Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
Lol. I'm not a shit talker. All I said was you can't out "fuck" me and you can't.
Maybe LR but not me.
Until we meet,
This is one sexy lady. She's continuing to talk shit, hence, my dick is getting harder for her. I know she know's (thinks

) she's got the ability to fuck(me), and fuck(me), and fuck(me), BUT we have yet to put things to rest...
Look at her...
(yeah, I stole that pic from your website, what?)
Dayum babe. I canNOT wait to SportFuck
her. I am going to enjoy this...
I don't know of any sport where the spectators, players (i.e. golf to enter tournaments, even the Pros), and owners don't pay a premium
$$$ to enjoy and/or play the sport. So, hobbying is not excluded from SportFucking to me just because
$$$ are involved. Everyone has an opinion. This is
MINES (yes, I did say MINES).
As with all chemistry, chemical reactions require a rate limiting step or agent otherwise the reaction would just go and go and go and go (like the Energizer bunny)! Hence the
Dangerous. EX: If men never came and just kept humping, we would die from a heart attack due to chemical and blood induced effects on the body (Oh, and we'd go blind first, lose sensation in other body parts, kidney failure...you get the picture). Oh shit, maybe that's what's wrong with my eyesight?


Drink that shit MOFO! Dude, what is wrong with your eyes? You a'ight?

Hey fella, you goin' drink wit me dhen? What? What is wrong with these guys? I know it's early, but I'm going to have a beer. I like Stella Artois beer. Yeah, it's named after a woman but it will knock you on your ass. Fuck these dudes. Wimps, wush. Drink by my damn self dhen.