Originally Posted by thurman murmann
All that I'm saying is you're a hypocrite. You know it, I know it, Berry knows it. Anyone with common sense can tell what you're doing. Hey it doesn't bother me, I'll still live my life like you never existed outside of a hooker review board. It really makes you look less of a man. Grow a beard or something. You'll feel better about yourself. It's just sad that you have to bring your TDS to what many of us consider our temporary escape from reality. Take that shit to reddit. It's pointless to argue with a democrat because NONE of you can ever stay on the subject. And nope, not a republican. I'm part of the lesser known group of unidentified people who think logically. Just stop it. Nobody really cares.
Who's a democrat, I've been registered Republican since 93.
I am doing what exactly in your opinion?
I asked a reasonable question, but decided through you that I don't really want or need an answer.
And decided your right that auguing on here is pointless!
Not to mention tiring.
But hypocrite?
I dont know about that!
As far as being a man goes I dont think you know me well enough to make any judgment of that sort!
Good Christ grow a beard?
Fuck I look too old now, what's your next suggestion, put on a Moses robe and carry a staff?
Berry can an keep swinging, it would appear that they have him surrounded!
You say nobody really cares?
Apparently you haven't read all 300 pages yet!
They care!