This is a brief study of a very interesting case of TDS exhibited by a forum member who goes by the alias Vitamin C (VMC, VM, or Vitamin for short).
One might be surprised to find out that VM was at one time a healthy critic and even somewhat of a supporter of
Donald Trump. However, this once healthy individual became afflicted with chronic TDS. How did it happen? Why did it happen? Let's start from the beginning.
VM joined the forum on February 27, 2010, and posted his first thread on March 25, 2010. Things started out relatively normal. VM would shoot the shit, so to speak, just like any other forum member, but years later, things would take a sharp turn toward madness.
In mid 2016, VM would post his/her criticism of
Donald Trump before and after the election. It was perfectly normal criticism that is unlike the obsession we see today. Indeed, most of his/her threads were not about
Donald Trump.
Although a healthy critic, there is evidence in the archives that suggest VM may have actually voted for
Donald Trump in 2016. VM created several threads expressing his dislike of Hillary Clinton before and after the election:
Clinton foundation,
Hillary can't remember,
why Hillary ? and
the real Hillary.
Additionally, VM expressed feelings of gratitude shortly after the 2016 election, in
so glad they are done.
Originally Posted by VitaMan
I am not a fan of Trump. He is a crook.
But so glad to be done with the Clintons, and the Bushs.
Hillary was handed a gift of all gifts when Trump was nominated, and still could not make it.
- Posted by VM on November, 9 2016
In 2017, we see VM post only a few threads criticizing
Donald Trump. He/she criticized the Clintons almost equally as much. However, generally speaking, his/her posts were not about politics. VM was of a healthy mind.
VM even starts to agree a little bit with
Donald Trump as witnessed in the thread entitled
fake news.
Originally Posted by VitaMan
Like it or not, it is a fact there is a tremendous amount of fake news put out in
the media. Especially fake headlines. Then you get drawn to the story (with the accompanying ads), and the story includes the caveats.
- Posted by VM on September, 8 2017
VM is agreeing with
Donald Trump. It is at around this time that VM begins to openly express support for
Donald Trump. This is first witnessed in
good week for the Trumpeter...?.
Originally Posted by VitaMan
He [Donald Trump] is refreshing if nothing else. He may be the closest thing to a non-politically correct public official we have seen in a long time - which can be a very good thing ...
- Posted by VM on January, 13 2018
Could it be that VM voted for
Donald Trump in 2020?
VM will go on to create a few threads criticizing
Donald Trump and also some mentioning some of his accomplishments. Still, at this time, the majority of VMs threads were not about
Donald Trump.
This list of thread titles made by VM mid to late 2019 shows not a single mention of
Donald Trump: dress code at steakhouses, great science fiction movies, Colin K. abandoned his girlfriend and child ?, Colin K. still wants an NFL job, HP printer problem, the vegetarian myth, baseball nuggets, NDSU the thundering herd, AJ lost the game, Joe Buck is everywhere, rule for runner to first base, The Cars band, Astros alternatives, World Series notes, cancer studies - a croc ?, pawn shop fire Westpark, girls and baseball caps, too many pitchers, Mattress Mack Astros promotion, the hotel business, payments by Duke, another John Travolta movie bomb, periods and women, Twitter and apologies, strange NFL irony.
It seems as though VM is enjoying life as a healthy minded man/woman. Little does he/she know that corona virus is rising over the horizon, and his/her days of mental health are numbered.
The first evidence that VM is beginning his/her descent into madness is witnessed in
virus update.
Originally Posted by VitaMan
It is not the end. It is not the beginning of the end. But perhaps, it is the end of the beginning.
- Posted by VM on April 10, 2020
Although not quite evidence of TDS, VMs mind is beginning to deteriorate from the absurdity and uncertainty of the post pandemic world.
VM goes on to post a few threads about the pandemic and the violence that ensued, but makes none about
Donald Trump. In fact, VM does not mentioned
Donald Trump until the very moment we see TDS take over his/her mind. We can actually pinpoint the exact date at which his/her brain broke. This was the day VM posted
deteriorating Rudy Giuliani.
Originally Posted by VitaMan
What happened to him ? He was a well respected lawyer and mayor of NYC. Even stood up to and got something done about the Mafia there. Now he is an absolute lap dog for the Trumpeter.
- Posted by VM on November 16, 2020
This is in response to
Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani's claims of widespread voter fraud during the 2020 election. At this point, not only was Rudy Giuliani deteriorating, but so was VMs mind.
This was the pivotal moment. The moment
Donald Trump claimed widespread voter fraud, VMs mind was irreversibly destroyed. Weakened from stress from the corona virus pandemic, while confronted with two impossible realities, one with widespread voter fraud, the other with a president who would create a monumental lie, two impossible realities, side by side, shattered VMs ego into a billion pieces. While his mind was destroyed, TDS quickly took ahold of it.
Observe a list of threads created by VM shortly after: Trump gets razed at White House visit, the Trumpeter sinking fast, Trump pressure campaign Arizona, Trump mentality on losing election, politicians and tattoos, another Trump crony indicted, Star Trek....the next administration, Queen Elizabeth did not die, Biden vs. Trump, Michael Brown hand surgeon, Trump news, Trump ?, Michael Avenatti headed for the slammer, North Korea says to grow your own food, additional analysis of Donald, politics of car ac refrigerants, go for it Donald, the Trumpeter not paying Rudy, the Trumpeter and Peyton Manning, just what we need, the Trumpeter diagnosed, world view Biden and Trump, the President ?, Rudy fights back.
We can see almost all of VMs threads are focused on
Donald Trump. The obsession has manifested. TDS has taken over, but who can blame him? The corona virus and
Donald Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud have broken us all in some way. Some more than others. The world appears irreversibly corrupt and there is no savior. This is what caused a once level headed and healthy critic of both sides to become afflicted with TDS.
Perhaps, what we are witnessing is a coping mechanism. How much longer can we cope with this? It's not only VM who has a fractured mind. There is a fractured nation. We have all been fractured in some way.