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Old 01-11-2017, 10:58 AM   #1
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Question Being there for providers

Been thinking... hobbyists and providers form a kind of community. I am thinking of those for whom tricking or seeing providers is part of their lives, regardless of the marital or relationship status of either. While it's true providers wouldn't have sex with us unless we paid them (well, there are exceptions, but this is atypical), nonetheless collectively us hobbyists form fairly intimate relationships with providers over time. Some can become quite personal, even if the rel'p never becomes a "conventional" one (ie, money stops changing hands on a per encounter basis; in "conventional" hetero rel'ps, it still changes hands but more regularly and without a specific quid pro quo at the time... but that's typically the only real measurable difference).

I have observed that there are some providers who may not be talking to their clients about it, but are sitting on some serious issues. Some include not having decent or any health insurance, not being "legal" in the typical sense (ie, haven't filed any kind of tax return in X years, nor have a recorded income via W-2s, etc.), thereby giving rise to more problems. Some include but are not limited to being able to get SS Disability if they get seriously sick or injured, etc. Then there are such matters as wills or legal issues like trusts for minor children (ie, if a kid's mom can no longer provide for her due to death, etc., then what?) Others have concerns such as having parents or other fam. members in need of care or help and not knowing what to do to help them, etc. Then there are those with substance addictions who turned to tricking to feed their addiction who are way off the books and may have priors, etc.

Some of us hobbyists are in a position to be of assistance to them with little or no cost to ourselves because of what we know. Given that we are, collectively, all being intimate with these women, to me it kind of makes sense that where we can do so w/out endangering our own private lives or being taken advantage of monetarily or some other way, that we do so. If we can't be of help to the women we are having sex with, who can we be to?

What do you all (hobbyists and providers) think of us asking the ECCIE admins to open a new board up entitled simply "Requests for Assistance, Input, and Information" wherein anyone (hobbyists, too) can post requests for same for sometimes rather serious issues providers have in their lives and those of their children? I would suggest that ppl posting to the board do so under a 2nd userid so as to protect the poster's privacy. A provider may for example be well-known as "YourGirlFridayXXX" and have a lot of clients but may not want everyone to know of her legal or other problems, so she'd make a new ID named like "Me123" and post to that board with that ID.

Then of course hobbyists or indeed other providers could reply with helpful advice, directions to resources, etc. I'd suggest having both a national board and local boards for ea. locale (as we do for reviews and ads) so that if someone believed she or he needed to meet someone to further their assistance, they would be local.

Only rule would be this: It's all free. No provider should feel she needs to supply her service gratis in exchange for assistance and no hobbyist would expect her to. Obviously though, you're consenting adults so if things happen, they do. But there should be no expectation of any quid pro quo. This is entirely by way of us as hobbyists being there to help and support our beloved providers. In return though, providers should not expect of or ask a hobbyist for direct financial support, or to do anything that could cause his hobbying to be exposed, endangering his "real-world" life situation. And any assistance rendered would have to be utterly confidential even within this community, and a hobbyist should feel free to decline a request for assistance w/out it being some kind of strike against him. Ie, if he is a girl's client too and he declines to help her, that reason alone should not get him blacklisted from her or anyone else, hence the need for internal confidentiality, too.

Well what do you all think? I can see it working so long as everyone understands the ground rules and lives on their honor (as it were) to execute them. I can see a lot of good for a lot of ppl coming from it.
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Old 01-11-2017, 11:50 AM   #2
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In my case, I Hobby so I do not have to "be there".
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Old 01-11-2017, 12:52 PM   #3
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While this may be a noble thought, it is fraught with potential problems, even disaster. Not something I would be comfortable participating in.
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Old 01-11-2017, 01:54 PM   #4
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Seems like marriage.
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Old 01-11-2017, 02:18 PM   #5
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They are grown women and they need to get their own shit together. Its Their problem they didn't pay or the like all those years. There are so many info sources out there, payroll companies, yada, yada. There is not an excuse.

People have to help themselves. And... us hooks make plenty of money to get a life, pay taxes, health care and more.

Also it already happens... you dont need a section on Eccie... Plenty of suckers out there buying a hooks sob story on how she cant pay rent or the like shelling out the cash...
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Old 01-12-2017, 08:29 AM   #6
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find a girlfriend, sounds like hobbying isn't for you and you are looking for problems/drama in your life

the point of hobbying is to get laid and not have to talk to the person again unless you want to.
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Old 01-12-2017, 08:40 AM   #7
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Do the same for waitresses, retail clerks and gas station attendants.

I pay them to fuck and when they open their mouth it is to get a dick in it.
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Old 01-12-2017, 10:05 AM   #8
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The problem with providing profession services you would still be liable. Some business insurance would not cover this unless the were actually a client in your business and can request documentation supporting this.

Sadly, many noble deeds are not that able to do. For many of the ladies, this and similar threads & post's serve as a great screening tool to know how some of the guy show respect or more notably lack off.
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Old 01-12-2017, 10:28 AM   #9
Himeros Desire God
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I think that I understand what the original intent for this thread was. And yes we are at least in the shreveport-bossier city area a very tight-knit community. To some of us it's all about the sex but to some of us it's all about the relationships not just on the level of fucking but we are a community of people that are allowed to express ourselves openly and freely to each other without judgement. I like to consider a lot of the ladies and a lot of the guys on here as being friends some of them I have never met some of them I have. If there is a level of trust between two people who have seen each other on multiple occasions that I don't see anything wrong with helping each other out whether it be whatever. Now on the other side of this just a random person on a board saying hey come do my taxes and I'm going to give you all my information is crazy.

Play safe
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Old 01-12-2017, 04:32 PM   #10
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GotYour6, what an ass you are!
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Old 01-12-2017, 05:41 PM   #11
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Holy Jesus... I promise I'll never bring the subject up again.
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Old 01-12-2017, 06:33 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by spa999 View Post
Holy Jesus... I promise I'll never bring the subject up again.
People are just keeping it real... You asked we gave opinions. Its all good.
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Old 01-12-2017, 10:27 PM   #13
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I can only speak for myself. As a provider, I want to keep my personal and professional lives separate and will never involve my clients with my problems. I do not have any problems that were mentioned in the original post. I have a pretty good life. But I am one of the fortunate people to have a good upbringing, good education, good career, and a good head on my shoulder. A good provider is a smart woman with intelligence and common sense to run her business well, obtain health insurance, life insurance, file her taxes, save her money for rainy days, responsible, stay healthy emotionally and physically, etc. The education and resources are easily available online. If they need insurance, they can easily obtain thru healthcare.gov, there are accountants to help with taxes, attorneys for legal issue or to write a will, there are insurance agents. It's really simple to do all this. And providers make pretty good money.
I appreciate you want to help people. Maybe it's better to just help children with cancer, or cancer research, or orphanage? They are the ones who need more help I think.
If you are determined to help providers, you can help by booking with them and respect boundaries.....do not try to meddle with their personal lives. Therefore, the hobby will be as it's supposed to be. Simple, no-strings attached, no drama.
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Old 01-13-2017, 04:43 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by psmith5011 View Post
GotYour6, what an ass you are!
Thank you
I am not a PC kind of guy and someone that wants to dip into personal lives of a hooker is going to end up shot, stabbed, broke or killed.

Not going to sugar coat how fucking stupid this is.
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Old 01-13-2017, 05:39 AM   #15
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