I've never thought a really hot porn actress looked better with "nutmustard" on her face.

Jees, where did these acronyms come from? Besides, I might be hoping she still wants to kiss on me for round two.
No the look I want to see on her face is one of pure joy from being well fucked by me. Maybe she's imagining she's with Brad Pitt, but as long as she is fooling me then I'm happy. There's a lot of stuff in porn clips that doesn't look all that fun to me, and I'm pretty sure I'm not in the physical shape required to execute some of those maneuvers. Just because it is done in porn doesn't mean it feels good, just that it looks good, or is new gonzo stuff. Sex, when done properly feels really goooooooood! I don't think I am all that unique in that visuals are nice, but they don't seem to affect the feeling if everything else is done right.
Of course I could be wrong.