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Old 07-15-2021, 01:52 PM   #1
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Default Wow - Even more voter fraud uncovered in the Arizona Audit

These audits are proving the majority of Americans correct. Biden did not win the election. The Democrats committed massive fraud to put this senile puppet in place

STUNNING in race decided by 10,457 votes

3,981 voted despite registered AFTER Oct 15 deadline

11,326 voted who were NOT on rolls on Nov 7 but WERE on Dec 4

18,000 voted and then were removed from rolls AFTER election

74,243 mail-in ballots w/ NO evidence of ever being sent



Now we know why Democrats have been so against this audit!
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Old 07-15-2021, 02:11 PM   #2
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If you're missing the Arizona Senate hearing on the Maricopa County election audit, here's a brief recap: Basically the Democrats cheated their asses off.
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Old 07-16-2021, 11:35 PM   #3
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Bombshells dropped at Ariz. audit hearing


Some quotes from Arizona State Senators:

Senator Wendy Rogers says “I have heard enough. It’s time to decertify this election.”

Senator Kelly Townsend said the fraud was so bad “I want to see indictments.”

"Senator Sonny Borrelli says “I've seen enough evidence to challenge the validity of the certification of the Maricopa County Election results.”
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Old 07-17-2021, 07:46 AM   #4
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Great news! Now, how do 'they' plan to get the senile bastard out of office?? Also, when is inauguration day? how is the term going to end...4 years from the day that He resumes office?
I can't wait to see how this plays out.
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Old 07-17-2021, 11:02 AM   #5
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I never said they will remove the senile bastard from office. Because even when everything is exposed, you can count on the Democrats, feckless media and others to ignore / dismiss it and do nothing. I don't see anyone overturning this scam of an election. But the people will know the truth. Shoot the majority do now as 51% of all American believe that cheating is what put Biden in the White House. 51% !!!

And isn't knowing the truth important?
Isn't it important to have faith and trust in our electoral process?
Why are you and various libtards so scared of the truth?
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Old 07-17-2021, 08:50 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
These audits are proving the majority of Americans correct. Biden did not win the election. The Democrats committed massive fraud to put this senile puppet in place

STUNNING in race decided by 10,457 votes

3,981 voted despite registered AFTER Oct 15 deadline

11,326 voted who were NOT on rolls on Nov 7 but WERE on Dec 4

18,000 voted and then were removed from rolls AFTER election

74,243 mail-in ballots w/ NO evidence of ever being sent



Now we know why Democrats have been so against this audit!
Ahh, berry... I think those numbers raise more questions than they answer. There could be legitimate explanations. How many involved provisional ballots? In most states, if your qualifications are challenged, you are still allowed to cast a "provisional" ballot which isn't supposed to be counted unless/until you have cured the challenge afterwards.

Every mail-in ballot can be traced to an individual voter. Have those 74,243 people been contacted and asked to confirm whether they actually voted and if so, when/where did they drop off their ballots?

Keep in mind we can't assume a recount that tosses out the allegedly fraudulent ballots would change the outcome of AZ's Presidential vote. It depends on how many went for Biden versus how many went for Trump.

I haven't followed the AZ or GA audits closely, but I support them in principle because I want all possible avenues for cheating to be sniffed out now so they can be blocked in future elections.

Mail-in voting is obviously more susceptible to fraud than in-person voting. That's why we need to return to pre-covid rules and not allow the dim-retards to make permanent the special one-time accommodations that were approved in 2020 due to the pandemic.
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Old 07-18-2021, 12:04 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Ahh, berry... I think those numbers raise more questions than they answer. There could be legitimate explanations. How many involved provisional ballots? In most states, if your qualifications are challenged, you are still allowed to cast a "provisional" ballot which isn't supposed to be counted unless/until you have cured the challenge afterwards.

Every mail-in ballot can be traced to an individual voter. Have those 74,243 people been contacted and asked to confirm whether they actually voted and if so, when/where did they drop off their ballots?

Keep in mind we can't assume a recount that tosses out the allegedly fraudulent ballots would change the outcome of AZ's Presidential vote. It depends on how many went for Biden versus how many went for Trump.

I haven't followed the AZ or GA audits closely, but I support them in principle because I want all possible avenues for cheating to be sniffed out now so they can be blocked in future elections.

Mail-in voting is obviously more susceptible to fraud than in-person voting. That's why we need to return to pre-covid rules and not allow the dim-retards to make permanent the special one-time accommodations that were approved in 2020 due to the pandemic.
I agree, some of the items raise more questions that need investigated further. The issue as I understand it is the Maricopa County officials have not been cooperative and have not provided some of the data necessary to allow the auditors to investigate these further. While I too have not followed this closely, my impression is the hearings the Arizona Senate conducted were to obtain preliminary results to help determine what further information the may need to go to court to subpoena. Unfortunately some of the data apparently has already been destroyed by Maricopa County. Why, well people can draw their own conclusions there

As I stated, I don't believe the results of these audits - even when fraud is uncovered - will change who is in the White House because the Democrats will fight it, the media will ignore it and the courts will find an excuse not to touch it. But the audits are very important so the American Public knows what actually happened and that steps can be taken to prevent the same significant fraud from taking place ever again

The only reason anyone opposes the audits is they are afraid of what they will show.
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Old 07-18-2021, 08:30 AM   #8
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If this audit was important, the auditors selected would have had actual experience in auditing elections and actual efforts for transparency and equal access on a bipartisan level would have made.

How the audit was funded wouldn't be a secret. Transparency runs both ways
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Old 07-18-2021, 08:36 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Ahh, berry... I think those numbers raise more questions than they answer. There could be legitimate explanations. How many involved provisional ballots? In most states, if your qualifications are challenged, you are still allowed to cast a "provisional" ballot which isn't supposed to be counted unless/until you have cured the challenge afterwards.

Every mail-in ballot can be traced to an individual voter. Have those 74,243 people been contacted and asked to confirm whether they actually voted and if so, when/where did they drop off their ballots?

Keep in mind we can't assume a recount that tosses out the allegedly fraudulent ballots would change the outcome of AZ's Presidential vote. It depends on how many went for Biden versus how many went for Trump.

I haven't followed the AZ or GA audits closely, but I support them in principle because I want all possible avenues for cheating to be sniffed out now so they can be blocked in future elections.

Mail-in voting is obviously more susceptible to fraud than in-person voting. That's why we need to return to pre-covid rules and not allow the dim-retards to make permanent the special one-time accommodations that were approved in 2020 due to the pandemic.
They suggested canvassing those voters. But the Maricopa board is refusing to cooperate. They’re ignoring subpoenas. What do they have to hide? But this was preliminary hearing. They were asking for answers to these anomalies. I’ll bet they have them dead to rights.
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Old 07-18-2021, 08:55 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
I never said they will remove the senile bastard from office. Because even when everything is exposed, you can count on the Democrats, feckless media and others to ignore / dismiss it and do nothing. I don't see anyone overturning this scam of an election. But the people will know the truth. Shoot the majority do now as 51% of all American believe that cheating is what put Biden in the White House. 51% !!!

And isn't knowing the truth important?
Isn't it important to have faith and trust in our electoral process?
Why are you and various libtards so scared of the truth?
Knowing the truth is the ultimate goal, yes, but if people keep crying wolf (no pun intended) about how fake and false elections are, aren't you essentially aliening everyone from trusting the voting process, therefore people will stop voting? or are you hoping to sway some of the libtards to your point of view, or force only the libs to stop voting? I'm unsure of what the ultimate goal is by calling it a sham election (and presidential term).

For example, if 51% of 2020 voters believe that the election was rigged, those 51% stop voting because they don't trust the process. Now you have 49% of the population voting in the next election. what if 51% of those voters vote for a DEM? Will that be fake too? It's never going to end until nobody trusts the election process at all.

What do we say in hooker boards? There's 3 sides to every story; your side, my side and then the truth? Don't you think that maybe we're both being misled? Doesn't the truth lie somewhere in between?

I'm certainly not afraid of the truth, as I'm sure you are not afraid of the truth either. However, your version of the truth is not my version of the truth. Just ask any flat-earther.

I've never met a republican who I was able to convince that their news sources and/or political views were wrong or fake or false. I've also never met a republican who swayed my point of view either.
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Old 07-18-2021, 09:21 AM   #11
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An Anon Shared:

They knew Sharpies bled through non-durable paper, which exactly why they printed thousands of ballots on the non-durable paper and got the Sharpies ready to hand out to all the TRUMP VOTERS they knew would show up on election day.

To ensure the ballot was rejected by the tabulation machines in case the Sharpies didn't cause enough bleed through, they also ensured these non-durable paper ballots were printed OFF CENTER.

Once the ballot was rejected, that allowed them to either toss it or adjucate it and switch it to a vote for Biden.

Pretty crafty, eh? What did everybody learn here?

Even with just paper ballots, these county officials have figured out a way to game the system and get a lot of ballots rejected so they can 'fix' them and 'adjust' them.

How many elections have local and state officials pulled tricks like this to get ballots set aside and then 'fixed'?
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Old 07-18-2021, 09:24 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
An Anon Shared:

They knew Sharpies bled through non-durable paper, which exactly why they printed thousands of ballots on the non-durable paper and got the Sharpies ready to hand out to all the TRUMP VOTERS they knew would show up on election day.

To ensure the ballot was rejected by the tabulation machines in case the Sharpies didn't cause enough bleed through, they also ensured these non-durable paper ballots were printed OFF CENTER.

Once the ballot was rejected, that allowed them to either toss it or adjucate it and switch it to a vote for Biden.

Pretty crafty, eh? What did everybody learn here?

Even with just paper ballots, these county officials have figured out a way to game the system and get a lot of ballots rejected so they can 'fix' them and 'adjust' them.

How many elections have local and state officials pulled tricks like this to get ballots set aside and then 'fixed'?
Nobody trusts voting machines. Nobody trusts paper ballots. What's the solution?
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Old 07-18-2021, 12:10 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
... 168,000 fraudulent ballots printed on illegal paper
Originally Posted by bambino View Post
An Anon Shared:

They knew Sharpies bled through non-durable paper, which exactly why they printed thousands of ballots on the non-durable paper and got the Sharpies ready to hand out to all the TRUMP VOTERS they knew would show up on election day.

To ensure the ballot was rejected by the tabulation machines in case the Sharpies didn't cause enough bleed through, they also ensured these non-durable paper ballots were printed OFF CENTER.

Once the ballot was rejected, that allowed them to either toss it or adjucate it and switch it to a vote for Biden.

Pretty crafty, eh? What did everybody learn here?

Even with just paper ballots, these county officials have figured out a way to game the system and get a lot of ballots rejected so they can 'fix' them and 'adjust' them.

How many elections have local and state officials pulled tricks like this to get ballots set aside and then 'fixed'?
So... you had 168,000 ballots cast using this "non-durable paper"? How many were rejected by the tabulation machines for the reason you describe (bleeding Sharpies)? And how many of those rejected ballots were then disqualified or "switched" upon closer examination by Maricopa County officials? Don't such decisions require agreement by observers from both sides (R and D)? That's how they did the famous "hanging chad" recounts in Florida back in 2000.

If you're going to toss out big numbers like 168,000, then you'd better have answers to all the inevitable follow-up questions. I'm pretty certain only a tiny fraction of that big number were suspect for the reason you describe (bleeding Sharpies).
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Old 07-18-2021, 12:18 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
74,243 mail-in ballots w/ NO evidence of ever being sent...
Originally Posted by bambino View Post
They suggested canvassing those voters. But the Maricopa board is refusing to cooperate.
We need to know what exactly was missing from those 74,243 ballots. No postmarks on the envelope? No signatures or other identifying matches? What "evidence" did Maricopa County election officials require to approve and count each mail-in ballot?
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Old 07-18-2021, 01:23 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by yinzerpgh View Post
Knowing the truth is the ultimate goal, yes, but if people keep crying wolf (no pun intended) about how fake and false elections are, aren't you essentially aliening everyone from trusting the voting process, therefore people will stop voting? or are you hoping to sway some of the libtards to your point of view, or force only the libs to stop voting? I'm unsure of what the ultimate goal is by calling it a sham election (and presidential term).

For example, if 51% of 2020 voters believe that the election was rigged, those 51% stop voting because they don't trust the process. Now you have 49% of the population voting in the next election. what if 51% of those voters vote for a DEM? Will that be fake too? It's never going to end until nobody trusts the election process at all.

What do we say in hooker boards? There's 3 sides to every story; your side, my side and then the truth? Don't you think that maybe we're both being misled? Doesn't the truth lie somewhere in between?

I'm certainly not afraid of the truth, as I'm sure you are not afraid of the truth either. However, your version of the truth is not my version of the truth. Just ask any flat-earther.

I've never met a republican who I was able to convince that their news sources and/or political views were wrong or fake or false. I've also never met a republican who swayed my point of view either.
People don't trust that elections are fair today. That is what you are missing. And every obstruction thrown up trying to prevent an audit from occurring or uncovering actual evidence just makes matters worse.

I have already said that senile Biden will never be removed from office. They aren't going to be able to overturn him being there from these audits. BUT that audits will hopefully provide the truth. And then one of two outcomes hopefully occurs

1. Fraud is proven and states create greater transparency and take significant steps to prevent such fraud from re-occurring in future elections

2. No fraud is uncovered and people can see that from an independent audit

Now my money is heavily on fraud was committed - as the majority of Americans believe was the case. So uncovering the fraud and implementing steps to prevent it from ever happening again is necessary to re-establish faith in the electoral process
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