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Old 11-08-2023, 05:34 AM   #1
ICU 812
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Default Conservatives Only: Why do we vote the way we do? One thread for Liberals and One Thread for Conservatives. Please no cross-overs.

First some ground ruiles. Pease do not post an opposing view. You will have a trhread of your own for that with the same guidelines and question.

Second: Please lets talk about policyies and ideas, not persoalities. The weaknesses and character flaws of our major politicians have been well examined already.

The question for conservatives is: Why would you vote for a liberal candidate for public office in a local, Statewide or national election?
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Old 11-08-2023, 03:46 PM   #2
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Conservatives will vote for a liberal when they wake up!

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Old 11-08-2023, 08:47 PM   #3
Salty Again
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... So much for the previous poster respecting the wishes of the OP.

... We Conservatives generally DO NOT vote for what you call
"liberal candidates"... Unless there's two liberals in the race.

Then we might choose the "lesser of the evil"...

#### Salty
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Old 11-09-2023, 08:39 AM   #4
ICU 812
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I vote for policies and their implementation rather than the person.

I support policies that promote the integrity of elections such as in-person voting, positive voter ID, and updated data bases of registered voters.

I support the Second Amendment as written and as currently interpreted by the Supreme court. I am open to altering the Second Amendment to be more explicit through either of the mechanisms provided for in The Constitution.

I am opposed to the wildly extravagant borrowing and deficit spending through huge omnibus apportions bills. Congress must return to "regular order" and debate each spending bill.

I am opposed to embracing and facilitating the goals of our adversaries around the world.

Regardless of a candidates personality, I will support and vote for candidates that espouse and act on ideas and policies mentioned above.

I am opposed to unrestricted, uncontrolled immigration. I support the adjustment of our current immigration laws. I am opposed to allowing those who have entered the country without a valid visa to remain. I don't care who you are, where you came from, how you got here or why you csme, you must go back and enter through the front door process that begins with the US Embassy in your home country.
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Old 11-09-2023, 03:25 PM   #5
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"I don't think the Lord Jesus himself could manage this group," said Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas. He added that he would pray for the new speaker as the House adjourned for a long weekend.

"We’re still dealing with the same divisions we always have had," said another House Republican. "We’re ungovernable."

Republicans can’t govern.
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Old 11-10-2023, 05:35 AM   #6
ICU 812
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Still looking for reasons why conservatives and liberals vote the way they do. . . .There are other threads for political invective.

Looking for concepts and ideas here.
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Old 11-10-2023, 05:43 AM   #7
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I hate to point out the logical flaw in your post but asking

"Why would you vote for a liberal candidate for public office in a local, Statewide or national election?"

seems kind of obvious. Because they support policies for which I agree. But if they support polilices for which I agree, by definition they would not be considered liberal.

At this point, I'd support JFK... but he would be called a Nazi by the political standards of his party today (but he was a liberal). So it's not that I, as a Conservative wouldn't vote for a Liberal as a person, it's just that no liberal would ever support policies that I do.

Essentially, those of us that advocate equality under the law are Conservatives, and those that think inequality of outcomes justifies inequality under the law are liberals which really just means communists/fascists/authoritarians. They see no limits to what the State should interfere with individual interactions.

Everything Within the State, Nothing Against the State, Nothing Outside the State... I've never met a modern liberal that didn't advocate for this even if they were too stupid to understand that's what they were advocating.
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