The actual definitions of GFE and PSE have been deliberated ad naseum

, and while the OP asked for preference of one or the other, I'd like to submit a third:
SETC, or Stripper Experience To Completion.
Here's the difference for me - I'm not so much into a traditional view of GFE, such as a lot of kissing and cuddling. I certainly appreciate those things, but it's not so much for me. Also, I'm not as young as I used to be, and my view of PSE (taken directly from sources unnamed

) is that I just don't have the energy for all those actions.
I suppose one could argue my SETC is simply a combination of both, and I would admit that is likely true. A couple key elements for me, however:
Like in a strip club, once the deal is struck, let's get it on. I don't want to appear rude, but I really don't want to talk for 15 or 20 minutes. Which leads me to...
Short time is okay with me. The nature of my work keeps me moving constantly - I haven't had a session in over a year when I didn't get at least one phone call. I am essentially on call 24/7. If it's serious enough, I have to leave right then. So planning a two hour session is practically impossible - and asking for a partial refund would be rude and unethical.
Seduce me. Physically. Right when I walk in the door. Sure, I may need to freshen up, but let me know "the instant you get done, I am all over you!" Anyone had a dancer eye you from across the room, walk towards you dripping sexuality, sit on your lap, lock her hands behind your head, and breathe heavy in your ear? Run her hands down your shirt to your crotch, feel the bulge, and coyly imply what she could do to you? That's the seduction...
Which leads to the completion. In the club, it can and has happened - no one will pretend otherwise. But what about the "one that got away"? What about the one who whispered in your ear "you really want to fuck me, don't you?" - and you spent how much on dances, hoping that it might actually happen?
So, make your incall your own private strip club (no pole needed, but always an option), seduce me with everything you have, and finish it like you mean it [reference post #10], and I am all yours...