and stuff like that if they want it)

Another would be- and I have been working on this- having html over top of the images so that the text IS copyable. However, as with ASPD and other boards, they are leaning towards not allowing html to be used in most cases. I have even on my own time created multiple page "mini-sites" within a post on ASPD before the hack. Fully copyable and I would say definitely a new twist... takes a little longer to make, but easy to edit and fun for everyone.

There are hidden talents in our abilities to post, and I love exploring them.

Thanks for the inputs... keep 'em cumming.

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Old 04-06-2009, 11:30 PM   #5
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Very nice work, Ze.

You have a good eye for design, they are all very well balanced and you make good use of fonts, styles and sizes, without the work becoming too busy.

I really like the individual font for "The Jasinda Experience". It evokes an exotic feel and makes her stand out as beyond ordinary. The one script-style font on Jasinda's Red flyer is about as far as you'd want to go in that direction, though. Anything more becomes much harder to read.

The ricepaper background on Kayla's flyer definitely brings across the soothing aspects of her incredible massage, with the stones and candles. You could have used some of the larger fonts like for the email and phone on the "Therapeutic Massage w/heightened awareness" lines to draw the eye in at the top. The left/right justification opposite the pics is also good for balance.

Fawn's flyer is also very nice. I liked the leaf background and picture frames. Gives a nice feel to the ad, and complements well the wrought iron scrollwork in those two pictures.

Very nice work, Ze, you should be proud of yourself. You show a good eye for art, and have the more critical part, the ability to execute what you envision.

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