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Old 04-14-2020, 06:39 PM   #1
Jackie S
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Default Dr. Fauci Takes Reporter To Task

It seems Dr Fauci is getting a taste of the dirtbag media’s fake news campaign against President Trump.

He took this cunt down in righteous fashion.

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Old 04-14-2020, 06:46 PM   #2
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Dr fauci is the only remaining person w intelligents n class to serve in the trump swamp. He needs to go soon
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Old 04-14-2020, 07:14 PM   #3
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Amusing that the reporters think they can use political crap to stir up interviewees
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Old 04-14-2020, 07:35 PM   #4
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Listen to yourself. Dr. Fauci had used the term "push back" in his interview. He said that was a poor choice of words. The reporter asked him if he was doing this voluntarily or if trump asked him to. He said no, don't even imply it.

You snowflakes are unbelievable. Fauci is walking on egg shells. That question is valid. trump retweeted a twit about firing him. He knows he is where he is needed. If he were fired his replacement would be a moron. It's not like he couldn't get a job. He puts his country before himself. About the only person to do so at trump's campaign rally he holds each day. He gives 10 minutes of information and an hour and a half ÷ of his bullshit.
Your outrage is comical as is your description of the take down. She asked a question and he answered.
Did her parent media claim trump put Fauci up to it?
Of course not.
And where is some "fake" media involved.
There isn't any. Just you you flapping your gums. And your outrage about a question about a known asshole telling one of his douche-bags to lie for him.
There is a dickhead claiming liberalism is a gutless choice.
Of course the gutless guy who leaps to believe and obey trump would claim it took courage to stop thinking.
Did you notice that princess-caps-a-lot always leaps to caps when he is really forcing the turds out.
Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
It seems Dr Fauci is getting a taste of the dirtbag media’s fake news campaign against President Trump.

He took this cunt down in righteous fashion.

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Old 04-14-2020, 08:42 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
Listen to yourself. Dr. Fauci had used the term "push back" in his interview. He said that was a poor choice of words. The reporter asked him if he was doing this voluntarily or if trump asked him to. He said no, don't even imply it.

You snowflakes are unbelievable. Fauci is walking on egg shells. That question is valid. trump retweeted a twit about firing him. He knows he is where he is needed. If he were fired his replacement would be a moron. It's not like he couldn't get a job. He puts his country before himself. About the only person to do so at trump's campaign rally he holds each day. He gives 10 minutes of information and an hour and a half ÷ of his bullshit.
Your outrage is comical as is your description of the take down. She asked a question and he answered.
Did her parent media claim trump put Fauci up to it?
Of course not.
And where is some "fake" media involved.
There isn't any. Just you you flapping your gums. And your outrage about a question about a known asshole telling one of his douche-bags to lie for him.
There is a dickhead claiming liberalism is a gutless choice.
Of course the gutless guy who leaps to believe and obey trump would claim it took courage to stop thinking.
Did you notice that princess-caps-a-lot always leaps to caps when he is really forcing the turds out.

Fauci is a shill drug peddler for money. a dope dealer.

so try to keep up yeah? butt i can keep reporting FACTS for ya ...


Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
Fauci appears not to be the great saint after all. it appears he's getting some big pharma royalties for drug patents.

remember these are accusations from the AIDS "panic" that was going to kill off everyone


THE FAUCI FILES: The IL-2 Antiviral Hoax, U.S. Patent # US1995000452440

October 1, 1999

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has been the single person in charge of HIV/AIDS research since the onset of the epidemic. Under Fauci's tutelage, fraud in research not only prospered, but has become institutionalized (thanks, in no small part, to Fauci's role in disbanding the ethics police). At the National Institutes of Health, the crooks are firmly in charge and the rigors of scientific discipline have been substituted with the quick fixes of Junk Science schemes, bribes for bureaucrats and a proliferation of lucrative treatment hoaxes. While the HAART Treatment Hoax has flopped face-down in the steaming cow-pie of D.B.A.D. reality (Deaths Before an AIDS Diagnosis), perhaps it isn't too late to take a closer look at another treatment hoax: The Dr. Anthony S. Fauci IL-2 Treatment Hoax. Let's see what Captain Fauci has done to help himself as he deliberately steered the HIV Research Titantic straight into the proverbial iceberg with his first and only patent (patent application details are included below):

IL-2 Intermittent Therapy.

While most inventors file dozens, or even hundreds of patents before they have a winner, such is certainly not the case with Dr. Fauci's first and only patent: IL-2 Intermittent Therapy. As a self-described "scientist", Fauci has proven that he is exempt from the hit-and-miss strategy of the invention process. Because "The Game" is rigged, only one patent will be required for Fauci "to win".

What comes with this patent is a certain atmosphere of selective "shyness" by Dr. Fauci and the other top leaders of the enormous NIH, the health agency assigned the important task of safeguarding America's health. So what is it about Dr. Fauci's patent that turns so many outspoken luminaries of medicine into a collective of deaf-mutes?

What's wrong here? This is America and this is an invention, isn't it? Why isn't Fauci and The Gang celebrating like real Americans? Why must they act like they are embarrassed for their corruption, secret business deals and fifth-rate comprehension of science?

While most inventors are deservedly so proud of the results of their long hours and diligent efforts that they WANT the world to know -- why isn't that the case with NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, M.D.? Wouldn't you think that Dr. Fauci, NIAID and the NIH would have been proud to announce the approval of the first and only patent of perhaps its most important Institute Director? So why no announcement? Why no press release? Why all the deafening silence?

Why does Fauci offer spin control, obfuscation, deception and outright lies instead of facts? Why does the NIH close up shop when one inquires about Fauci's reported HUGE leaps in salary at this government health agency? Why the stoned silence and bureaucratic smoke screens regarding reported "double-dipping" by Fauci? (Even NIH Director Varmus won't respond to confirm or deny Fauci's reported retirement from the Public Health Service and re-employment in the Executive Service at five or more times his previous salary -- is Varmus covering up something illegal, such as Fauci being paid retirement AND salary simultaneously -- what's going on here???)

Why won't Fauci speak of his personal business dealings with Chiron, the company which appears to have been summarily granted the manufacturing license for IL-2 in this non-competitive Byzantine atmosphere of secret business deals?

Why does Fauci continue to personally direct and speak on behalf of his PERSONAL IL-2 patent conflict of interest when the NIH Attorney Robert Lanman stated over a year ago that the IL-2 research would be transferred to the National Cancer Institute, a claim that is obviously false? How bad can things be when even the NIH legal department gets caught in The Big Lie?

While Fauci claims that his $150,000 annual "royalties" are "going to charity", why won't Fauci or Lanman or NIH Director Varmus disclose WHICH "charity" purportedly gets the cash? Might that be too embarassing when the "charity" turns out to be something ludicrous like "The Fauci Children's College Fund" or "The Fauci Institute" ? What about the PAST royalties (since 1993)?

Of course, the $150K annual royalty is "chump change" when compared to the tens of millions that Fauci and friends stand to make on the IL-2 Treatment Hoax. As one would expect, this is where the Freedom of Information Act NIH/NIAID attorneys slam the brakes on ANYTHING with Fauci's name on it -- ALL financial records, declarations etc. are off limits to the prying eyes of the American public.

Why was Fauci's name conspicuously missing from the patent of the same name that was filed in 1993 when Fauci and his subordinates Lane and Kovacs had already been engaged in years of taxpayer-funded IL-2 human experiments at NIAID? Why did Fauci keep his name off the patent until December, 1997 when the Patent Office approved the same patent, but this time with Fauci listed as inventor?

Director Fauci claimed that the omission of his name from his only patent at that point was due to a "clerical error". Are we also to believe that the army of patent attorneys retained by the NIH also managed to "overlook" the tiny detail having to do with putting the #1 Director's name on his only patent? Are we to also believe that the same clerical error was repeated when Fauci's name was omitted from the Lane/Kovacs 1995 article about IL-2 published in the New England Journal of Medicine (where the IL-2 patent was disclosed)?

After over a decade of millions of taxpayer dollars for DOZENS of Fauci-directed IL-2 "clinical trials", why is it that (in 1999) the ONLY actual claim of "efficacy" seems to end up with a single unpublished and non-peer-reviewed anecdotal case of a person who was perfectly healthy and HIV-positive when the clinical "trial" was started? Indeed, a real scientist would instinctively apply Occam's Razor to explain that the patient would have even been BETTER OFF in the total absence of toxic interventionist "treatment"! But that has nothing to do with the bottom-rung scientists of Fauci's ilk and today's Orwellian standard of medical Junk Science.

Why study a toxic and dangerous treatment like IL-2 using healthy HIV-positive people? Perhaps the question has more to do with which study group would put the best possible face on a harmful treatment. After all, Fauci, Lane and Kovacs admitted long ago that IL-2 didn't "work" for sick people. It made them sicker faster. It killed them. It caused and/or promoted cancers. So what do these Giants of Junk Science do? They begin to study a treatment for the "sick" -- IL-2 -- in the healthiest non-sick people they could find! Now they claim that IL-2 can only "work" when those healthy people are also using a cocktail of cancer drugs known as "HAART" (the "cocktail treatment" trend is an important drug industry concept as it entirely obliterates the notion of accountability or blame for any single treatment option when the 20-something year old non-AIDS HIV+ patient plops over dead of a heart attack, stroke or other acute organ system failure, as has been the case with HAART).

So now you know what your government's public servants have been up to for the past couple of decades in HIV, but not necessarily AIDS, research. In fact, as an independent statistical measure, the surge in the category known as "D.B.A.D." tells us exactly how we are doing these days -- specifically in the area of "Deaths Before (an) AIDS Diagnosis". If these people aren't dying of AIDS, then what's been killing them in droves, if not the cancer drugs that have been repackaged as HAART "antiviral" cocktails?


This detail information can be viewed in its entirety at: http://www.patents.ibm.com/details?pn=US05696079__
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Old 04-15-2020, 06:42 AM   #6
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Default Alls Iz realy wants to know about Fauci right now

I just want to know if his finger prints were on the $3.6M check to the Wuhan, China virology lab grant in 2015, under the Obummer regime. Then we can check into his association with Harvard medical school links.
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Old 04-15-2020, 09:12 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
It seems Dr Fauci is getting a taste of the dirtbag media’s fake news campaign against President Trump.

He took this cunt down in righteous fashion.

I don’t know why you Trump sheep always have to quote from some racist garbage site peddling Trump propaganda. A site that is renowned for its far right waffle , and smear campaigns against certain ethnicity groups.

Realclearpolitics sounds bogus right off the bat. And it is.... too good to be true...but nice try. I always dig up the truth from these sewer sites. Full of drivel.

But at least we know where and why your ignorance is being fed. I’m sure your appetite for hate and misinformation is being nicely fueled.
I’m sure that makes you feel so good and superior as you exist in that white trash ghetto of yours.
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Old 04-15-2020, 09:47 AM   #8
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please point out the lies in their article
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Old 04-15-2020, 09:57 AM   #9
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Fascist DPST's - anything they perceive as not consonant with their "narrative" from the "Party" and LSM is automatically a "Lie"!
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Old 04-15-2020, 10:21 AM   #10
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RCP has a pretty diverse front page and is basically a poll coagulation site with articles from a bunch of different authors, both left and right leaning. Not sure where this racist claim comes from.
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Old 04-15-2020, 10:56 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss View Post
I don’t know why you Trump sheep always have to quote from some racist garbage site peddling Trump propaganda. A site that is renowned for its far right waffle , and smear campaigns against certain ethnicity groups.

Realclearpolitics sounds bogus right off the bat. And it is.... too good to be true...but nice try. I always dig up the truth from these sewer sites. Full of drivel.

But at least we know where and why your ignorance is being fed. I’m sure your appetite for hate and misinformation is being nicely fueled.
I’m sure that makes you feel so good and superior as you exist in that white trash ghetto of yours.

You say you dig up the truth but you never seem to get around to posting it. When asked to tell us what the perceived lie is, you are silent. To my knowledge you have never taken the challenge of identifying the lie and telling us "through your exhaustive research" why it is a lie. You sir are a coward.
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Old 04-15-2020, 11:28 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
You sir are a coward.
tex ritter sings

"or die a coward, a craven coward, or die a coward in my grave"

a great line if there ever was one, by ned washington
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Old 04-15-2020, 01:52 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
You say you dig up the truth but you never seem to get around to posting it. When asked to tell us what the perceived lie is, you are silent. To my knowledge you have never taken the challenge of identifying the lie and telling us "through your exhaustive research" why it is a lie. You sir are a coward.
I have repeatedly asked for citations of he/her/it who then just goes dead quiet until the next unsupported rant in another thread.
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Old 04-15-2020, 02:45 PM   #14
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The Fascist DPST's just spew lies , and then head for cover to avoid the thoughtful analysis of their Lies!
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