Originally Posted by Jacky S
Gaslight post.
It’s really going quite well, though Trump has had all of one month to clean up the Biden mess.
Thank you for labeling your post as a gaslight post
Trump has been furious with the pace. ICE has slowed its roll on posting stats that it was highly touting in weeks 1 and 2. They are well behind on arrests and deportations and have been replacing folks at the top to try to get back on target. They are off per office by hundreds of arrests per day, per office. Not a handful. Not a couple dozen. A few to several hundred off the target at each of the 25 field offices. Adds up quick.
The deportation flights have been on par with Biden #'s and don't appear to include substantially more bad hombres. In fact, a recent flight had 135 people on it, most of whom were women and accompanying dependents. And no one on that flight had a criminal record or criminal charges. So clearly not the promised prioritization.
Meanwhile Homan has had to release migrants from holding because they're overcrowded and holding folks too long. So catch and release is still a thing. He doesn't have the beds. He isn't filling the planes. And he's just about out of money.