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Old 10-30-2017, 08:57 AM   #1
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Default trump was right again,this time about the charlottesville actors

didn't Elizabeth warren go to europe at the time of the g20 to show solidarity with antifa and the anti-capitalists?

at the same time her antifa buddies were meeting with ISIS and al queda

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Old 10-30-2017, 10:41 AM   #2
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As did DeBlasio rush off to the g 20 to help stir up more of his nonsense while he had a city in mourning over that lovely female officer who was ambushed and killed. I hate to say it but I am beginning to feel they are all POS.
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Old 10-30-2017, 10:45 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Cherie View Post
I hate to say it but ....
Are things improving in South Florida? (Serious question)!

The "Trump States" seem to be off the front page! Go figure!

Not to mention PR!
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Old 10-30-2017, 01:42 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Cherie View Post
As did DeBlasio rush off to the g 20 to help stir up more of his nonsense while he had a city in mourning over that lovely female officer who was ambushed and killed. I hate to say it but I am beginning to feel they are all POS.
I've felt they are all Pieces of turd for a LONG TIME..
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Old 10-30-2017, 03:47 PM   #5
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US Antifa and other Leftist groups met in Germany with al-Qaeda and ISIS to plot Trump’s destruction


These hard-Leftist groups, although they claim to be against fascism, are fascist to the core, wanting to shut down, violently if necessary, anyone who disagrees with them. They claim to be against hate, but are more hateful than anyone, and so they see natural allies in al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. Both hate the West, both hate the U.S., both hate the Judeo-Christian tradition, so they see each other as kindred spirits.

“EXCLUSIVE: US left wing groups travelled to Germany for the G20 Summit last July to meet with Al qaeda and ISIS leaders and plot the destruction of President Trump, secret FBI investigation reveals,” by Ed Klein, Dailymail.com, October 29, 2017:
Edward Klein is the former editor in chief of the New York Times Magazine and the author of numerous bestsellers including his fourth book on the Clintons, Guilty as Sin, in 2016. His latest book is All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump will be released October 30, 2017

A secret FBI investigation of the violent ‘resistance’ movement on college campuses against President Trump has led to an alarming discovery—the collusion between American anarchists and foreign terrorists in the Islamic State and Al qaeda, according to a confidential ‘Informational Report’ by FBI field offices.

‘There is clearly overwhelming evidence that there are growing ties between U.S. radicals and the Islamic State, as well as several [ISIS] offshoots and splinter groups,’ stated the FBI field report, which was delivered to Acting Director Andrew McCabe on July 11, 2017, and which is being published for the first time in my new book All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump.

The FBI report on efforts by Islamic terrorists to recruit followers among violent U.S. groups like Antifa corroborates President Trump’s controversial claim, following last summer’s deadly protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, that left-wing anarchist groups are just as dangerous as right-wing white supremacists.

A secret FBI investigation of the violent ‘resistance’ movement on college campuses against President Trump has led to an alarming discovery—the collusion between American anarchists and foreign terrorists in the Islamic State and Al Qaeda (Pictured above are the protests in Charlottesville, VA)

‘This is the greatest challenge to law enforcement since the Weather Underground and the Black Panther Party,’ the FBI report declared.

Last summer, the FBI dispatched a task force to Europe to report on massive demonstrations planned by radical groups, such as the German contingent Antifaschistische Aktion, to protest President Trump’s attendance at a meeting of leaders and central bank governors of the G20 group of major industrialized countries

‘Task force covered G20 meeting in Hamburg, studied intel from local authorities, Interpol, and other assets, determined that as assumed U.S.-backed anarchist/radical groups had traveled to Germany and took place in the violence,’ the FBI’s summary stated.

‘There is also evidence of meetings between these individuals and associates of ISIS. There is an urgent need to closely surveil the identified individuals.’

The agents sent by the FBI paid particular attention to a group of anarchists from Oakland, a major port city that lies adjacent to the campus of the University of California at Berkeley, the scene of several violent protests….
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Old 10-30-2017, 10:45 PM   #6
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If someone doesn't go to jail with all that supposed evidence the FBI Has, i say WHY THE HELL KEEP the fbi open for business?
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