Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
So what. Some people aren't cut out to trample through a foreign country and kill it's people over the request of their nations corporate interests.
^ Oh WOWZERS!!!! OMG. Let's explore this view because I find it a fascinating expose. Thank you for posting this. That has got to be one of the most Anti-American views I've read in quite some time. Even worse than my own. How can you claim you're patriotic and love the US while espousing such Anti American views. You sound like a member of the far far left. I would request your fellow friends on this site to examine your words closely. Unfortunately for you the toothpaste cant be put back in the tube. With such views and low opinion of the American military and its soldiers please take the time to explain how you're any different from the Republican views of Colin Kaepernick. The more you guys talk the more you reveal your true nature.

you're awesome thanks.
Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Clinton and Obama never served in the Military either are you going to pass judgment on them too?
No because of several reasons. 1.) Clinton and Obama dont go around questioning the patriotism of people they dont agree with and 2.) They both have a record of US military service in their families even though they personally never served. and 3.) Neither one of them falsely claimed they couldn't serve by getting 5...count em 5 Military deferments because of a bogus ankle bone spur lie.