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I suspect that before it is all over, every one of the Officers charged by that punk ass prosecutor in Baltimore will be found not guilty.
Her sorry ass should be charged with unlawful prosecution of Officers simply doing their job.
She threw red meat to placate the mob of poverty pimps, "dindunuffins", and midnight shoppers. Wrong on all counts.
Wonder how long it will be before the Injustice Department goes after the officer for " civil rights " violations ? And how long before the Dindu Nuffins head cheerleader and race baiter, Al Sharptongue, set the stage for rioting ? Which, of course, he, and only he, can make go away for a substantial "donation " to the Dindu Nuffin ministry ! " We shall overcome ", y'all !
Wonder how long it will be before the Injustice Department goes after the officer for " civil rights " violations ? And how long before the Dindu Nuffins head cheerleader and race baiter, Al Sharptongue, set the stage for rioting ? Which, of course, he, and only he, can make go away for a substantial "donation " to the Dindu Nuffin ministry ! " We shall overcome ", y'all !
There seems to be a growing knowledge among some legal heavy weights that this State Prosecutor's case is exactly what most of us knew from the beginning.
This Prosecutor not only over reached on her charges, she brought the charges with the prime motivation being placating the "Mob".
There seems to be a growing knowledge among some legal heavy weights that this State Prosecutor's case is exactly what most of us knew from the beginning.
This Prosecutor not only over reached on her charges, she brought the charges with the prime motivation being placating the "Mob".
Hopefully the Police Officers involved can get a hungry attorney that will file malicious prosecution charges against the State Prosecutor, personally and in the S.P.'s official capacity. Let that weasel feel what it's like to go through the "system ".
I suspect that before it is all over, every one of the Officers charged by that punk ass prosecutor in Baltimore will be found not guilty.
Her sorry ass should be charged with unlawful prosecution of Officers simply doing their job.
She threw red meat to placate the mob of poverty pimps, "dindunuffins", and midnight shoppers. Wrong on all counts.
There are three things about reality we have to sift through in order to find the truth. That is "What the truth really is", What you think the truth really is and what the MSM tells you what the truth is. It's like walking through a cow pasture you have to be careful where you step cause you could slip and that's a bitch, lol.
Hopefully the Police Officers involved can get a hungry attorney that will file malicious prosecution charges against the State Prosecutor, personally and in the S.P.'s official capacity. Let that weasel feel what it's like to go through the "system ".
A lawyer who has been well fed, and doesn't need the next fee is better.
Not specifically certain about Maryland, but in most states the prosecution enjoys "prosecutorial immunity" or at least partial, if not full immunity, and the plaintiffs will have to prove "malice" ( evil intent) to get over the "hump" ....
.. "malice" requires a level of intellectual and analytical ability to evaluate a factual situation and drawn conclusions upon the facts, and act upon those conclusions while wholly disregarding the rights and protections of the target of the "malice" ....
.. she seems to qualify for the defense of "impaired capacity" as to malice."
Or to put it plainly: She's too fucking stupid to have any "forethought"!
There seems to be a growing knowledge among some legal heavy weights that this State Prosecutor's case is exactly what most of us knew from the beginning.
This Prosecutor not only over reached on her charges, she brought the charges with the prime motivation being placating the "Mob".
Just asking a question not defending anything,
If a person is arrested put into the paddy wagon, and arrives with a broken neck shouldn't someone be responsible?
Just asking a question not defending anything,
If a person is arrested put into the paddy wagon, and arrives with a broken neck shouldn't someone be responsible?
Or did he break his own neck?
When it comes to public service such as the Police, once in their custody the police are responsible for that arrestee. Being held accountable is one thing. Being charged with a criminal act is another. There has never been any evidence that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the injury sustained by Freddie Gray was the direct result of malice by the officers associated with his arrest.
Just asking a question not defending anything,
If a person is arrested put into the paddy wagon, and arrives with a broken neck shouldn't someone be responsible?
Or did he break his own neck?
Who should be responsible, and how do you determine it? Typical liberal, Eva. Something bad happens, and it's always somebody else's fault. If you had a brain, you'd be a rich tort lawyer.
When it comes to public service such as the Police, once in their custody the police are responsible for that arrestee. Being held accountable is one thing. Being charged with a criminal act is another. There has never been any evidence that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the injury sustained by Freddie Gray was the direct result of malice by the officers associated with his arrest.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Who should be responsible, and how do you determine it? Typical liberal, Eva. Something bad happens, and it's always somebody else's fault. If you had a brain, you'd be a rich tort lawyer.
When did you two turds change your handles? It was why I asked someone with a brain.
When did you two turds change your handles? It was why I asked someone with a brain.
We were just trying to help you out, since it seems Jackie really doesn't like responding to your stupid questions. COG and I have more sympathy for ya, lol.