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Old 08-24-2011, 11:49 PM   #1
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Default He just wouldn’t unload!

I was with this fellow that just couldn’t/wouldn’t cum!

We did it in various different positions, to many to name, plus I BBBJ him for 30 minutes!

We even ran over appointment time by almost one hour!

I asked him if it were me, he said, "no, he has always been hard to get off". He said that the only time he could really get off quickly is by masturbating.
I would have felt bad if I left him early without satisfying him first, because then I wouldn’t have felt satisfied.

I stayed over about 35 minutes extra, however, he didn’t even offer to compensate me for my extra time spent! (My fault really). After being plowed left, right, front, backwards, yesterday and tomorrow he finally got off!

This was a surprise to me since I usually get guy’s off fairly quick on the first round, then we spend the rest of our time reloading so he can unload again!

This gentlemen was 35 years old, little on the heavy side, not much though, didn’t smoke or take medications that could effect his ejections, etc..

Are there any other guy’s out there that have this problem of not being able to cum all the time? I can understand it as something that happens on a rare occasion, but all the damn time???!!! And if so, it must be more of a rare occurrence for men than it is for women!!

Enlighten me folks!! My brain is always starving for new knowledge!
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Old 08-25-2011, 02:01 AM   #2
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Yeah, quite a bit actually. Iam 53 but it's not my age. It's seems it's like that with a new girl. I was even like that when I first met my wife. I think it's mostly psychological. I am really trying to find ways to get over it.
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Old 08-25-2011, 02:09 AM   #3
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It happens sometimes. Lack of sleep, stress, nerves, alcohol, maybe he masturbates too much, lol..... Don't sweat it, girl.
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Old 08-25-2011, 02:27 AM   #4
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This isn't the guy you're talking about is it?

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Old 08-25-2011, 05:23 AM   #5
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Default Nicely done...

Originally Posted by only1sweetmaddy View Post
.... After being plowed left, right, front, backwards, yesterday and tomorrow he finally got off!
Good effort Maddy!! Nice to hear you actually took his issue a little personally and were up to the challenge. I've heard of this and fortunately I can not relate....Hell, I came twice just reading your question!!

It's not completely uncommon (just foreign to me)....There must be other ladies that have stories of how they resolved this issue....should be amusing.....ladies??
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Old 08-25-2011, 05:34 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Ed Highlight View Post
Good effort Maddy!! Nice to hear you actually took his issue a little personally and were up to the challenge. I've heard of this and fortunately I can not relate....Hell, I came twice just reading your question!!

It's not completely uncommon (just foreign to me)....There must be other ladies that have stories of how they resolved this issue....should be amusing.....ladies??

Most days I've got an itchy "trigger finger" lol...as was posted above it's nice to see a provider who's about customer service rather than just watching the clock...sounds like you were on a mission
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Old 08-25-2011, 05:35 AM   #7
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I'm sure there are many reasons for this that is relative to each person. If I'm not attracted to some one, I can still get off. But if I'm totally turned off, NO WAY, NO HOW! Its like little still looking is in a Trans. It’s as thou someone else is in control. I also experienced this issue by taking to much vitamin V. I had the rockets in Red Glare, But I couldn't get the bombs to bust?

To show you the drastic difference I trying to depict, please review the two pictures. The gal on the left has guys coming when their pants are coming off. The gal on the right has real issues getting hobbyist to cross the finish line! Even with their eyes closed!

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Old 08-25-2011, 05:39 AM   #8
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Maddy, it is not a problem that he wouldn't. In most cases this is in the mind. Don't take it personally. Believe me, this is not something he wants. I hear all this talk about premature ejaculation and nothing about the other problem. I have never got off with a rubber on.
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Old 08-25-2011, 05:44 AM   #9
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I had several boyfriends in the past who were like that. Trust me it isn't you. Believe me when I tell you they are still very much enjoying themselves with you regardless of not being able to cum. Giving him all the extra time wasn't necessary on your part. It was nice that you tried so hard, but their are men out there that have a sort of "mental block" so to speak and it is just difficult for them to cum. There are many reasons for it but what I have found aside from any physical reason is that they are easily distracted, and for some they have desensitized themselves from lots of "self play".
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Old 08-25-2011, 06:05 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures View Post
I had several boyfriends in the past who were like that. Trust me it isn't you. Believe me when I tell you they are still very much enjoying themselves with you regardless of not being able to cum. Giving him all the extra time wasn't necessary on your part. It was nice that you tried so hard, but their are men out there that have a sort of "mental block" so to speak and it is just difficult for them to cum. There are many reasons for it but what I have found aside from any physical reason is that they are easily distracted, and for some they have desensitized themselves from lots of "self play".
This is spot on, usually the situation. I can relate here...sometimes I could be having the best time in the world with no hang ups but one reason or another just keeps it from happening. Most of the time I am just not a quick guy.

The extra time wasn't necessary but sure sweet of you, he should have compensated you for it. He should book a longer session next time or just deal with it.
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Old 08-25-2011, 06:09 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by only1sweetmaddy View Post
I was with this fellow that just couldn’t/wouldn’t cum!

We did it in various different positions, to many to name, plus I BBBJ him for 30 minutes!

We even ran over appointment time by almost one hour!

I asked him if it were me, he said, "no, he has always been hard to get off". He said that the only time he could really get off quickly is by masturbating.
I would have felt bad if I left him early without satisfying him first, because then I wouldn’t have felt satisfied.


Enlighten me folks!! My brain is always starving for new knowledge!
Great service sweetheart, if that would happen to me I would instantly promote you to my ATF and reward you with multiple visits.
Great job I would say

(This would be a funny one for a provider that upsells, suppose its a basic amount and 50 extra for cim, then it takes 2 hours to cim)
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Old 08-25-2011, 06:13 AM   #12
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Let’s not forget the X factor, some guys do this on purpose. It’s a "I’m going to get my monies worth attitude" Usually NOT the case with guys 45 and up. The OP stated a 35 year old I believe. Hummmmm? Hell when I was 35 I got a hard on when the wind would blow!

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Old 08-25-2011, 06:33 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Let’s not forget the X factor, some guys do this on purpose. It’s a "I’m going to get my monies worth attitude" Usually NOT the case with guys 45 and up. The OP stated a 35 year old I believe. Hummmmm? Hell when I was 35 I got a hard on when the wind would blow!

Nahhh.. it happens to guys in their 30's too...lol

In fact they start noticing the problem generally speaking when they start getting into their 30's.

The thing is, a lady can find many many creative ways to play with a guy like that and sometimes it can be a plus for the lady if he can stay hard for a long time and can't actually cum. I have met some men who if you even just look at their dick they cum instantly!
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Old 08-25-2011, 06:43 AM   #14
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It sounds like the guy knew this was a problem and that masturbation was the usual way for him to get off. He should have told you this PRIOR to meeting. I have the opposite problem and always tell the provider before we begin because I have to have MSOG. Once you knew about his "problem" you could have better been prepared to handle it from the get go. For example, had you known; you could have reminded him as time was ending that it was time to finish. Then you could have allowed him to jack off (either on you or not), or you give him a hand job. A guy should never have put you in a position to a) doubt your abilities or b) go way over time without additional compensation.
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Old 08-25-2011, 08:28 AM   #15
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It has happened to me several times due to ED combined with medications.

You gave an extraordinary effort, Maddy. I can usually tell within 15 minutes if it is going to work or not. If not, I tell the lady and get on with the session whether it be cuddling or massage. Frankly, once I realize it isn't coming, I don't think it is fair to let the lady keep trying. We just settle on other things that feel good and aren't as frustrating for either of us.

I certainly respect the time limit I booked and would only run over if there was a mutually interesting conversation going on.
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