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Old 03-30-2010, 08:28 AM   #1
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Default Review or Not to Review – That is the Question

This is more for the Ladies to respond to and not the Guys – I hope that you will participate

In another thread, we drifted away from the original topic and ended up with a discussion about Reviews, I think we (the Guys) are interested to hear your (Ladies) point of view on this topic.
With the understanding that all reviews must be accurate and respectful to the Lady and to the Gent that is writing the review.

1.Do you like the guys to write a review or not?
2.Does a review benefit you in any way?
3.Are the acronyms used acceptable to you?
4.Should only some of the acronyms be used and not all?
5.Do you have any objections to an acronym?
6.Is that enough information to share?
7.What do you feel should be in a review?
8.What do you feel should not be in a review?
9.How detailed should a review be?
10.Do you prefer ‘No Reviews”?
11.Should we all hide in a closet and become UTR, lol?
Please add any other opinions you may have.
I have a feeling that some of our ladies will participate because they are good at voicing their opinion. That is very much appreciated and encouraged. I am also interested to hear from the “lurker” ladies!!
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Old 03-30-2010, 12:24 PM   #2
China Doll
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I might as well jump on this one considering that I'm the one who accidentally hijacked the other thread!

1.Do you like the guys to write a review or not?

I do appreciate the time and effort put into a review of me. My personal preference is that the gentleman not give a play by play analysis of our time together. As I have stated earlier on this particular subject, this cheapens the experience for me.

2.Does a review benefit you in any way?

Reviews can both benefit and hurt us, and that statement stands even if we are only speaking of good reviews! I have met some very fine gentlemen from Eccie because of good reviews here written by other fine men. However, negative consequences have resulted as well. For example, one review created quite a stir regarding my CBJ-only policy. I was sick for days over the nasty comments made about me by people who had never met me. Another example is my generosity with time. I am generous with time when I can be and when I choose to be, but I usually do have something planned after appointments. I actually had one man set up an appointment and say, "So, I like to try to c*m twice, and I read that you're not a clock-watcher, so it'll be fine if we go over, right?" Others just stay past their welcome because they see that I have given extra time to my favorite guys. I know that these things are the result of good reviews because of the comments. "Wait, I'm on the clock now?" "You gave Mr. X extra time, why not me?" [insert noise of exasperation here]

Another negative consequence is the obvious attempt of new and old clients to reproduce previous sessions with other clients. It is painfully obvious when this is being attempted, and it takes me out of the intimacy of the moment.

3.Are the acronyms used acceptable to you?

Yes, they are! I don't consider them tasteless by themselves.

4.Should only some of the acronyms be used and not all?

Just as a note, I would like to say that if a lady does something for you that is not usually on her menu, you should never put it in there! Well, unless you don't care how it affects her business. I've had many a gent try to take advantage of my time, so why wouldn't others experience the same with every "extra" provided? If a CBJ lady is so enamored of you that she bends that policy, do you really want to potentially ruin her business for a few weeks by stating what she did in the review?

5.Do you have any objections to an acronym?

Do I have any objections to the acronym itself? No.

6.Is that enough information to share?

I don't think so. You guys have a right to have information about the quality of the session. If Hobbyist X wrote a nice review of me, for example, and it listed the acronyms and gave me a "Yes" recommendation, the helps no one. Why did he recommend me? Was I the ultimate GFE, and that's what he was looking for, so I get a "Yes?" Well, what if Hobbyist Y wanted the PSE. He might accidentally choose a GFE and be disappointed. No one wants things like that to happen. I just prefer a more general review than "We did this, and then we turned around and did this, and then I took a drink of water, and then we did this..."

7.What do you feel should be in a review?

Well, that all depends on the lady! My preferred style of review is far too "goody-two-shoes" for some people. I do believe that there should at least be enough information for the gentleman to make an educated decision about the lady's compatibility with what he is looking for.

8.What do you feel should not be in a review?

Already answered.

9.How detailed should a review be?

Already answered.

10.Do you prefer ‘No Reviews”?

I don't think so, not unless he absolutely must write a graphic, detailed novel.

11.Should we all hide in a closet and become UTR, lol?

Not all of you, no! Just the ones I don't like.
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Old 03-30-2010, 05:03 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by China Doll View Post

11.Should we all hide in a closet and become UTR, lol?

Not all of you, no! Just the ones I don't like.
Hey! How about those of us you DO like that choose to fly UTR? :-)

"Curtainrod Guy"
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Old 03-31-2010, 05:10 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by China Doll View Post
3.Are the acronyms used acceptable to you?

Yes, they are! I don't consider them tasteless by themselves.

5.Do you have any objections to an acronym?

Do I have any objections to the acronym itself? No.

6.Is that enough information to share?

I don't think so. You guys have a right to have information about the quality of the session. If Hobbyist X wrote a nice review of me, for example, and it listed the acronyms and gave me a "Yes" recommendation, the helps no one. Why did he recommend me? Was I the ultimate GFE, and that's what he was looking for, so I get a "Yes?" Well, what if Hobbyist Y wanted the PSE. He might accidentally choose a GFE and be disappointed. No one wants things like that to happen. I just prefer a more general review than "We did this, and then we turned around and did this, and then I took a drink of water, and then we did this..."

7.What do you feel should be in a review?

Well, that all depends on the lady! My preferred style of review is far too "goody-two-shoes" for some people. I do believe that there should at least be enough information for the gentleman to make an educated decision about the lady's compatibility with what he is looking for.

I know that I'm violating cnym's attempt to get the providers to participate...

I'm hoping that the providers do jump in but participation seems always to be light. With that, I'm going to say that your comments above were a little surprising because I've noticed my own sensibilities have been morphing. I find the acronym list to be the essence of depersonalization (I won't go as far as 'dehumanizing') of the engagement. While I fully agree that the menu format of the activities acronyms is helpful as a review reader, as a review writer I have been flinching at the prospect of writing those details out. They "feel" harsh and laid too bare in too bright a light.

When I have written a pretty specific list, my sensibility is that the narrative in the ROS is starting out trailing late in the 4th quarter and has a lot of ground to make up in order to compensate for that depersonalization. The list seems to be a far more of a central part of the legacy of review boards than does narrative writing.

For example, 'NQNSCIMTC'

I can see the near universal appeal to guys of the acronym and how it will likely help match sexual desires to particular providers. It has high utilitarian value.

I'm less comfortable using the acronym than I am in describing a more "artful" euphemistic approach to the overall experience. My style has shifted over time and varies between reviews to some extent so my reaction to this thread and your comments would be different depending on which of the past 180 days I might have read a Q&A such as yours.

I think it is also true that I tend to be a little more specific the first time I see a provider that is new to me. As I repeat seeing the same woman, I can't help developing an emotional connection that causes me to fuzz up a review. At times I think I may be more of a girl about the hobby then the women I see.

Thank you for participating in the Q&A China. I hope other providers speak up.
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Old 03-31-2010, 12:12 PM   #5
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As a male reading reviews, I'm sorry, but I'm not turned on by knowing very detail of somebody else's experience. Those guys that love to explain every move and sounds....I will actually stop reading the review at that point. That doesn't bode well for the provider because guys like me never read the entire review if it gets too graphic.

I prefer a review that covers things like "does she enjoy what she does", how accommodating is she, was she "ready" ( I was with a provider once whose hair was soaking wet as she just got out of the shower (i.e. she did not give herself adequate time to get ready), etc. How does she carry herself? Does she make you feel like you are very special, or does she seem like you are wasting her time? Those are the kinds of things I want to know...not the description of the actual goings-on. I'm old enough to have tried just about everything with every kind of body type and shape...so describing the act in detail is like listening to a person in a meeting that rambles on and on, who enjoys listening to themselves.
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Old 03-31-2010, 12:48 PM   #6
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My ECCIE Reviews

Amen to that, Silverfox! Those are the kinds of things that allow a gent to know whether or not a provider is of the quality and type that he desires without getting too much into detail.
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Old 03-31-2010, 04:28 PM   #7
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Old 03-31-2010, 07:15 PM   #8
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This is a great thread. Unfortunately, out of 8 responses (including mine) only 1 was from a provider (having China answer twice doesn't count as 2). C'mon ladies...Chloe, You ALWAYS have an opinion....
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Old 03-31-2010, 10:25 PM   #9
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I am answering these questions without reading the whole thread yet.

1.Do you like the guys to write a review or not?

I do not care either way. Whatever floats your boat.

2.Does a review benefit you in any way?

Yes and no. It puts my name out there with an opinion of a local guy so I will likely get more inquiries. But I also travel and a review usually comes out after I have left a city and will not be back for another month leaving me with a a ton of "Can I see you today/tommorrow", "are you still in town" e-mails.

3.Are the acronyms used acceptable to you?

Sure they are what they are . . .

4.Should only some of the acronyms be used and not all?

I don't like YMWV and anything extra that is not on the menu put up. It is well known how laid back I am but too well known that not very many gents respect my time when I NEED the time respected (a next client, personal plans, a plane/train to catch, having to eat). I will let you know if more is alloted IF I have it.

5.Do you have any objections to an acronym?

See above.

6.Is that enough information to share?

You can share more with discretion.

7.What do you feel should be in a review?

The basics, your feelings, your overall experience, your connection, your senses (what you observed w/ them), maybe a moment that was too hot to keep your mouth shut about.

8.What do you feel should not be in a review?

Stated in #4

9.How detailed should a review be?

Well I love the dirty details But think about the possible LE exposure, or SI exposure!! Think about what you REALLY want everyone to know rather than the in the moment urge to reveal. Think about what you re saying that may affect the womens business and . . .then write.

10.Do you prefer ‘No Reviews”?

I like it either way. I do have a favorite UTR that does not write reviews and I walk on water for him The stuffed animal I hold at night knows And those that write everytime and are active on the boards I have formed a close a bond with . . .it's all priceless with no ultimate view.

11.Should we all hide in a closet and become UTR, lol?

Only if you want to

I am editing at the end after reading responses and wow china doll has explained things better than I did, I did not go into detail . . . I agree with most of her statements and I am sure many of he women on here do as well. . . .where's Viv? lol

I think what it comes down to is respect. Think about what you are doing and what you are writing before you post it. Think about how you may affect another client, provider, yourself and the girl you saw above all.

Think about your message . . . is it "I am the man, look what I did?" or is it "Wow what an experience! You will have fun!" . . .
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Old 04-01-2010, 08:48 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Chloe View Post
I think what it comes down to is respect. Think about what you are doing and what you are writing before you post it. Think about how you may affect another client, provider, yourself and the girl you saw above all.

Think about your message . . . is it "I am the man, look what I did?" or is it "Wow what an experience! You will have fun!" . . .
Hmm that sounds familiar!!!

Thanks Chloe and China.. again... very insightful from the ladies point of view...
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Old 04-02-2010, 10:25 AM   #11
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Here I am Chloe..LOL
I agree totally with china and chloe.....I appreciate the time and effort and at the same time I appreciate the silence as well. There seems to be a happy medium with both for me. I will say this though, I believe review should serve as a guide of how someone’s personal experience went. A REVIEW IS NOT A CONTRACT for what services you are entitled to should you decide to see that provider. A review is also not a “competitor coupon” meaning , just because sally sucks –a- lot included Greek in her GFE doesn’t mean I will and further more ….I DON’T GIVE A SHIT so stop telling me. LOL where did that come from??? And no, sticking the letters YMMV in a review does not send any sort of a better message. Bottom line is that ultimately it is your (the client’s) decision on whether to review or not. I don’t think you should hide behind the “helping the ladies out” or “giving back to the board” excuses for why you do it. It is all about your ego and nothing will ever convince me otherwise. However, I don’t see anything wrong with this. That is life, we are motivated by our egos a lot of the time. Who cares, this is a hobby and I hate to say it but I think a lot of people take this “hobby” way to seriously……
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Old 04-02-2010, 10:30 AM   #12
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We are complete ..........
China Doll, Chloe and Vivian

I was hoping for a couple more, but looks like some ladies like to read rather than write.
Thank you Ladies for your comments, it is greatly appreciate and it helps us understand your point of view.
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Old 04-02-2010, 11:07 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by viviantonight View Post
A REVIEW IS NOT A CONTRACT for what services you are entitled to should you decide to see that provider. A review is also not a “competitor coupon” meaning , just because sally sucks –a- lot included Greek in her GFE doesn’t mean I will and further more ….I DON’T GIVE A SHIT so stop telling me. LOL where did that come from???
I like it. Any person that would use the line well so&so said, or so&so dos are just wrong. Been reading this thread just waiting for a provider to just say it like it is. And in the way vivian said it.
You can ask. But asking and getting, are not the same(YMMV). Some times you get without asking. If you ask more than once, you put yourself at risk of finding the door a bit to soon. And using a so&so line just kills it for all.

Thank You Vivian And to anyone that dos not like this

I did a review once at a AMP gave it a no. After a few more times I got what I was looking for, gave the same place same girl a yes. Some numnut use the line well so&so said. Guess what I got the next time. The door. And I even asked in the review, DO NOT SAY YOU SAW ON A REVIEW.
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Old 04-02-2010, 11:13 AM   #14
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hehe ur welcome!!
offshore..you're really good at the smileys LOL!!!!
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Old 04-02-2010, 12:11 PM   #15
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Anyone that uses any statements that I make in my reviews with a provider, so that they can try to get the same treatment, as OSD said "so&so" will be banned from reading my reviews, ROTFLMFAO

I have learned a lot from the ladies opinions, from now on here is a sample of my review of Vivian;

Wow what an experience! A Night You Won't Forget

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