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Old 10-08-2020, 08:42 PM   #1
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Default joes hoe tells a lie about..."honest" Abe and the SCOTUS.

This nonstop lying and the one of hers and the SCOTUS nominee of "honest" Abe's is complete BS...the bitch ought to be ashamed, but she can't...the bitch is shameless!! Did she think she would get away with it??

Kamala Harris Told So Many Lies at the Debate, She Even Lied About Abraham Lincoln
Posted at 5:30 pm on October 8, 2020 by Nick Arama

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) got destroyed during her debate with Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday night.

Part of the problem with Harris is that she’s just so dishonest she says whatever she thinks is helpful for the moment and comes off as a smirking inauthentic jerk. It’s why she went down early in the primaries, done in by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI).

But she just told a boatload of lies throughout the debate.

First, as I already reported, she lied her head off, claiming that Joe Biden was “clear” about not banning fracking when indeed he’s made repeated comments about banning fracking and getting rid of fossil fuels.

Second, she repeated the Charlottesville “very fine people” lie which has been debunked ad nauseam, but both she and Joe Biden keep saying it. Indeed, it’s a standard part of Joe Biden’s repertoire that he decided to run because of that, and yet it’s a lie. Trump never called Neo-Nazis very fine people. He was referring to the people on both sides of the statue debate. He specifically said he was not referring to Neo-Nazis or white supremacists who “should be condemned totally.”

Third, she claimed that the president had failed to denounce white supremacy. As Pence noted, not only did he denounce it during the debate, saying “sure” he condemned it, and he’s condemned it repeatedly. It’s the stupidest lie, but they keep pushing it. Not only has he condemned it, but he has moved to make the KKK and Antifa terrorist organizations. Where is the condemnation of Harris and Biden of Antifa? Indeed, not only haven’t they condemned them by name, but Harris and Biden staffers contributed to a bail fund to get people out of jail who were arrested during the riots.

Fourth, she said the president had called the virus a hoax. This is another claim that has been debunked again and again, and it’s still spread by Biden and the Democrats. Trump said in February that the Democrats attack over the administration’s response was a “hoax”, not that the virus itself was a hoax. This lie has contributed to the erroneous perception that the Trump administration failed to respond to the virus, when in fact their response was immediate and far better than that of the Democrats.

If Trump was forming the task force, activating the CDC, declaring a public health emergency, and cutting travel with China, all in January (while Democrats were calling cutting travel “xenophobic”) he obviously didn’t think it was a hoax. Indeed, it was the Democrats who told people to go out into crowds, to ride the subway. It was Biden’s coronavirus czar, Ron Klain, who said that we had more to fear from “racism” in reaction to the virus than from the virus itself. Biden’s team didn’t agree that cutting off travel from China and Europe was good until April 2. Imagine if we had actually waited that long and the millions more who would be ill if Biden had been in charge.

Fifth and sixth, she repeated other debunked claims to attack Trump on his relationship with the military. She claimed Trump had referred to military members as “losers and suckers” in France and she repeated the disproven Russian bounties story. Everyone who was there in France disputes that the comments were ever made and the Pentagon has said there is no evidence to support the Russian bounty story.

Finally, there was the discussion about the Supreme Court and nominating judges. The moderator asked Kamala Harris if she and Biden intended to pack the Supreme Court if they won the election. She refused to answer the question. Pence pressed her and she continued to refuse. That’s ridiculous. They’ve refused to release a list of who they would name to the Supreme Court if they won and refused to disavow completely changing the nature of the Court. The people have a right to know and the only reason they would be hiding that is that they radically want to change the court and don’t want people to know that.

But instead of answering the question about packing the Court, Harris deflected, claiming that Abraham Lincoln waited until after the election to nominate a Supreme Court Justice although the vacancy came up in July. Harris claimed Lincoln refused to nominate a candidate for Chief Justice in October 1864 because “Honest Abe said, it’s not the right thing to do” and wanted the people to vote first.

What a lot of bunk. That’s just straight-up lying about Honest Abe in doing so to justify the Democrats’ attack on perfectly constitutional action by Trump and the Republicans on Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination. He sent no one between July and Dec. 5 because the Senate was out of session and he couldn’t.

From National Review:

He sent a nominee the day after the session began, and Salmon P. Chase was confirmed the same day. And Lincoln wanted to dangle the nomination before Chase and several other potential candidates because he wanted them to campaign for him. Lincoln’s priority was winning the election, which was necessary to win the war — and he filled the vacancy at the first possible instant.

These are ridiculous, easily disprovable lies. Yet Harris spread them anyway which says a lot about her character (or lack thereof).
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Old 10-08-2020, 10:19 PM   #2
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Old 10-09-2020, 08:40 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Lol. That's good. I like it
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Old 10-09-2020, 08:56 PM   #4
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and the Orange Man lied about being Pro Life.

He said many times he was pro abortion. Later, when running for President, he changed his mind. When Biden changes his mind, you don't allow it. Which makes you a Fraud.

and Trump is a Fraud. He accepted medical treatments that were formed via stem cell research, utilizing the cells of aborted babies, that the Republicans claim to deplore. Babies were slaughtered to save Trump's life. and he called it a blessing from GOD.
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Old 10-11-2020, 07:10 AM   #5
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CT - I a unaware of any factual basis - and DPST unsuported pr0paganda does not fly with me - that

"Babies were slaughtered" to save Trump's life

assumed you refer to Trumps hospitalization at Walter Reed adn treatment for Wuhan virus - spread by your very own dea Comrade Xi deliberately and knowingly to the US.

Not to mention - CT - being a good and ideologically pure democrat - Abortion of teh Chinese model - ie forcible formalin injection in a babies' crowning head - is just fine - and part of Chinese birth control measures Democrats want to see instituted in America - or your united Socialist States of Amerika.

If U refer to pooled antibody treatment of

Wuhan virus - the treatment was used for Spanish Flu in the 1918 pandemic - documented and referenced in a post I previously made. Or, go check and see if 'Murdered babies" were used to supply antibodies in 1918.

But - U are just posting another Democrat lie - and u and the DPST's are shameless about presenting distortions and Lies. It is what you do - trying to manipulated an election on 'personality (Biden has none - too senile) - instead of doing the hard work to look at the 'DPST party platforms of ruination of Amerika and debating issues.

So shameful - and hypocritical of the DPST abortion stance. Criticizing Abortion won't get you any brownie points from harris - and biden is too senile to care.

Enjoy living under the control of the Chinese - after harris cedes control of her Amerika to the great DPST idol of CCP authoritarian dictatorship - Comrade Xi. - the DPST Big Brother West of the Mississippi!
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Old 10-11-2020, 07:22 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
CT - I a unaware of any factual basis - and DPST unsuported pr0paganda does not fly with me - that

"Babies were slaughtered" to save Trump's life

assumed you refer to Trumps hospitalization at Walter Reed adn treatment for Wuhan virus - spread by your very own dea Comrade Xi deliberately and knowingly to the US.

Not to mention - CT - being a good and ideologically pure democrat - Abortion of teh Chinese model - ie forcible formalin injection in a babies' crowning head - is just fine - and part of Chinese birth control measures Democrats want to see instituted in America - or your united Socialist States of Amerika.

If U refer to pooled antibody treatment of

Wuhan virus - the treatment was used for Spanish Flu in the 1918 pandemic - documented and referenced in a post I previously made. Or, go check and see if 'Murdered babies" were used to supply antibodies in 1918.

But - U are just posting another Democrat lie - and u and the DPST's are shameless about presenting distortions and Lies. It is what you do - trying to manipulated an election on 'personality (Biden has none - too senile) - instead of doing the hard work to look at the 'DPST party platforms of ruination of Amerika and debating issues.

So shameful - and hypocritical of the DPST abortion stance. Criticizing Abortion won't get you any brownie points from harris - and biden is too senile to care.

Enjoy living under the control of the Chinese - after harris cedes control of her Amerika to the great DPST idol of CCP authoritarian dictatorship - Comrade Xi. - the DPST Big Brother West of the Mississippi!

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