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Old 07-31-2024, 11:05 AM   #1
Jackie S
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Default Biological Male Boxers Fighting Women In The Olympics.

This might belong in the Sandbox, the Mods can move it if they see fit.

It seems two Dudes claiming to be women are beating the shit out of the real women Boxers in the Olympics.


Watch the “fight”. This Dude beats the crap out of that woman.

As I said in a previous thread, the only people that can stop this insanity are the women.

If they are not willing, well, they wil have to take a beating.

On another note, it would be satisfying to see a woman really clock one of these Dudes.
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Old 07-31-2024, 11:56 AM   #2
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Clicking is a waste of time. Article clearly states there is no proof.
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Old 07-31-2024, 12:11 PM   #3
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As long as everyone plays by the rules who cares. If you disagree then you should campaign to get the rules changed.
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Old 07-31-2024, 12:24 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
This might belong in the Sandbox, the Mods can move it if they see fit.

It seems two Dudes claiming to be women are beating the shit out of the real women Boxers in the Olympics.


Watch the “fight”. This Dude beats the crap out of that woman.

As I said in a previous thread, the only people that can stop this insanity are the women.

If they are not willing, well, they wil have to take a beating.

On another note, it would be satisfying to see a woman really clock one of these Dudes.
Jackie, we can agree on this. No one who has the XY Chromosomes (Boy) should be fighting someone who has the XX Chromosomes (Girl). It should never happen, whether the fight is sanctioned or out in the street. If the Democrats are responsible for this, they messed up.
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Old 07-31-2024, 12:37 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Jackie, we can agree on this. No one who has the XY Chromosomes (Boy) should be fighting someone who has the XX Chromosomes (Girl). It should never happen, whether the fight is sanctioned or out in the street. If the Democrats are responsible for this, they messed up.

The olympics is an international organization. I fail to see how the Democrats can be responsible for this.

Two boxers are CLEARED to compete in the Olympics as women, despite being disqualified from the World Championships last year.

A littlt history on Sex Verification in Sports.
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Old 07-31-2024, 12:42 PM   #6
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Jackie, we can agree on this. No one who has the XY Chromosomes (Boy) should be fighting someone who has the XX Chromosomes (Girl). It should never happen, whether the fight is sanctioned or out in the street. If the Democrats are responsible for this, they messed up.
I do not see this as a Republican or Democrat thing.

It’s a common sense thing.

Tx dot Guy says…..”As long as they play by the same rules”

Isn’t that the whole point?
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Old 07-31-2024, 01:11 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
I do not see this as a Republican or Democrat thing.
At the Republican convention in Milwaukee, Donald Trump Jr's girl friend Kimberly Guilfoyle sure did when making her speech. Don't forget Trump Sr had total control over who spoke and in what order.
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Old 07-31-2024, 07:47 PM   #8
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This is a Sports/Olympics Discussion.
Moved to Sandbox
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Old 08-01-2024, 07:25 AM   #9
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I have a couple gal friends that were MMA gals. One made it to the traveling circuts. They both say that their other gal friends, currently still in the ring, want to go up against these two.
I used to work out with both. They can both drop guys quickly. So yes their friends can.
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Old 08-01-2024, 01:43 PM   #10
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Default “This is Unjust!” – ‘Biological Male’ Boxer Viciously Beats Female Opponent and Forces Her to Quit in Tears Within Seconds at Woke Olympics (VIDEO) Democrats Support This Nonsense.


And Democrats claim to be the party for women. Shame on Democrats for advocating this nonsense. Democrat Transgenders continue to ruin the Olympics. The left destroys everything they touch. Great job Democrats.
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Old 08-01-2024, 01:52 PM   #11
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It seems UNJUST to me to blame Dems for this mess. You are basically saying that 45 percent of the voting population wants this. Not true. That's like the Dems saying all Republicans lie. Not true. Or that the Left destroys everything they touch. Also not true. And saying things like this only cause more division.

Also how do you know this Transgender person is a Democrat? That might be true. Might not. You don't know. Saying things like this only cause people who are accused UNJUSTLY to get pissed.
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Old 08-01-2024, 02:34 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by BillysEatinIt View Post
It seems UNJUST to me to blame Dems for this mess. You are basically saying that 45 percent of the voting population wants this. Not true. That's like the Dems saying all Republicans lie. Not true. Or that the Left destroys everything they touch. Also not true. And saying things like this only cause more division.

Fair enough, it is wrong to blame an entire group based on the actions of a few. But, let's be honest -
1. The Democratic Party has espoused a "political platform" that supports the transgender agenda;
2. The democratic Party caters to those people who profess to be "liberal" and those who are what is sometimes called the "vocal minority".
3. The Democratic Party leaders espouse a platform that denies the biological imperative that 98.3% of all humans are born with a well defined gender (sexual organs and chromosomes match).

So, while it may be unfair to "stereotype" the Democratic Party, those in the party that do not agree are sitting on their hands, allowing their party to be branded and allowing the group that really is and should be on the fringes to claim ownership of the party.

I shall now climb down off my soap box . . . but as to OP''s point: WTF Dems? (FYI, I m a card carrying member of the Red team but even I have to ask," WTF Dems?"

Whether an individual or a political party, can't have it both ways. It is not a reconcilable dichotomy. Transgenders whether they are gay, suffering from a true psychosis, or just trying to compete and willing to commit to the sport (and I for one think there is some of that) remain "biologically" more capable than their female competitors. It is completely unsportsmanlike, and a completely vitiates the purpose of female sports.
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Old 08-01-2024, 02:47 PM   #13
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I'm not arguing with anyone about this. Some of your points are good, some not. Wasn't why I replied here. I hate this whole thing where everyone is so divided. Threads like this are just intended to make that worse IMHO. I have LGBTQ people in my family. I have Democrats and Republicans. Love them all and get along with them all. The rest is pure bullshit.

The Trans athelete thing is going to take a long time to figure out. Criticizing LGBTQ people and the Democratic party for being more tolerant of them in the mean time is just making this worse. They aren't trying to indoctrinate anyone. Neither are the Dems. Everyone needs to take a deep fucking breath and stop being so polarized about all of this. And quit blaming an entire group for the actions of the few like you said.
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Old 08-01-2024, 04:58 PM   #14
Jackie S
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As I said before. The only people that can put a stop to this non sense is women.
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Old 08-01-2024, 07:53 PM   #15
Lucas McCain
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If anyone has a problem with the participation of these boxers, take it up with the IOC. It has jack shit to do with Dems because they have absolutely nothing to do with the International Olympic Committee that governs such matters... just FYI

Edit for below: Dali, I posted about a fact and your post is completely irrelevant to that fact unless the #metoo movement has members on the IOC... can't control what people support. Do you think society supports married men fucking whores? Funny how some folks like to get on their high horse on a whore board with a fake name. LOL

By the way, can anybody provide an actual credible news source that shows any group in its entirety openly supports this?
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