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Old 10-18-2016, 11:35 AM   #1
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Default Beating An OLD Dead...

Horse much? Really 2 pages, I dont think Ive ever had two pages of replies on a review, ever. But I'll take the free press! But ya'all can straighten something out for me, since Ive noticed it on more than just my reviews, even though I probably should let it go?

I dont understand why some of you find it hard to believe someone would have a good time with me? I mean, isnt the whole point of a review system is to say whether or not it was a successful session, it was safe, performance was good, was she clean, was he mislead, was he robbed, safe location? So if he had a good time, and the donation came from his pocket, what is all the "shit talking" for? It was his time, his money, his impression, and again, isnt that what a review is about?

Im not 50 yet, but thats ok its around the corner, lol (Coming faster every year!lol) But "fat as hell"? Hardly!! I go up & down 10lbs, all the time, but you wont find 1 stretch mark on my body, I dont even have the bone structure to be "fat as hell"! Honestly, I dont think I even know, or have ever even seen you, HighsideHustler? But really Im not trying to debate anyones opinion, maybe my face is a wreck to some of you, but obviously not everyone thinks so, and again, that has "what" to do with my skills? Im hardly fucking perfect, but I can suck & fuck!!

Volataire77, you didnt ask my age before you came here? Your hands were all over me like I was the 1st woman you ever saw or touched. I know for a fact I did the right thing when you visited, you should stick to car dates, Ive never met anyone who had such awful, well really I cant even say bedside manners, I threw your greasy, shady ass out, before anything could happen, so fuck off, you called me, & I wouldnt do you!! lol But consider yourself special, Ive NEVER EVER had to decline an appt for acting inappropriate or drunk maybe, or throw anyone out before!

Obviously, this does not apply to all of you. Really, your opinion is your opinion, but Im not gonna have a few that dont have a clue, lie & talk shit on something they know nothing about! Ive met so many of you and had a great time. Im grateful to so many of you, you've brought a lot of fun & joy to my life, and allowed me to do many things, I probably couldnt have done on my own. I have had to learn to get thick skin, but that just goes with this business I believe, you cant please everyone?

But again, back to my point, I apologize,I went off topic, sorta like my review did. I never mislead the OP, actually Ive seen him many times. I didnt steal from him, he was here for his whole time, I dont clock watch. I was freshly showered, and in clean, pretty lingerie. We had a great time.
I post a new pic in every ad I post(I dont post in the Pgh ad section here though) , and I thought I fixed my profile here so it doesnt say Im in my 30's anymore, I just dont get why ya'all wanna keep piling it on & calling "bullshit" or act like my review is a joke? Ive never lied about my age, or been disrespectful to anyone, I try to stay as drama free as possible and keep us safe and make scheduling easy. Ya'all have expressed over & over Im old & ugly, so why keep beating a dead horse? Im well aware of who doesnt like me, especially by now! It certainly wouldnt be the 1st review Ive gotten, and read these same things on?

So I got a decent review, and a bunch of comments, giving your opinions? Nothing wrong with having an opinion, but start a new topic? Alot of you are talking about me from 10years ago, so what do you know about me now? How do you know I havent had any work done? You may be surprised?

Had I been asked, I'd of declined a review. So I apologize that ya'all even had to read it. Im trying to move on, & be UTR these days. But since Ive received another review, besides him writing it to get BCD credit, whats the point of ya'all writing a review, if the reasons I thought they were about, are incorrect? Thoughts?

Thanks fellas, Heather xoxo
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Old 10-18-2016, 12:50 PM   #2
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I've always had a good time with HL. Has a cool incall which is clean. She keeps up her end of the bargain, no drama. And she posts recent pics. If she's not your cup of tea, move on. To my knowledge she's hasn't fucked anyone over. To each his own.
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Old 10-18-2016, 01:05 PM   #3
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For what it's worth, Heather is and always has been one of the coolest woman around the hobby. No bullshit, no drama and most of all no fat. It's been a long time since I have seen her BCD, but when I did, she was great and I'm sure she still is. I've never seen anything to suggest she's misrepresentated herself in any way.

Hey Heather, we need to get together for drinks sometime.
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Old 10-18-2016, 02:17 PM   #4
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I second that Big Stig. Never and issue with her. One of the best.
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Old 10-18-2016, 05:08 PM   #5
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Default Can't believe I'm even reading the BS, but ....

I love Heather.
She's one of the ladies around who does keep it real.

No drama, no "shady location" no random out of the blue texts and no bad press ever. I know when she says something she's always talking the truth.
The reviewer had a great time, said so in his review, but some of you mongers feel the need to express your "less than stellar comments" about a woman at least one of you has never met...

As to age.....
I AM the one around here in my 50's not Heather,
let's get that shit right..and trust me,
there are plenty of gents who prefer a lady who already knows how to please a man and where all those good spots are over a younger less experienced lady everytime.

So, to the rest of you.... keep on going for the $60 hoodrat and/or younger chick....tits on a stick and hoping she'll get that BJ right.

As for HighsideHustler WTF?
You never met the chick but you felt the need to add stupid remarks to a review rather than ever write one?
You wouldn't happen to be Bulgarian would you?

In case you haven't noticed....
No one around eccie really gives a rats ass about the opinion of one who doesn't share any info other than to rag on the reviews.
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Old 10-18-2016, 05:56 PM   #6
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Old 10-18-2016, 09:19 PM   #7
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I saw Heather a few months back. She delivered the kind of laid-back, casual, no drama appointment I was looking for. Prompt. Solid skills. Playful. Energetic. Nice ink.

Would/will repeat.
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Old 10-19-2016, 03:58 AM   #8
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She is always a great time. We've played for years. No games. NO BS.. always dressed sexy and freshly showered. She is a classy lady and is what I look to in this hobby. I've Been around since twenty + years. Ladies like heather and Jinny are the rare gems of indys.. will be reaching out to them for some play time.
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Old 10-19-2016, 06:30 AM   #9
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If there ever was a provider that I would be friends with it would have to be Heather. Haven't seen her for about 20 years but might have to get in touch again. Nice memories...
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Old 10-19-2016, 07:19 AM   #10
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Heather, I am with you on this one. I did see you many years back once (I am sure you don't remember me though). I honestly can't tell you why, but you just weren't my type. I had a good session with you, and you were nothing but classy and professional, but it just didn't click for me, if you know what I mean.

Having said that, I see absolutely no reason for anyone to be insulting toward you or to any of the guys who do find you attractive and enjoyable to be with. Heather may not be your cup of tea, guys, but for others she may be exactly what they're looking for. Different people are looking for different things in a provider. Keep that in mind before hurling insults.

IMO, it's only when a provider misrepresents herself that criticism of looks, age or body type are warranted. Heather is quite honest and upfront about her age and body type. If you don't like an older provider, go see someone else; don't insult those who do enjoy an older lady like Heather.
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Old 10-19-2016, 07:22 AM   #11
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How in the world could anyone dis Heather? Zero drama, zero issues and never any misrepresentation by her. I regularly recommend her to other mongers.

You can see exactly what you are getting with her in her pics too. She doesnt hide or blur her face, doesnt contort her body in odd positions to try and make herself look thinner, doesnt put her arm or a random piece of clothing over a body part to hide anything. Its all right here, and they arent photoshopped glamour shots, she looks just like her pics do. If you dont like the pics dont go see her, duh
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Old 10-19-2016, 10:20 AM   #12
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Her dog was always cool as fuck too, chin up Heather, you don't need to defend anything
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Old 10-19-2016, 12:24 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by kngslmn View Post
Her dog was always cool as fuck too, chin up Heather, you don't need to defend anything
LMAO! Thanks, my doggie is my baby!

For real, thank you all for saying such nice things, I really appreciate it. Also, its cool to have an opinion, like smarty1 mentioned, not everyone does click, also, Ive learned so much since Ive started. Im definitely not everyones cup of tea, and Im ok with that! Im also OK that I may have outgrown some of you guys I used to see, variety is awesome, and I know some of ya'all prefer to see a certain age group, or whatever the case! But Im not gonna let someone who doesnt know me talk shit, and say Im "fat as hell" Fuck you!!

I respect most of ya'all, and Im not mad at anyone, but what pisses me off the most,(Just an example) one of the guys said something hurtful, and kinda rude, and when I asked him about it, he said "I hope I didnt hurt your feelings, your still the only provider who could get me off twice in 30mins" , now why didnt he comment that too? lol That wasnt recent or anything, and I wasnt mad at him for it, but I just find it kinda fucked up, and pointless, like why? He & I shared a lot of fun, and hes moved on, and thats cool.

I certainly didnt write this because I need an ego boost, or defended. I know Im a good girl! lol But Im not gonna have some dickhead who doesnt know me, or that dirty scum Volaire77 talk shit!
IDK? I just dont get what all the negativity is for? IDK, maybe it makes you feel better, whatever the reason, I just dont appreciate it, when I get a good review.

I really dont want any recent reviews anymore but unfortunately its not always my choice. So why trash it, I dont notice that in any other cities, unless its an undesirable review?

OK, Im dont with this subject, Im gonna post Stig, we should all meet 4 happy hour? Heather xoxo
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Old 10-19-2016, 04:53 PM   #14
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Old 10-21-2016, 05:46 AM   #15
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You tell 'em Heather, dont fuck with a biker chic.

Seriously though, what floats someones boat as far as age and appearance is a matter of individual choice but I see you all posting about chics you have seen with bad attitudes, poor skills and every flavor of bullshit under the sun. If all providers regardless of age and so on had the cool attitude that Heather has, this hobby would be fucking amazing. I'm pretty sure if you have a hard time getting along with Heather then its you and not her.
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