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Old 09-16-2016, 09:48 PM   #1
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Default NCNS SarahSmiles

Date: 9/16/16
Provider: SarahSmiles
User ID:
Phone: 512-766-9869
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website: http://eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=151
City: Austin
Address: North
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Session Length: Asked for 1 hr FBSM
Hair Length and Color: ???
Age: ???
Smoking Status: I'm smoking mad

Breaking update: She just texted me (1 hr 10 mins after promised time) that her "Spidey sense" had gone off -- after I gave her two providers' names AND my Eccie AND P411 handles. I texted her back that I'm posting this. She replied, "these are always fun," which is apparently all this is to her.

This is the second time in a week that I've driven from far south Austin to north Austin for a busted engagement. I've been keeping a very low profile, but this is outrageous and this time I'm calling out SarahSmiles. I wondered a bit about the lack of recent reviews, but nothing seemed amiss.

After searching, I requested her appt. through P411. Since I'm a brand-new member there, I also gave her my Eccie handle. I was going to duplicate the message through Eccie, but saw her phone number here, so I texted her and we texted back and forth to plan for one hour FBSM at 9:30 p.m., incall. It's a 30-minute drive from my home to north Austin, where I expected to do the two-call system once in the neighborhood. I texted her when I was leaving (I really don't text and drive), and she asked an odd question: Had I ever seen a provider before?

I thought she perhaps mixed me up with some other text convo, but I'm a good boy, so I replied Yes;
--I reminded her about my P411 and Eccie handles, and told her the subject of my most recent Eccie review;
--I gave her the names of two providers who had previously promised to vouch for me. She didn't respond, so I lit the afterburners because this texting was already making me a bit late to start across the river.

At 9:35 I texted her from the ATM in her neighborhood. "Ready for directions" at 9:38, "Hello?" at 9:42, "circling..." at 9:45, and a 9:48 goodbye. In that, I didn't curse her or even call her an irresponsible airhead. So I texted politely five times in 20 minutes, then drove back to south Austin, again.

She could have texted me that she was still checking references, she could have told me that her dog was throwing up, whatever -- but she went silent and caused me to drive 90 minutes on a Friday night through Austin traffic.

In fact, I've driven 3.5 hours this week trying to hook up with a north Austin provider, and most of that has been on I-35 through downtown.

SarahSmiles, you should be ashamed of yourself. You were not a professional, contributing member of P411 and Eccie tonight.
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Old 09-17-2016, 08:14 AM   #2
Stewie griffen
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She did something similar to me not too long ago.
Said her phone was busted and pm only. Got to her spot and pm for room number, crickets. An hour later she pms me giving me some line about her computer was having problems. I was dissapointed for sure.
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Old 09-17-2016, 08:35 AM   #3
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Sucks (not in a good way) that you got to deal with traffic for this. She was notorious for flaky TCB skills; would let visitors sit in parking lot for 20-30 minutes while she finished getting ready or just flake altogether. Recent reviews seemed to indicate improvement, but alas.
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Old 09-17-2016, 11:02 AM   #4
Stewie griffen
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Her tcb was good until It got to appointment time, then crickets....
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Old 09-17-2016, 11:08 AM   #5
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Sarah has been known for this for A LONG TIME. How she still gets ANY calls is a mystery.. I wouldn't waste the time to make a call to her, nor recommend her to anyone.. Went through that same nonsense with her a couple of yrs back, she's never changed her TOB...
I haven't checked, but, I doubt she has many, (if any at all) good reviews recently. Just a waste of time gents, move on, let her stew in her own lies.
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Old 09-17-2016, 11:33 AM   #6
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Old 09-17-2016, 11:34 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by nuglet View Post
I haven't checked, but, I doubt she has many, (if any at all) good reviews recently. Just a waste of time gents, move on, let her stew in her own lies.
Would it be helpful if experiences like this could linked to the providers showcase to assist others with making an informed decision? Unfortunately, this and any other NCNS will not be due to eccie policy . A monger has to search coed discussion for those experiences shared by others.
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Old 09-17-2016, 02:05 PM   #8
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Thumbs down

Originally Posted by saustin View Post
Would it be helpful if experiences like this could linked to the providers showcase to assist others with making an informed decision? Unfortunately, this and any other NCNS will not be due to eccie policy . A monger has to search coed discussion for those experiences shared by others.
I reported it, several times, ,due to several nsnc by said hooker.. Most ladies I try to show respect, but this one... well.... not so much.
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Old 09-17-2016, 05:08 PM   #9
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Amazingly, she's just (9/17 6:00 p.m.) posted an ad about "fantasy" -- yeah, the fantasy is that you'll get a satisfactory session on time. Even more amazingly, she'll get a taker who will obligingly write a glowing "Sarah put a smile on my face!" review.

When she communicates the bullshit excuse an hour after the NCNS, as is her habit, she's actually asking a question: "Are you stupid?" If somebody bought one of those excuses, the self-answer would be "Yes, I'm stupid."
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Old 09-17-2016, 06:44 PM   #10
Bourne Whorist
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Maybe she ponders a new retirement right before each session, and sometimes retirement wins?
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Old 09-17-2016, 08:05 PM   #11
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She should retire. Sarahsmiles NCNS obviously doesn't want to provide services, yet she likes the attention of advertising and being sought, so Sarahsmiles NCNS will keep standing guys up.

For extra points: The manipulative attention seeking is classic passive-aggressive behavior, which is a form of neurosis. It's specifically manifest with the post-NCNS bullshit communication in which she seeks to keep the game going. In addition, there is probably some male hostility behind the devious yet taunting denial of wanna-be clients.
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Old 09-18-2016, 09:35 AM   #12
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Oh I remember her history of ncns, lack luster providing, over talkative mumbo jumbo, unmentionables, making deals with wk fools while not following through,owing money, and so on...Thus shit goes back to ASPD. Why use private tags?
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Old 09-18-2016, 07:33 PM   #13
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Oh, that bold-facing isn't for private tags. I formatted SarahsmilesNCNS that way thinking that it would leap out at a future searcher; I know that hashtags don't apply here, but thinking along those lines. I see she's back up on the Available list this evening, so she may not have lured any chumps this weekend into her twisted game.

This weekend, besides learning that SarahsmilesNCNS is a lying flake, I also realized that I wasted the $129. and personal data vulnerability by joining P411. There are the same providers there as on Eccie, including Sarahsmiles NCNS because she thinks it's fun, but almost all have a minimum $300/hr. And obviously, contacting SarahsmilesNCNS through P411 where she is also listed got me the same results as contacting her through Eccie or Backpage or Craigslist -- nothing.
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Old 09-18-2016, 08:19 PM   #14
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Props to you for the thread.
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Old 09-18-2016, 10:16 PM   #15
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Question for all: With many providers working hard to post ads, provide good TCB and exciting BCD activities, why would Sarahsmiles NCNS a paying client?

Given that I often hear providers say that it's becoming harder to find quality clients and I often hear hobbyists claim there are no longer the choices available in ATX, why would Sarasmiles NCNS a client?

Does anyone have any answers? It's a mystery to me why a provider were act this way with guy and have a pattern of similar behavior.
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