Date: 9/16/16
Provider: SarahSmiles
User ID:
Phone: 512-766-9869
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website:
City: Austin
Address: North
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Session Length: Asked for 1 hr FBSM
Hair Length and Color: ???
Age: ???
Smoking Status: I'm smoking mad
Breaking update: She just texted me (1 hr 10 mins after promised time) that her "Spidey sense" had gone off -- after I gave her two providers' names AND my Eccie AND P411 handles. I texted her back that I'm posting this. She replied, "these are always fun," which is apparently all this is to her.
This is the second time in a week that I've driven from far south Austin to north Austin for a busted engagement. I've been keeping a very low profile, but this is outrageous and this time I'm calling out
SarahSmiles. I wondered a bit about the lack of recent reviews, but nothing seemed amiss.
After searching, I requested her appt. through P411. Since I'm a brand-new member there, I also gave her my Eccie handle. I was going to duplicate the message through Eccie, but saw her phone number here, so I texted her and we texted back and forth to plan for one hour FBSM at 9:30 p.m., incall. It's a 30-minute drive from my home to north Austin, where I expected to do the two-call system once in the neighborhood. I texted her when I was leaving (I really don't text and drive), and she asked an odd question: Had I ever seen a provider before?
I thought she perhaps mixed me up with some other text convo, but I'm a good boy, so I replied Yes;
--I reminded her about my P411 and Eccie handles, and told her the subject of my most recent Eccie review;
--I gave her the names of two providers who had previously promised to vouch for me. She didn't respond, so I lit the afterburners because this texting was already making me a bit late to start across the river.
At 9:35 I texted her from the ATM in her neighborhood. "Ready for directions" at 9:38, "Hello?" at 9:42, "circling..." at 9:45, and a 9:48 goodbye. In that, I didn't curse her or even call her an irresponsible airhead. So I texted politely five times in 20 minutes, then drove back to south Austin, again.
She could have texted me that she was still checking references,
she could have told me that her dog was throwing up, whatever -- but she went silent and caused me to drive 90 minutes on a Friday night through Austin traffic.
In fact, I've driven 3.5 hours this week trying to hook up with a north Austin provider, and most of that has been on I-35 through downtown.
SarahSmiles, you should be ashamed of yourself. You were not a professional, contributing member of P411 and Eccie tonight.