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Old 06-07-2016, 09:10 AM   #1
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Default Nine Facts That Prove Disability Insurance Isn’t A Giant Boondoggle

Think a lot of fraud is going on with social security disability? Take a look at this article:

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Old 06-07-2016, 01:30 PM   #2
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Yea, I think it exists .... in egregious levels ....


The next phase of "denial' will be "redefinition of terminology"!!

Like cleansing "terrorists" from one's dialogue. "If one doesn't say it, it doesn't exist."

An increase has been partially blamed on the sagging job market. It's gotten worse.
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Old 06-07-2016, 02:35 PM   #3
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Hey SassySueMe.... how much is your monthly SSDI check? Did you fake a bad back or pretend to be nuts? Or do they now include lib-tardism as a disabling mental disorder that keeps you from honest work?

Why did you start this thread? Is it because you feel guilty about collecting SSDI? You do know that everyone who enlists a shady lawyer to "qualify" is fraudulently raiding the SSDI trust fund and stealing benefits away from the truly disabled Americans for whom the program exists, right?

I hope you sleep well at night knowing that.
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Old 06-07-2016, 02:41 PM   #4
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A good friend of mine received psych disability benefits after his severance from the military as a Captain due primarily to his duties and experiences in S.E. Asia, and it was "pleasant" to spend time with him at "happy hours," which were extended most frequently until the lights went on and last call had sounded. When any loudmouths got too rowdy, he would explain to them that he was "certified crazy" and he could do anything he wanted to them (and he could btw) and he had a defense confirmed by the government.

Things remained calm and pleasant.
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Old 06-07-2016, 03:01 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
A good friend of mine received psych disability benefits after his severance from the military as a Captain due primarily to his duties and experiences in S.E. Asia, and it was "pleasant" to spend time with him at "happy hours," which were extended most frequently until the lights went on and last call had sounded. When any loudmouths got too rowdy, he would explain to them that he was "certified crazy" and he could do anything he wanted to them (and he could btw) and he had a defense confirmed by the government.

Things remained calm and pleasant.
I assume you have told him about the M'Naughten rule and all the people in jail who thought the same way as he does?
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Old 06-07-2016, 03:57 PM   #6
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More people with legitimate claims are now forced to file in Federal Court, like this man with Huntington's disease, essentially a fatal disease:


Is the DDS and Judge ignoring the facts or what???
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Old 06-07-2016, 04:13 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
I assume you have told him about the M'Naughten rule and all the people in jail who thought the same way as he does?
I found no need to refresh his recollection, since his disability was created by the necessity of prosecuting and defending atrocities that John Kerry ONLY PRETENDED to have seen. As an aside, there are some on here who are dismissive of those you do not wear their experiences on their sleeve, but there is a world of experience and exposure "out there" yet untapped or revealed.

Nor did I lecture him on "over indulgence," since I knew he was "medicating."

Some manage their difficulties and struggles more quietly and less publicized.

He was truly disabled in so far as his ability to engage in gainful employment.
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Old 06-07-2016, 04:22 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by SassySue View Post
More people with legitimate claims are now forced to file in Federal Court, ......
... I'm not going to do a statistical analysis of claims filed vs. legitimate claims.

When there is an experience level of roughly 25% of the claims processed as being "fraudulent" as that term is defined in that area of the law, then to come on here and post some rag op/ed article by "consumer advocates" who are criticizing the government for not passing out more of our money to unworthy deadbeats .... then expect to get some push back.

I have had a friend, a Marine, who lost his leg while riding "home" on the ass end of tank hit by a round, and who came "home" went into the police academy and qualified in the physical agility portion of the training, which required him to run 100 yards within a specified time. He did it on one leg! And came in 8th out of a class of 30. I used to try to get him to go to the VA and get one of those "new legs" .... the one he was issued when he got out made his stump bloody ... that's what he wore for work after he graduated.

So, please don't come on here with your Liberal whining about "legitimate claims" for "disability" coverage .... I've seen that end as well. It's disgusting. The number of disability claims have grown as the number of jobs have decreased. People qualify for disability NOW and they get free health insurance coverage!!!!!! And then they get counted as a stat to "PROVE HOW WONDERFUL OBAMACARE IS DOING!!!!!
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Old 06-07-2016, 10:38 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
... I'm not going to do a statistical analysis of claims filed vs. legitimate claims.

When there is an experience level of roughly 25% of the claims processed as being "fraudulent" as that term is defined in that area of the law, then to come on here and post some rag op/ed article by "consumer advocates" who are criticizing the government for not passing out more of our money to unworthy deadbeats .... then expect to get some push back.

I have had a friend, a Marine, who lost his leg while riding "home" on the ass end of tank hit by a round, and who came "home" went into the police academy and qualified in the physical agility portion of the training, which required him to run 100 yards within a specified time. He did it on one leg! And came in 8th out of a class of 30. I used to try to get him to go to the VA and get one of those "new legs" .... the one he was issued when he got out made his stump bloody ... that's what he wore for work after he graduated.

So, please don't come on here with your Liberal whining about "legitimate claims" for "disability" coverage .... I've seen that end as well. It's disgusting. The number of disability claims have grown as the number of jobs have decreased. People qualify for disability NOW and they get free health insurance coverage!!!!!! And then they get counted as a stat to "PROVE HOW WONDERFUL OBAMACARE IS DOING!!!!!
Funny how those bragging about Obamacare never pointed out that quirk in the statistics....
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Old 06-08-2016, 03:52 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
Funny how those bragging about Obamacare never pointed out that quirk in the statistics....
"The Master Plan" was clear from the beginning, when one factors in two general philosophies: One, Liberals believe they know better about what is "good" for EVERYONE ELSE and Two, Liberals don't need ANYONE ELSE telling them what to do, so they establish a SECOND STANDARD for themselves. RFK, Jr., drives a Mercedes SUV...and there's GORE!

A One-Payer National Health Care System for the "Masses" is the goal.

"Green" projects based on "global warming" trends is a means to control businesses, while a National Health Care System is a means to control people. Those businesses that are not significantly impacted by "Green" mandatory guidelines, will be under scrutiny via the implementation of the "National Health Care System."

A flaw in that thinking has been that "the sheep" will simply go along and not push back!

It's cheaper to pay the "fine" of $700 a year instead of the $12,000 in premiums!
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Old 06-08-2016, 06:20 AM   #11
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The ADA created out of thin air more so called disabilities than could be imagined. This carried over to our SS sytem and allowed even more fraud to become mainstream. this unfortunatl=ely creates an issue for those that are genuinely disabled to be taken care of in a timely fashion.

There is a thing that is done where some with a "disability" will get denied and search out the best SS office to get their "claim" approved. After a few denials they learn how to game the system.

Being a person that is eligible for 100% disability based on the government's criteria I choose to work rather than feed at the tit. It is not easy and in fact is rather difficult but I can still make much more money by working than I can on disability. Not only can I collect disability, I would get as much as I would if I waited to retire at a much older age. Everybody cannot ride in the wagon, some of us have to do the work.

I always find it to be the liberal mindset that there is free money out there that is just waiting to be taken. 'to them, there is no debt that they will ever be responsible for paying back.
They are takers. Even the great and powerful Obama could not keep from spending us into more dept than any other administration before him. At some point there is no more other peoples money to take. Just look at N Korea and Venezuela.

Sure you will claim that taxes are not high enough and that with more money coming in we could do more. Except none of that is true unless you are not interested in ever reducing our debt. The cry that taxes were much higher before Regan is only partially true because nobody paid the posted rate with all of the exemptions exclusions and such that made the effective rate much lower.

More government and higher taxes is never the answer, it is the problem.
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Old 06-08-2016, 06:24 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
More government and higher taxes is never the answer, it is the problem.
"The Liberal Game" is ...

.. promise free stuff, get elected by buying their votes with "free stuff," and then take more money from those who have it to pay for the "free stuff." It's a cycle. Never ending!
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Old 06-08-2016, 06:57 AM   #13
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a friend of mine and his wife went down to the local social security office. she was applying for her normal old age benefits.

he tells the story that they were the only old people in the place. that the place was full of young parents with squalling kids, all trying to get A. D. D. claims for their kids

I once posted a picture here of the Austin social security office with all the young people in it a friend of mine took. very eye opening.

if you get disability insurance under social security, you automatically qualify for medicare as well. its a double whammy

for low wage earners, the disability payments cover a good portion of their earnings, plus they can work off the books and make out pretty good

actually the huge driver of people flocking to disability is law changes made under Ronald Reagan

if he only knew the fraud caused by that
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Old 06-08-2016, 07:20 AM   #14
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Essentially the prosecution of "welfare fraud" recipients is for collection of funds paid, but as a practical matter the restitution is paid out so slowly it's hardly worth the cost of the prosecution, if it's worth any part of it.

Going to prison for some is a God-send ... 3 meals and a cot ... indoors.
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Old 06-08-2016, 08:09 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
a friend of mine and his wife went down to the local social security office. she was applying for her normal old age benefits.

he tells the story that they were the only old people in the place. that the place was full of young parents with squalling kids, all trying to get A. D. D. claims for their kids

I once posted a picture here of the Austin social security office with all the young people in it a friend of mine took. very eye opening.

if you get disability insurance under social security, you automatically qualify for medicare as well. its a double whammy

for low wage earners, the disability payments cover a good portion of their earnings, plus they can work off the books and make out pretty good

actually the huge driver of people flocking to disability is law changes made under Ronald Reagan

if he only knew the fraud caused by that
You evidently did not read the entire article or know the actual statistics of disability awards currently. Very few cases of fraud get through now and many legitimate cases are denied. People with meritorious claims actually die while waiting for benefits they have paid for. The media, like Fox news, are blowing those stories about fraud, way out of proportion, and so are you! Continuing disability reviews are being conducted and people who have improved are being cut off from the rolls (which I think is a good idea by the way), especially young people who are more able to enter the work force. Those fraud cases are a thing of the past, and any new ones are reported and cut off immediately. Those benefits are a vital lifeline for many Americans who paid into the system. It is an atrocity for them to have to wait 2-3 years, while losing their homes, all of their savings and other assets, just because they got sick and could no longer work.

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