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Old 05-13-2017, 07:41 PM   #1
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Default Community Help?

Someone ran across a post on another forum from a provider who is active here.

In her post she says - Her phone is off. She hasn't eaten in 4 days. She will be homeless tomorrow. A friend got her a hotel room for the night.

Usually, I would go over in person and investigate and try to help in a very real physical manner. Since, I am across the country and out of Dallas, there isn't much I can do. I can however try to rally a little community help.

______________________________ _____________

She shared her hotel name and room number - So, I tried calling there, many times. I wanted to speak to her and get the real details. No answer. For whatever reason. *crosses fingers is it for work*

Without talking to her (her post said her phone is off) We don't know the situation or if it is a set up. Treading cautiously.


My first suggestion would be for someone to help her get a working phone. MetroPCS is closed, but in the AM activating a new burner phone can be as cheap as 35$.

Finding her a place to work/live, um... She should find a place that has a weekly rental price, NOT the expensive ass hotel she said someone bought for her..

She SHOULD make a post asking for help, without going into details, and ask if someone is willing to see her for X many hours for the weekly price. Risky on the guy but it is all I can think of.

There is a chance that if she posts on boards and does it in a SANE way, not her usual bat shit crazy way, she might get some charity to help with this. Easier for many people to help 20$ than one help 400+.

A little charity might be good, but really, people want her to work her way out of whatever hole she has dug for herself.

Speaking of, we would want to know why she is in this situation to begin with. Not really to judge, but to figure out what help she really needs, and what is the root of the issue, besides her phone not ringing.

I am all for helping others. I was blown away by the rally I got when I needed the help, so I feel compelled to at least try and return the favor as best I can.

Really, I am asking for suggestions and your brains more than handouts, especially since we don't have much information right now.

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Old 05-13-2017, 08:47 PM   #2
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PM me who it is and I will pay her phone bill no questions asked!!!!!
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Old 05-13-2017, 09:17 PM   #3
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Please let me know who it is and what all needs to be done. I will see what I can do.
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Old 05-13-2017, 09:50 PM   #4
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A gofundme campaign can be set up easily enough if you're looking for the multiple $20 donations. Need a little info to get it rolling but it can be shared through here.
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Old 05-13-2017, 09:58 PM   #5
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She seems to have access to post online, and hasn't responded to me in PM about anything. In her defense I haven't seen her online or post since I sent the PM, so I am just waiting. Thanks for all the offers. *hugs*
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Old 05-13-2017, 10:21 PM   #6
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Nice post. Of course I'm curious if this girl is someone I have seen. Not asking just hope she gets the help she needs.
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Old 05-13-2017, 10:37 PM   #7
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Had it been someone other than Ze posting this I'd roll my eyes that I've heard this story a thousand times.

If it's not someone like Kitty that's just BSC I'd be glad to help. One concern I've always had is how I can contribute anonymously.
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Old 05-14-2017, 07:34 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by TheEccie214 View Post
Had it been someone other than Ze posting this I'd roll my eyes that I've heard this story a thousand times.

If it's not someone like Kitty that's just BSC I'd be glad to help.
Originally Posted by ~Ze~ View Post
if she posts on boards and does it in a SANE way, not her usual bat shit crazy way, she might get some charity to help with this.
why do you think Ze is immunized from your eyes rolling? because she had a similar issue? serious question.

we have heard this story a thousand times, why is #1,001 suddenly Golden? Ze posted herself that the Provider is typically BSC.

Hell, we rarely get truthful detail in the alert section, why is this tale believable without jaundice?

just asking.
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Old 05-14-2017, 07:56 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Analeese View Post
PM me who it is and I will pay her phone bill no questions asked!!!!!

Youve got a good heart.....

Sadly it's amazing how often someone needs help with their bills and when an offer is made to pay the for example the electric co. directly.....you get silence.
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Old 05-14-2017, 08:08 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
why do you think Ze is immunized from your eyes rolling? because she had a similar issue? serious question.

we have heard this story a thousand times, why is #1,001 suddenly Golden? Ze posted herself that the Provider is typically BSC.

Hell, we rarely get truthful detail in the alert section, why is this tale believable without jaundice?

just asking.
There is reason to be skeptical, more so given where we're looking at this. However if it makes you feel any more reassured, I brought this to her attention. I found where this person was asking for help, and took notice that it was to a degree far more serious than has been asked here by themselves previously. So I reached out first to someone whom I thought might be able to do more than I could, on numerous fronts.

She's admitting that this needs to be taken with a healthy dose of skeptism, and I agree; but if it is as serious as it sounds, maybe someone willing and able to help will take heed and do so. So is Ze to be more trustworthy or immune to garner eye rolls? I trusted her despite never having had more than interactions of what you can see publicly.
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Old 05-14-2017, 08:16 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by FunInDFW View Post
There is reason to be skeptical, more so given where we're looking at this. However if it makes you feel any more reassured, I brought this to her attention. I found where this person was asking for help, and took notice that it was to a degree far more serious than has been asked here by themselves previously. So I reached out first to someone whom I thought might be able to do more than I could, on numerous fronts.

She's admitting that this needs to be taken with a healthy dose of skeptism, and I agree; but if it is as serious as it sounds, maybe someone willing and able to help will take heed and do so. So is Ze to be more trustworthy or immune to garner eye rolls? I trusted her despite never having had more than interactions of what you can see publicly.
Chung - this. Never seen Ze but very much respect her. Over the years I've seen she'll be one of the first ones to call BS on something or someone.

When I first started the hobby I was an easy mark, gave a lot of money to girls that had a story until I realized most times I was either being taken advantage of or the girl herself was her worst enemy and her troubles were self inflicted and I'd help her this week, she'd do nothing different and be in the same situation the following week. I like to help but only those willing to help themselves.
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Old 05-14-2017, 08:51 AM   #12
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thanks guys.. at least I know there's genuine thoughtfulness in your responses.. I hope whatever bad situation may be present is alleviated soon.
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Old 05-14-2017, 09:07 AM   #13
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Be careful of TOO MUCH enabling.
A person can easily find themselves depending on hand outs.

I'm not being a cold bitch ... I've been there myself in the past.

I just know ... that there comes a time when you wake up and make a change.
I finally got a clue years ago and that is why I started a legitimate business on the side which is doing very well.

Everybody has more than one talent - I am sure of it.
You just have to stir up your creativity and ingenuity.
Craigs lists "gigs" is a good place to start to find something quick that pays bucks. Even if it is making customer service phone calls from your hotel room.

I would like to help, but need more info on the girl and what her plan is moving forward.

One more thing - when we give dollar bills to those homeless guys on the street - they typically buy drugs or booze. Just sayin.

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Old 05-14-2017, 10:08 AM   #14
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Ze, I sent you a pm. I'd like to help as well.
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Old 05-14-2017, 10:40 AM   #15
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If she's active here why not just say who she is?
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