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Old 06-17-2020, 08:32 AM   #1
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Default Oklahoma State football coach apologizes for wearing OAN T-shirt


One day after Oklahoma State running back Chuba Hubbard lashed out at coach Mike Gundy on social media for wearing a T-shirt promoting a far-right news channel, Gundy apologized.

Hubbard, who is black, suggested Monday he may boycott the program after Gundy was photographed wearing a T-shirt promoting the One America News Network, a cable channel and website that has been critical of the Black Lives Matter movement and praised by President Donald Trump.
On Monday evening, Hubbard and Gundy appeared in a video together, with Gundy saying he would make changes.

Oklahoma State football coach apologizes for wearing OAN T-shirt

June 17, 2020 / 5:03 AM / CBS/AP

One day after Oklahoma State running back Chuba Hubbard lashed out at coach Mike Gundy on social media for wearing a T-shirt promoting a far-right news channel, Gundy apologized.

Hubbard, who is black, suggested Monday he may boycott the program after Gundy was photographed wearing a T-shirt promoting the One America News Network, a cable channel and website that has been critical of the Black Lives Matter movement and praised by President Donald Trump.
On Monday evening, Hubbard and Gundy appeared in a video together, with Gundy saying he would make changes.

But Hubbard said despite that video, "It's not over," reports CBSSports.com. " … Don't get it twisted. Foots still on the gas. Results are coming."

Gundy took it a step further in a video Tuesday.
"I had a great meeting with our team today," he said in a tweeted video. "Our players expressed their feelings as individuals and as team members. They helped me see, through their eyes, how the T-shirt affected their hearts.
"Once I learned how that network felt about Black Lives Matter, I was disgusted and knew it was completely unacceptable to me. I want to apologize to all members of our team, former players and their families for the pain and discomfort that has been caused over the last two days. Black lives matter to me. Our players matter to me."

Oklahoma State football coach apologizes for wearing OAN T-shirt

June 17, 2020 / 5:03 AM / CBS/AP

One day after Oklahoma State running back Chuba Hubbard lashed out at coach Mike Gundy on social media for wearing a T-shirt promoting a far-right news channel, Gundy apologized.

Hubbard, who is black, suggested Monday he may boycott the program after Gundy was photographed wearing a T-shirt promoting the One America News Network, a cable channel and website that has been critical of the Black Lives Matter movement and praised by President Donald Trump.
On Monday evening, Hubbard and Gundy appeared in a video together, with Gundy saying he would make changes.

But Hubbard said despite that video, "It's not over," reports CBSSports.com. " … Don't get it twisted. Foots still on the gas. Results are coming."
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Gundy took it a step further in a video Tuesday.
"I had a great meeting with our team today," he said in a tweeted video. "Our players expressed their feelings as individuals and as team members. They helped me see, through their eyes, how the T-shirt affected their hearts.
"Once I learned how that network felt about Black Lives Matter, I was disgusted and knew it was completely unacceptable to me. I want to apologize to all members of our team, former players and their families for the pain and discomfort that has been caused over the last two days. Black lives matter to me. Our players matter to me."

Hubbard called Tuesday's video "a step in the right direction," said CBSSports.com.

Gundy was seen in a photograph on Twitter wearing the shirt with the letters OAN. Hubbard responded and said: "I will not stand for this. This is completely insensitive to everything going on in society, and it's unacceptable. I will not be doing anything with Oklahoma State until things CHANGE."
Hubbard's tweet drew support from past and present Oklahoma State players. The school's president and athletic director issued statements supporting black athletes, condemning insensitive behavior and voicing concern about the responses to the tweet without directly calling out Gundy.
Hubbard has been more active on social media since George Floyd, an unarmed black man, died after a white Minneapolis police officer pressed his knee against Floyd's neck for several minutes.
Gundy also apologized in April after a media session in which he called the coronavirus the "Chinese virus."
Last season, Hubbard, who is from Canada, was a first-team All-American and the AP Big 12 Offensive Player of the Year. He ran for 2,094 yards, the second-best single-season total in school history, and finished eighth in the Heisman Trophy balloting. He was NFL draft-eligible but chose to return to school.

Gundy was a OKS QB ,and long-time coach - who is called out for his choice of a T-shirt - of a news agency branded 'far-rightist" by the marxist LSM. He then kneels and apologizes to the star black running back and the nation.

Gundy has had his choice of One america News censored by the student player and college administration.
when the players can destroy the leadership and authority of the coach over such a mater as "Faux racism" - the football coaching staff has lost control and credibility with th eplayers.

Players are not free to do what ever they want - or cry "racism" - in their entitlement.

Guny has no real choice but to resign - the players can have no respect - only contempt for gundy and his staff - and will do nothing but what they choose under threat of yelling "racism".

guny - a racist - No - he has given opportunities to young black men for decases. And a selfish little spoiled star decides He - hubbard- has the right to censor his coach;s choice of news because "It makes me feel bad" - Hypocritically - the OBLM care nothing for the feelings of their Victims of Black Racism,
Including the seattle residents who are evicted from Homes and businesses forcibly appropirated - stolen- by Seattle terrorists.

Next - hubbard decides he and his football players are important enough to take guny's and the coaches homes - they deserve better living quarters - so follow the Seattle model.

Gundy and the coaching staff should resign immediately in protest - and Leave Ok state football and the univesity to be led by the OBLM terorists.
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Old 06-17-2020, 08:38 AM   #2
Jackie S
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Another case of the Inmates running the Asylum.
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Old 06-17-2020, 08:44 AM   #3
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coaches wont be successful without athletes

football is dominated by black athletes

gundy feels forced to proclaim conservatism is racism by a kid
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Old 06-17-2020, 09:11 AM   #4
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Default This whole thing has the look of a hostage tape!

Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
...Gundy and the coaching staff should resign immediately in protest - and Leave Ok state football and the univesity to be led by the OBLM terorists.

While that might be viscerally satisfying, it's pretty hard for a guy to ditch a gig that pays 5 sticks a year!

This reminds me of the recent Drew Brees initial statement and ensuing walkback, which in turn reminded me of a typical coerced hostage video. You know, the ones where some American (or other Westerner) is snatched by a regime that doesn't exactly have a reputation for treating its captives hospitably. The prisoner then makes a statement for the cameras testifying as to how well he is being treated (and exactly no one believes a word of it).

At many of life's turns, one is presented with a bad choice and a worse choice.

I the cases of Brees and Gundy, I think the choice was pretty simple.

Choice #1: Decline to quit wearing the T-shirt and suffer a mutiny or near mutiny by the players, which could heavily damage team morale and "chemistry" for an extended period of time. Additionally, that would piss off the black portion of the fanbase -- big time.

Choice #2: Pledge to stop wearing it while condemning its message and mildly irritate a bigger portion of the (mostly white) fanbase, although one that will in large measure understand why you're conceding -- and in any event will still go to (or watch) games in the future, just as in the past.

Given that calculus, it's easy to understand why Brees and Gundy made their decisions.
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Old 06-17-2020, 09:59 AM   #5
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While the Lib DPST's would scream bloody murder about criticism of a XiNN t-shirt as "Censorship" - they enable the OBLM as the arbiter of censorship of anything and everything "that offends me" - regardless of legality or appropriateness.

Everywhre authorities are running terrified of being labeled "Racist" by the race-baiters - tearing down statutes, censorhing cemeteries - forbidding any type of "offensive" speech - the First Amendment is Dead. - on teh altar of Race-baiting 'Thou shalt not dare to offend me - no matter what'.

It is now acceptable that no black person should ever have to endure anything that might be the slightest bit offensive to them - but White folks are racist and must conform and endure no rights to our own thoughts and beliefs - because we are 'racist by definition".

Last time i looked -One America News was on the air - but is under assault by the Lib LSM to censor them and all they present. I do watch the channel - some of their political points programs in the evening I disagree with.

It is no longer a free country for the first Amendment - Lib DPST LSM is intent on censoring and shutting down any thought in disagreement with their Ideology.

The Constitution and first Amendment are Dead.

Civil War is coming.
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Old 06-17-2020, 10:02 AM   #6
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Chub is a star running back and a first round talent. A Canadian as well. Coach should have told him C ya.
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Old 06-17-2020, 10:07 AM   #7
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Coach Bear Bryant would have had a simple response to this nonsense.

Instead - Gungy now has the players in charge of the team.

Untenable place to be - He will be forced out when the players revolt at having to practice and go to class.

"Racism" - it is understood.
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Old 06-17-2020, 10:19 AM   #8
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Default In the social sense, I think we're already there. Are mass-casualty pitched battles next?

Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
Civil War is coming.

In the social sense, I think we're already there.

Imagine this:

What if Trump loses the popular vote in November (as he almost certainly will), but manages to eke out narrow margins in enough close states to win an electoral college victory, just as in 2016. That doesn't seem all that unlikely to me.

One prominent libertarian finance blogger posted recently that all hell would break loose if that happened, and that ensuing protests would make recent events look like a pleasant 4th of July neighborhood get-together by comparison.

Then, next in the hit parade would be outrage against anyone who didn't advocate loudly for elimination of the Electoral College as the mechanism for choosing the president. Just to atone for many years of white privilege, of course. (Obviously, formation of the Electoral College was set forth in the Constitution, but never mind. Pesky details!)

A whole lot of lightly-populated "flyover" states are heavily white. Ergo, the electoral college is part and parcel of the white supremacist power structure -- and must go!

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Old 06-17-2020, 10:49 AM   #9
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Maybe Gundy and Brees, hell, all White people should be made to wear shirts with "I'm sorry" on them and that way they won't have to say it 10 times a day as now demanded.

Me, I'm going with the "Fuck You, I make no apologies for my opinions or being White" shirt.

But then I don't need a job.
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Old 06-17-2020, 11:05 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight View Post
Then, next in the hit parade would be outrage against anyone who didn't advocate loudly for elimination of the Electoral College as the mechanism for choosing the president. Just to atone for many years of white privilege, of course. (Obviously, formation of the Electoral College was set forth in the Constitution, but never mind. Pesky details!)
A fundamental difference between the USA and many other democracies is that we have a Constitution that protects individual freedoms and liberties from a tyranny of the majority. The electoral college was one of the safeguards to prevent this from happening. Initially the electors were usually chosen by the state legislatures, not by popular vote.

I'd be happy using majority vote nationwide if the winner were decided based on the amount of taxes paid by the voters. You might think this could backfire on Republicans and Libertarians because extremely wealthy Democrats like James Simon and George Soros would get lots of votes. But they've mostly figured out how to avoid paying taxes, so the hard working businessmen would swamp them.

That last paragraph is a joke, kind of.
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Old 06-17-2020, 02:25 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
While the Lib DPST's would scream bloody murder about criticism of a XiNN t-shirt as "Censorship" - they enable the OBLM as the arbiter of censorship of anything and everything "that offends me" - regardless of legality or appropriateness.

Everywhre authorities are running terrified of being labeled "Racist" by the race-baiters - tearing down statutes, censorhing cemeteries - forbidding any type of "offensive" speech - the First Amendment is Dead. - on teh altar of Race-baiting 'Thou shalt not dare to offend me - no matter what'.

It is now acceptable that no black person should ever have to endure anything that might be the slightest bit offensive to them - but White folks are racist and must conform and endure no rights to our own thoughts and beliefs - because we are 'racist by definition".

Last time i looked -One America News was on the air - but is under assault by the Lib LSM to censor them and all they present. I do watch the channel - some of their political points programs in the evening I disagree with.

It is no longer a free country for the first Amendment - Lib DPST LSM is intent on censoring and shutting down any thought in disagreement with their Ideology.

The Constitution and first Amendment are Dead.

Civil War is coming.
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Old 06-17-2020, 02:29 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
A fundamental difference between the USA and many other democracies is that we have a Constitution that protects individual freedoms and liberties from a tyranny of the majority. The electoral college was one of the safeguards to prevent this from happening. Initially the electors were usually chosen by the state legislatures, not by popular vote.

I'd be happy using majority vote nationwide if the winner were decided based on the amount of taxes paid by the voters. You might think this could backfire on Republicans and Libertarians because extremely wealthy Democrats like James Simon and George Soros would get lots of votes. But they've mostly figured out how to avoid paying taxes, so the hard working businessmen would swamp them.

That last paragraph is a joke, kind of.

i might point bloomberg tried that already - even People who truly hate Donald j Trump cannot buy their way into the DPSTLib ideology party - they are not trusted by the Marxist rank and file Progressives.
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Old 06-17-2020, 02:29 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight View Post

In the social sense, I think we're already there.

Imagine this:

What if Trump loses the popular vote in November (as he almost certainly will), but manages to eke out narrow margins in enough close states to win an electoral college victory, just as in 2016. That doesn't seem all that unlikely to me.

One prominent libertarian finance blogger posted recently that all hell would break loose if that happened, and that ensuing protests would make recent events look like a pleasant 4th of July neighborhood get-together by comparison.

Then, next in the hit parade would be outrage against anyone who didn't advocate loudly for elimination of the Electoral College as the mechanism for choosing the president. Just to atone for many years of white privilege, of course. (Obviously, formation of the Electoral College was set forth in the Constitution, but never mind. Pesky details!)

A whole lot of lightly-populated "flyover" states are heavily white. Ergo, the electoral college is part and parcel of the white supremacist power structure -- and must go!

I can certainly see the logic in your argument (and in fact I hope we have another electoral college victory) but I think we have to defend the electoral college to the end - it is the only thing that will protect us from becoming California and Seattle.

I think the Supremes will uphold it against almost any challenge.

As for the riots, they can tear the shit out of the major cities and middle America will still survive - though my REIT's will certainly sufer.
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Old 06-17-2020, 02:30 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
Maybe Gundy and Brees, hell, all White people should be made to wear shirts with "I'm sorry" on them and that way they won't have to say it 10 times a day as now demanded.

Me, I'm going with the "Fuck You, I make no apologies for my opinions or being White" shirt.

But then I don't need a job.

Don't go out on the street with that shirt - U will be shot in the back - and it will be "Justifiable homicide" -" this White supremacist made me feel bad!!!"
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