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Old 03-08-2024, 08:55 AM   #1
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Default Encounter: Terrible experience with LaLa

Date: March
Name: Lala
User ID:: N/A
Phone: 213-548-3013
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://skipthegames.com/posts/dalla...-/200490832752
City: Addison
State: Texas
Address: Motel in Addison
Activities: See ROS
Hair Length and Color: Long to mid back, black
Age: Early to mid 20s
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: Around 5’2”, very cute, large natural breasts, slim. Photos are accurate if a little touched up
Recommendation: No
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Old 03-08-2024, 12:44 PM   #2
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This is why it's difficult to find a good Latina and why I rarely go to them. The majority of the disappointing or bad experiences seem to be the latinas on rubrankings, LC, and skip games. It's usually the same nonsense. CBJ only, no DFK, touching is not allowed, and they are all extremely high priced. Even the guys who give them positive reviews seem to have a ripped off experience with the "L1, L2" deals. I'm taking a short break from seeing new women for a while. I'm going to go to Sherry and get a good BBBJ. I'm just going to stick with that for a while. The last woman I met gave me strep. I finished my last pill of antibiotics earlier this week. The whole "hobby" thing is getting more boring everyday. The good thing is, while I was in bed and sick from strep for days, I discovered a new business venture idea. I have some new business plans soon. No time for all of this rubbish with these women on here. I may see a new one, such as Blondi or London, but I'm not sure when.
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Old 03-09-2024, 01:01 PM   #3
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Mods plz delete, this was a useless post
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Old 03-09-2024, 03:22 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by dormGE View Post
This is why it's difficult to find a good Latina and why I rarely go to them. The majority of the disappointing or bad experiences seem to be the latinas on rubrankings, LC, and skip games. It's usually the same nonsense. CBJ only, no DFK, touching is not allowed, and they are all extremely high priced. Even the guys who give them positive reviews seem to have a ripped off experience with the "L1, L2" deals. I'm taking a short break from seeing new women for a while. I'm going to go to Sherry and get a good BBBJ. I'm just going to stick with that for a while. The last woman I met gave me strep. I finished my last pill of antibiotics earlier this week. The whole "hobby" thing is getting more boring everyday. The good thing is, while I was in bed and sick from strep for days, I discovered a new business venture idea. I have some new business plans soon. No time for all of this rubbish with these women on here. I may see a new one, such as Blondi or London, but I'm not sure when.
DormGE I'm wit ya! I've been posting this for a while about the latina's as well. It seems like they keep doing all this posting b/c guys keep thinking their experiences and offerings will change. I just believe they see this as a quick buck and lazy as hell! Its time we all take a stand against them and quit going! I gave up on them a while back and have NO regrets. Hell some of them were so bad that I had to ask myself if its even worth posting bad reviews cause guys will keep trying them. The bigger question is when were they ever good at body rubs or fucking in general. I'm not prejudice or any of the sorts but if you go back and look at any of the latina reviews, you will be hard pressed to find a single Good review as opposed to those lame ass reviws with an average OK. I'm done with them and hope that others will take heed to the warnings. They are really fucking up the hobby game, which is sad.
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Old 03-09-2024, 05:51 PM   #5
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Dorm you're so hung up on the cbj thing, that and if I'm remembering corrextly, either you can't speak spanish or don't/wont use a translator app on your phone to get the ball rolling you're missing out. I get it, I hate cbjs too and the whole communication barrier can be off putting, but if you want good quality latina trim, you're gon have to deal with one or the other til you find a diamond in the rough there are senioritas out there that will bbj after the first go round with em. I know you have seen my reviews of them and you're not paying either outrageous rates it's the standard $qv $.5hhr $$$hr like I have said in my reviews you will suffer through a cbj to get your foot in the door but after that, it's smooth sailin. (Except for 2 of the Cubans in my rotation) even the two who won't budge AT ALL, on bbj..their cbj skills coupled with their youth and skills at just fucking the shit outta you kand you'll get the full gfe with all of em dfk/daty/o etc) except for karen, you will pay a bit more for all that jazz (like 20/40 more on top of the standard price of admission) than make up for the lack of bbj and won't kill your bilfold

//edit they are out there, the bbj senioritas and believe it or not bbfs ones (if that's your bottle of bourbon) too.
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Old 03-10-2024, 01:06 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by lngtalltxn View Post
Dorm you're so hung up on the cbj thing, that and if I'm remembering corrextly, either you can't speak spanish or don't/wont use a translator app on your phone to get the ball rolling you're missing out. I get it, I hate cbjs too and the whole communication barrier can be off putting, but if you want good quality latina trim, you're gon have to deal with one or the other til you find a diamond in the rough there are senioritas out there that will bbj after the first go round with em. I know you have seen my reviews of them and you're not paying either outrageous rates it's the standard $qv $.5hhr $$$hr like I have said in my reviews you will suffer through a cbj to get your foot in the door but after that, it's smooth sailin. (Except for 2 of the Cubans in my rotation) even the two who won't budge AT ALL, on bbj..their cbj skills coupled with their youth and skills at just fucking the shit outta you kand you'll get the full gfe with all of em dfk/daty/o etc) except for karen, you will pay a bit more for all that jazz (like 20/40 more on top of the standard price of admission) than make up for the lack of bbj and won't kill your bilfold

//edit they are out there, the bbj senioritas and believe it or not bbfs ones (if that's your bottle of bourbon) too.

You go ahead and keep wasting your time and money on expensive girls who provide less services. I've never been to any girls on rubrankings and I don't recall reading your reviews. Not by username. I rarely remember the usernames on these websites or the reviews they post. I'm already on a short break from these women in general. I'll see a few new ones sometimes, but not as much as I was doing. I found someone new I plan to meet next week in Frisco, but I will not do a review. It will be a good regular if I meet her. I like DFK the most, and that is a rare activity to find in this business. I've had CBJ before, and every woman who starts with CBJ turns out to be disappointing. They are usually too clean, they have rushed services, and it's overall boring. Meanwhile, they have their friend's baby upstairs and a trashy apartment. I've seen that scenario. She also sanitized my dick before she started. This is not even latina, so I can only imagine going to consistent CBJ girls.

The only other latina I may try to meet, which has been difficult, is TerresaPena. I would like to se AllyHope because she is the best of them, but she is too expensive. I don't go over $300. You can do that if you want. Spend $500 for a CBJ and no kissing. That's your choice. Most of the reviews I've seen from the latinas on rubrankings are negative. The girls usually do CBJ, no DFK, no touching, they charge extra for basic activities, it's mainly massages, and the list goes on. Language barrier is the last issue on the list, so don't even try to put that first. White and latina women are my favorite. I find them the most attractive. However, I've noticed the differences in activities and prices in relation to this business. Especially on the massage websites like rubrankings. I'm sure I could find a much better latina girl in public. Keep doing your thing. I'm starting new businesses and finding good regulars I can visit.
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Old 03-12-2024, 06:16 PM   #7
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I'm with the Guys who basically boycott Latinas. Too many give a pass on lame service. I want to eat her Taco, not get directions to Taco Bell.
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Old 03-12-2024, 09:36 PM   #8
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Lol this guy... sorry your one and only provides sub par service.maybe next time dude...
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Old 03-13-2024, 10:29 PM   #9
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thanks for the intel
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Old 03-14-2024, 07:43 PM   #10
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do your job mods!
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Old 03-14-2024, 07:48 PM   #11
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If you get nothing but cbj from camila or yesi, idk, dude are you fugly or something? Either way I'm out this thread because we / I totally hi-jacked TT
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Old 03-14-2024, 07:58 PM   #12
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Or maybe in ugly.. idc busted a Nutt no matter wut lol
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