Originally Posted by osirus09
some of these providers are delusional...including her. There is one provider that says to meet with her, you must give her 100 for a lunch meeting, no sex, provide a generous tip to the waiters, and then she decides if she will see you...now maybe she was speaking in code. If not, she is truly lost and the guys that jump through those hoops are overly thirsty. There are too many quality providers that have reasonable screening to go through the drama.

Orisons...while her business model is one that has seldom used, it has been used before. Several years ago there was an artist/provider in Dallas who had the same lunch or coffee date thing and I beleive she was quite successful.
Not saying you're wrong to point it out, but we all have our opinions and providers are entitled to manage their businesses with their own styles. We, as hobbiests, have our final say as to wether or not our styles match. After all, that's why they make chocolate and vanilla ... sometimes with a little Rocky Road thrown in.
I hope as providers an hobbiests each one of us finds their own niche.