Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Thank you so much for the link to your topic!!! Also, I would like to add that I just took a look at your blog. It is absolutely gorgeous and the images and writing are just pure art.
Reading your blog made me smile this morning! (Also made me realize that I need to work on my own!  )
Hi Elisabeth,
That is nice to say, but i have to admit that only two posts (the last ones) i have really written by myself (. The others are solely wikipedia quotes, although rightfully said it is quoted, so i am not lying about it....) But in the future, I have to work on making that a little more personal myself and write some nice surrounding story about my take on some subjects before introducing wikipedia quotes (otherwise someone might think : what the heck? I can google wiki myself :-).....).
Your blog , OTOH has your own creative writing and i loved reading it, and commenting on one of your writings, because it felt exactly like i feel as well :-). It`s good to read! Congrats!