I had mine done over ten (10) years ago and after the procedure I had no (none, nada, zilch) pain in the area. I never had to put a bag of ice or bag of peas on the area after the procedure....
The only pain I ever felt was right at the beginning of the operation and after the doctor initially numbed the area (just a needle-prick) and he said "Tell me if you feel anything down there" and he proceeded to cut. I did feel the first bit of "steel" and I told him and he gave me another needle-prick and then afterwards I felt nothing down there during the procedure. And I felt no pain anywhere after the procedure....
You might want to tell your doctor about what symptoms you are now experiencing after the operation. Infections are possible so you might want to inquire if you developed one....
My doctor said I was Not...Sterile until I had expelled a certain number of loads after the procedure. 20 loads if I remember correctly. The actual number of loads expelled to insure you are sterile might be less but they just want to make sure. I also had my load "tested" at a sperm bank a couple months after the procedure to insure I had no swimmers. Mission Accomplished. I had zero swimmers in my load(s) within a couple months after the procedure....
Getting the procedure done greatly improved both my "hobbying" and also my civilian dating lives. I no longer have to worry about getting any woman pregnant. I still use rubbers/condoms especially for the hobby because I want to avoid all of the very common STD's. I have hobbied in PGH for close to twenty (20) years, and was involved in "civilian" Weirdness

for years before (and during, and now) that, and I have avoided catching anything. I will use rubbers in the hobby to avoid catching any of the very common STD's and even though I can't get any woman pregnant....
The first urologist I went to refused to do the surgery because he said I was too young, I had (and still have) no kids and I also casually said "I might want to have kids in the future". He said I should just practice safe sex, wear a rubber, and don't get permanently sterilized. I was committed to getting it so I went to a second urologist, told him my point of view, and he agreed to do it without any issues...
I feel good about all of it. The best $800 (not covered by insurance) I have spent in relation to "hobbying" and also my private "dating" life. "One less thing to worry about" just like the house-cleaning-service says....