Originally Posted by Tsmokies
The desperate look at me megas will be everywhere anytime to show the world that they hate the rule of law and the US constitution.
Late night tv needs mucho more hosts to keep up with this road. The gop jokes just keep writing
Putin and China are really really happy that they appointed trumpy in 2016. Putin even has some of the mega idiots convinced that his government is the only way to run a country. Just let me first take care of Ukraine for my US supporters
Then I work on more US government appointments provided that you work for me. There may be a few more top secret confidential files that I don't have

Originally Posted by Tsmokies
omg wtf lol!!!

:cl ap:
Damn TS Mokies!!! There's some irony in them thar links.
In the first Representative Crenshaw asks, "If this were anyone but Trump, would this DA even take up the case?"
The second implies that Melania didn't accompany the Donald to New York City for his perp walk because she's pissed off he fucked a porn star. Not just any Porn Star. A borderline ugly porn star with a horse face. And she has to look at horseface every time she turns on television. .
At the time Donald banged Stormy, he was worth $3.5 billion according to Forbes. He got Michael Cohen to pay her $130,000 to keep the one night stand quiet. Now by my calculations, that $130,000 represented 0.0037% of Trump's net worth. If you were worth a million dollars, 0.0037% of that would be $37.
Would you shell out $37 to keep your wife happy? If she were as attractive as Melania, would paying some hooker $37 to keep her mouth shut be worth it if it would mean your wife would keep putting out? And would $37 be pretty cheap insurance so your old lady wouldn't be able to walk away with half of everything you've got, that is $500,000?
This is why I agree with Crenshaw. Bragg had to come up with some cockamamie theory that the money Trump paid to try to keep Stormy quiet represented a political contribution. It allegedly was a political contribution to himself. Yeah, right. He had plenty of other reasons to shell out the money. I believe even
ESTEEMED BOARD MEMBER and scum-sucking-Democrat-legal-expert Blackman agrees -- Trump won't go down for this.